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Shirokishi Monogatari:  Hikari to Yami no Kakusei PS3

Shirokishi Monogatari: Hikari to Yami no Kakusei

White Knight Chronicles II continues the epic story of Leonard with a brand new 30+ hour single player campaign. Featuring a fully redesigned, dynamic new combat system, you can create and customise your own exciting attack strategies and combos. With online play for up to six players, you can choose to tackle co-op quests or free-roam the game world as a team, plus the Georama feature returns allowing you to build yourmore
  • US September 13, 2011
  • EU June 10, 2011
  • JP July 8, 2010
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon
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Developer: Level-5
Publisher: D3 Publisher
  • 10 Trophy bronze icon
  • 6 Trophy silver icon
  • 8 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 1 of 25
Platinum Crown
Adjustment pixel Platinum Crown: A crown reserved for one who is perfect in every regard. Rumored to have once been worn by an ancient king.
Bronze Satchel
Adjustment pixel Bronze Satchel: Spend a total of 100,000 guilder. The money may be gone, but it's been replaced with hope.
Gold Satchel
Adjustment pixel Gold Satchel: Spend a total of 10,000,000 guilder. Who says money can't buy happiness?
Letter of Thanks
Adjustment pixel Letter of Thanks: Rid 1 person of their worries. Their gratitude is heartfelt.
Royal Certificate of Appreciation
Adjustment pixel Royal Certificate of Appreciation: Rid 150 people of their worries. The adoration of the world washes over you.
Bronze Plaque
Adjustment pixel Bronze Plaque: Proof of completing 1 monster-slaying quest. A special award bestowed by the Guild.
Silver Plaque
Adjustment pixel Silver Plaque: Proof of completing 20 monster-slaying quests. A special award bestowed by the Guild.
Gold Plaque
Adjustment pixel Gold Plaque: Proof of completing 40 monster-slaying quests. A special award bestowed by the Guild.
Bronze Star
Adjustment pixel Bronze Star: Learn 1 entire set of skills. Its bronze light shines from the soul of the wearer.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 23 08:55:28 2011
Gold Star
Adjustment pixel Gold Star: Learn 8 entire sets of skills. Its gold light shines with the power of every technique.
Rare Dabbler
Adjustment pixel Rare Dabbler: Collect 1 rare piece of equipment. A bronze ornament in the shape of a sword and shield.
Rare Collector
Adjustment pixel Rare Collector: Collect 20 rare pieces of equipment. A silver ornament in the shape of a sword and shield.
Rare Maniac
Adjustment pixel Rare Maniac: Collect 50 rare pieces of equipment. A gold ornament in the shape of a sword and shield.
Adjustment pixel Toadstone: Stone presented to beginning binders. Fashioned by the Don's underlings.
Anura's Ruby
Adjustment pixel Anura's Ruby: Gemstone presented to competent binders. Made by Anura herself.
Phibianacci's Diamond
Adjustment pixel Phibianacci's Diamond: Stone presented to outstanding binders. Created by Don Phibianacci himself.
Bronze Medal
Adjustment pixel Bronze Medal: Medal presented to rookie adventurers. A small prize from the Guild.
Silver Medal
Adjustment pixel Silver Medal: Medal presented to seasoned adventurers. A respectful award from the Guild.
Gold Medal
Adjustment pixel Gold Medal: Medal presented to legendary adventurers. A high honor from the Guild.
Mercenary's Badge
Adjustment pixel Mercenary's Badge: Complete 1 quest with an S rank. A badge presented by your clients.
Professional's Badge
Adjustment pixel Professional's Badge: Complete 50 quests with an S rank. A badge presented by your clients.
Perfectionist's Badge
Adjustment pixel Perfectionist's Badge: Complete 100 quests with an S rank. A badge presented by the Adventurer's Guild.
Inishie no Kodou
Adjustment pixel Inishie no Kodou: Ancient stone tablet, recovered from a ruin. The surface is etched in a language lost to time.
Hikari to Yami no Kakusei
Adjustment pixel Hikari to Yami no Kakusei: Mark of those who defy their fate.
Soul of Evil
Adjustment pixel Soul of Evil: Proof of having destroyed the Hakaishin.
43 players