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Where the Wild Things Are PS3

Where the Wild Things Are

Where the Wild Things Are is a fun-filled adventure that takes players on a journey through the mysterious island of the Wild Things. Players assume the role of Max, "King of All Wild Things," as they team up with the fearsome but loveable creatures. While journeying across their island, players learn amazing new skills and abilities. Solve action puzzles, overcome challenging obstacles, and play through a unique storymore
  • US October 13, 2009
  • EU November 27, 2009
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Griptonite Games
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
  • 38 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 49
All Trophies Awarded
Adjustment pixel All Trophies Awarded: All Trophies Awarded
Follow the Bull
Adjustment pixel Follow the Bull: Complete Arrival
Explore the Island
Adjustment pixel Explore the Island: Complete Road to Nowhere
Escape the Cave
Adjustment pixel Escape the Cave: Complete The Cave
Plug the Rifts
Adjustment pixel Plug the Rifts: Complete Canyon River
Rescue Ira
Adjustment pixel Rescue Ira: Complete Seasick
Go to Nowhere
Adjustment pixel Go to Nowhere: Complete Rebellion
Survive the Destruction
Adjustment pixel Survive the Destruction: Complete Crumbling Island
Find a New Island
Adjustment pixel Find a New Island: Complete The Old Willow
Reach the Ocean
Adjustment pixel Reach the Ocean: Complete Setting Sail
Find Alexander
Adjustment pixel Find Alexander: Complete Below the Root
Leap to the Moon
Adjustment pixel Leap to the Moon: Complete A Trip to the Moon
Adjustment pixel Stranger: Complete the game on Easy or Higher
Adjustment pixel Hero: Complete the game on Normal or Higher
Adjustment pixel King: Complete the game on Hard
Friend of Alexander
Adjustment pixel Friend of Alexander: Collect 25 Turtles
Friend of Ira
Adjustment pixel Friend of Ira: Collect 25 Geodes
Friend of Judith
Adjustment pixel Friend of Judith: Collect 25 Seeds
Friend of Douglas
Adjustment pixel Friend of Douglas: Collect 25 Honeycombs
Friend of the Bull
Adjustment pixel Friend of the Bull: Collect 25 Skulls
Friend of KW
Adjustment pixel Friend of KW: Collect 25 Owl Eggs
Friend of Carol
Adjustment pixel Friend of Carol: Collect 25 Houses
Adjustment pixel Veterinarian: Collect all Turtles
Adjustment pixel Geologist: Collect all Geodes
Green Thumb
Adjustment pixel Green Thumb: Collect all Seeds
Adjustment pixel Beekeeper: Collect all Honeycombs
Adjustment pixel Hamlet: Collect all Skulls
Adjustment pixel Incubator: Collect all Owl Eggs
Real Estate Mogul
Adjustment pixel Real Estate Mogul: Collect all Houses
Adjustment pixel Nova: Find 5 Stars
Adjustment pixel Supernova: Find 20 Stars
Star Cluster
Adjustment pixel Star Cluster: Find 40 Stars
Adjustment pixel Galaxy: Find 65 Stars
Adjustment pixel Universe: Find 95 Stars
On Fire
Adjustment pixel On Fire: Defeat 250 Fireflies
Greased Lightning
Adjustment pixel Greased Lightning: Defeat 25 Lightning Bugs
The Cleaner
Adjustment pixel The Cleaner: Defeat 100 Shadow Creatures
Jack of Hearts
Adjustment pixel Jack of Hearts: Earn 4 Hearts
King of Hearts
Adjustment pixel King of Hearts: Earn 7 Hearts
Ace of Hearts
Adjustment pixel Ace of Hearts: Earn 10 Hearts
Three Square Meals
Adjustment pixel Three Square Meals: Be eaten by three different Wild Things
Worst King Ever
Adjustment pixel Worst King Ever: Allow three different Wild Things to sink into oblivion
Adjustment pixel Gymnast: Power-swing from three bars in a row
Adjustment pixel Allergen: Cause three different Wild Things to sneeze
Adjustment pixel Demolitionist: Defeat five Fireflies with one bomb
Adjustment pixel Captain: Complete a Ride Carol mission without crashing
Adjustment pixel Commodore: Complete a Sailing mission without crashing
Glass Houses
Adjustment pixel Glass Houses: Start a Dirt Clod Fight with multiple Wild Things
Wild Rumpus!
Adjustment pixel Wild Rumpus!: Defeat 15 enemies in a row in melee without being hit
107 players