Wanted Master: Got all Wanted trophies!
Earned Tue Aug 3 04:32:38 2010
I am in control: Complete the 1st Tutorial
Earned Sun Aug 1 15:33:52 2010
I have it in my blood: Complete the 2nd Tutorial
Earned Sun Aug 1 15:52:38 2010
No more anxiety attacks: Complete the 3rd Tutorial
Earned Sun Aug 1 20:40:20 2010
Completed Act 1 - Easy: Complete Act 1 - Easiest Difficulty
Earned Sun Aug 1 15:50:35 2010
Completed Act 2 - Easy: Complete Act 2 - Easiest Difficulty
Earned Sun Aug 1 20:22:00 2010
Completed Act 3 - Easy: Complete Act 3 - Easiest Difficulty
Earned Sun Aug 1 20:38:59 2010
Completed Act 4 - Easy: Complete Act 4 - Easiest Difficulty
Earned Sun Aug 1 20:58:38 2010
Completed Act 5 - Easy: Complete Act 5 - Easiest Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 01:13:25 2010
Completed Act 6 - Easy: Complete Act 6 - Easiest Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 01:29:55 2010
Completed Act 7 - Easy: Complete Act 7 - Easiest Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 03:24:48 2010
Completed Act 8 - Easy: Complete Act 8 - Easiest Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 04:09:06 2010
Ready to play with the big boys: Complete Act 9 - Easiest Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 21:27:48 2010
Completed Act 1 - Assassin: Complete Act 1 - Assassin Difficulty
Earned Sun Aug 1 15:50:25 2010
Completed Act 2 - Assassin: Complete Act 2 - Assassin Difficulty
Earned Sun Aug 1 20:21:48 2010
Completed Act 3 - Assassin: Complete Act 3 - Assassin Difficulty
Earned Sun Aug 1 20:38:47 2010
Completed Act 4 - Assassin: Complete Act 4 - Assassin Difficulty
Earned Sun Aug 1 20:58:27 2010
Completed Act 5 - Assassin: Complete Act 5 - Assassin Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 01:13:14 2010
Completed Act 6 - Assassin: Complete Act 6 - Assassin Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 01:29:44 2010
Completed Act 7 - Assassin: Complete Act 7 - Assassin Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 03:24:36 2010
Completed Act 8 - Assassin: Complete Act 8 - Assassin Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 04:08:56 2010
Fully trained assassin: Complete Act 9 - Assassin Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 21:27:34 2010
Completed Act 1 - The Killer: Complete Act 1 - The Killer Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 21:51:22 2010
Completed Act 2 - The Killer: Complete Act 2 - The Killer Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 22:04:01 2010
Completed Act 3 - The Killer: Complete Act 3 - The Killer Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 22:11:55 2010
Completed Act 4 - The Killer: Complete Act 4 - The Killer Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 22:21:44 2010
Completed Act 5 - The Killer: Complete Act 5 - The Killer Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 22:36:36 2010
Completed Act 6 - The Killer: Complete Act 6 - The Killer Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 22:50:41 2010
Completed Act 7 - The Killer: Complete Act 7 - The Killer Difficulty
Earned Mon Aug 2 23:27:02 2010
Completed Act 8 - The Killer: Complete Act 8 - The Killer Difficulty
Earned Tue Aug 3 00:36:59 2010
The Killer: Complete Act 9 - The Killer Difficulty
Earned Tue Aug 3 01:27:13 2010
Collector Nerd: Find 10 reward items
Earned Sun Aug 1 20:31:10 2010
Compulsive Hoarder: Find all reward items
Earned Mon Aug 2 22:34:10 2010
Kill one, save a thousand Donuts: Kill Janice, ex-boss
Earned Mon Aug 2 00:59:33 2010
Half the man Barry is: Kill Kathy, ex-girlfriend
Earned Sun Aug 1 15:47:35 2010
Pest Exterminator: Kill all explosive rats
Earned Mon Aug 2 23:30:50 2010
Bullet Curving Trainee: Kill 10 enemies using Curved Bullets
Earned Sun Aug 1 20:08:37 2010
Bullet Curving Expert: Kill 100 enemies using Curved Bullets
Earned Mon Aug 2 03:20:46 2010
Shrapnel Storm Trainee: Kill 10 enemies using Bullet Explosions
Earned Mon Aug 2 01:21:25 2010
Shrapnel Storm Expert: Kill 80 enemies using Bullet Explosions
Earned Mon Aug 2 20:55:20 2010
Two is always better than one: Kill 2 enemies at once with a single Curved Bullet
Earned Mon Aug 2 03:04:53 2010
Glad I wasn't there: Kill 3 enemies at once with a single Explosive Bullet
Earned Mon Aug 2 01:18:49 2010
All in the reflexes: Kill 3 enemies at once in a single eQM
Earned Mon Aug 2 21:21:57 2010
Boom!: Kill one explosive rat
Earned Sun Aug 1 15:46:41 2010
Up close and personal: Kill 15 enemies in close combat
Earned Sun Aug 1 20:41:49 2010
Heart Breaker: Kill Araña with Wesley without mask on The Killer Difficulty
Earned Tue Aug 3 01:46:12 2010
Between Old Friends: Kill The Immortal with Cross on The Killer Difficulty
Earned Tue Aug 3 02:37:45 2010
Punishing Subordinates: Kill The Russian with The Immortal in close combat and The Killer Difficulty
Earned Tue Aug 3 03:53:20 2010
Butcher would be proud: Complete the game in "Close Combat Mode", any difficulty
Earned Tue Aug 3 03:05:09 2010
Dr. Lobotomy: Complete the game in "Headshot Mode", any difficulty
Earned Tue Aug 3 03:37:45 2010
Catch me if you can: 1st position in "Time Attack" Ranking
Earned Tue Aug 3 04:32:37 2010