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Velocity 2X Vita Vita

Velocity 2X Vita

Weaving together two classic game formats into one seamless adventure, Velocity 2X for PS Vita features puzzle-platforming action alongside award-winning top-down shoot ‘em-up gameplay!
  • US September 2, 2014
  • EU September 3, 2014
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon
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Developer: Futurlab
Publisher: Futurlab
  • 26 Trophy bronze icon
  • 14 Trophy silver icon
  • 7 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 4 of 48
Yippee Kai Yay
Adjustment pixel Yippee Kai Yay: ************
Easy Tiger
Adjustment pixel Easy Tiger: Fly over your first speed pad
Background Reading
Adjustment pixel Background Reading: Look in every folder in Flight Computer
Double Whammy 2X
Adjustment pixel Double Whammy 2X: Disable two switches within 0.5 seconds of each other
Triple Whammy 2X
Adjustment pixel Triple Whammy 2X: Disable three switches within 1 second
Hoarder Next Door
Adjustment pixel Hoarder Next Door: Collect 5,000 crystals
Mind The Gap
Adjustment pixel Mind The Gap: Dock your ship for the first time
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Oct 3 10:16:08 2014
Adjustment pixel Ketchup!: Get squished at the bottom of the screen
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Oct 3 09:54:03 2014
Double Dash
Adjustment pixel Double Dash: Teledash through two Vokh at the same time
Gotta Kill 'Em All!
Adjustment pixel Gotta Kill 'Em All!: Kill every type of enemy (doesn't incude boss battles)
Heavy Boots
Adjustment pixel Heavy Boots: Complete a level without letting go of boost
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Oct 3 09:53:28 2014
Lucky Find
Adjustment pixel Lucky Find: Unlock a bonus level
Snooze You Lose
Adjustment pixel Snooze You Lose: Get stuck in a door
Power Extreme
Adjustment pixel Power Extreme: Unlock all abilities
Tough Stuff
Adjustment pixel Tough Stuff: Survive the first encounter with General Glaive
Data Miner
Adjustment pixel Data Miner: Collect all data packs
Credit Crunch
Adjustment pixel Credit Crunch: Get 100,000 points in the credits minigame
High Flier
Adjustment pixel High Flier: Gain your first PERFECT medal
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Oct 3 10:35:28 2014
Adjustment pixel Tele-Damage: Defeat a Vokh
Adjustment pixel Saviour: Rescue 6,000 Jintinda
China Shop
Adjustment pixel China Shop: Shoot 5,000 pieces of glass
Wheat From Chaff
Adjustment pixel Wheat From Chaff: Gain 25 PERFECT medals
Miss Average
Adjustment pixel Miss Average: Gain above average XP in half the levels
Qirex R.I.P.
Adjustment pixel Qirex R.I.P.: Hit every speed pad in Level 25
Adjustment pixel Intermediate: Earn Gold medals on all Critical Urgency levels
Basic Training
Adjustment pixel Basic Training: Boost all the way through level 3
Killa Thrilla
Adjustment pixel Killa Thrilla: Destroy 2500 airborne enemies
Adjustment pixel Exterminator: Destroy 50 Vokh Guards
Romancing The Throne
Adjustment pixel Romancing The Throne: Collect 10,000 crystals
Bonus Onus
Adjustment pixel Bonus Onus: Unlock all bonus levels (25)
Adjustment pixel Rampager: Shoot 10,000 pieces of glass
FuturLab Certified
Adjustment pixel FuturLab Certified: Gain 50 PERFECT medals
Double or Nothing
Adjustment pixel Double or Nothing: Use double the firepower!
Now You Know
Adjustment pixel Now You Know: Get a PERFECT medal on all Critical Urgency levels
Ralan's Mission
Adjustment pixel Ralan's Mission: Complete all bonus levels
Mind Over Matter
Adjustment pixel Mind Over Matter: Complete level 50
Critical Urgency Pack
Thumb Kinda Hero
Adjustment pixel Thumb Kinda Hero: Perfect all speed levels
Not bad, keep going…
Adjustment pixel Not bad, keep going…: Complete all speed levels
Sonic Spin
Adjustment pixel Sonic Spin: Trigger a speed pad 4 times in under a second in level CU05
Cautious Kai
Adjustment pixel Cautious Kai: Avoid every speed pad in level CU02
Hot Heels
Adjustment pixel Hot Heels: Boost and sprint all the way through level CU02
Turret Takedown
Adjustment pixel Turret Takedown: Destroy 6 turrets in level CU04 in under one second
Dual Core Pack
Thumb Together
Adjustment pixel Thumb Together: Perfect all Dual Core Levels
Quarp Zen
Adjustment pixel Quarp Zen: Complete all Dual Core Levels
The Immaculate Perfection
Adjustment pixel The Immaculate Perfection: Perfect all Speed Runs
Cruise Controlled
Adjustment pixel Cruise Controlled: Race through Level DC02 without letting go of boost!
Left Behind
Adjustment pixel Left Behind: Die by leaving one ship behind
Quadruple Whammy 2X
Adjustment pixel Quadruple Whammy 2X: Destroy 16 turrets in 2 seconds in Level DC08
294 players