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Valkyria Revolution Vita Vita

Valkyria Revolution Vita

With the discovery of the azure mineral Ragnite, the powerful Rus Empire achieved rapid industrial development and expanded its territory. Jutland, a small country, is econmically blockaded by the large country, and advocating “independence and freedom from colonial rule,” strikes the empire army’s base.
  • US June 27, 2017
  • EU June 30, 2017
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon
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Developer: Sega
Publisher: Sega
  • 10 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 20 of 28
Grand Cordon of the Azure Wolf
Adjustment pixel Grand Cordon of the Azure Wolf: Obtained all trophies.
Crafting Commemoration Medal
Adjustment pixel Crafting Commemoration Medal: Created your first piece of gear at Tomasson's Workshop.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 12 01:19:57 2020
Gear Development Coin
Adjustment pixel Gear Development Coin: Created 30 pieces of gear at Tomasson's Workshop.
Sabancci & Co. Commemoration Medal
Adjustment pixel Sabancci & Co. Commemoration Medal: Upgraded an alchemic weapon for the first time at Sabancci & Co.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 30 20:16:57 2020
Alchemic Device Development Coin
Adjustment pixel Alchemic Device Development Coin: Completed upgrading all alchemic weapons at Sabancci & Co.
Research & Development Coin
Adjustment pixel Research & Development Coin: Developed all secondary weapons at Sabancci & Co.
Golden Flower Commemoration Medal
Adjustment pixel Golden Flower Commemoration Medal: Spent over 300,000 kr at the shop.
Meritorious Results Award
Adjustment pixel Meritorious Results Award: Made 100 battle reports.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 4 04:55:06 2020
Azure Stone Commemoration Medal
Adjustment pixel Azure Stone Commemoration Medal: Obtained rank 30 ragnite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 11 07:00:36 2020
Distinguished Silver Sword Medal
Adjustment pixel Distinguished Silver Sword Medal: Defeated 1,000 enemies.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 1 01:00:20 2020
Distinguished Gold Sword Medal
Adjustment pixel Distinguished Gold Sword Medal: Defeated 3,000 enemies.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 4 03:45:26 2020
Distinguished Crimson Claw Medal
Adjustment pixel Distinguished Crimson Claw Medal: Defeated an ace for the first time.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 30 22:16:31 2020
Distinguished Violet Claw Medal
Adjustment pixel Distinguished Violet Claw Medal: Defeated 30 aces.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Feb 7 07:12:21 2020
Distinguished Occupation Medal
Adjustment pixel Distinguished Occupation Medal: Captured 50 enemy bases.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 3 23:34:28 2020
Distinguished Ordnance Disposal Medal
Adjustment pixel Distinguished Ordnance Disposal Medal: Disposed of 100 explosives or land mines.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 3 01:37:23 2020
Royal Army Attack Cross
Adjustment pixel Royal Army Attack Cross: Won an offensive battle.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 4 04:44:10 2020
Royal Army Defense Cross
Adjustment pixel Royal Army Defense Cross: Won a defensive battle.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 1 00:06:10 2020
Royal Army Veteran Cross
Adjustment pixel Royal Army Veteran Cross: Achieved S rank result in all story missions.
Royal Army Hero Cross
Adjustment pixel Royal Army Hero Cross: Drove back the Valkyria that appears in tactical missions.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 10 19:29:10 2020
Royal Army Skirmish Cross
Adjustment pixel Royal Army Skirmish Cross: Cleared 100 free missions.
Royal Army Wolf Pack Medal
Adjustment pixel Royal Army Wolf Pack Medal: Launched a surprise attack on the imperial army's outpost in Molda.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 30 19:13:02 2020
Molda Campaign Medal
Adjustment pixel Molda Campaign Medal: Defeated Grand General Balthus and recaptured Molda.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 30 19:27:54 2020
Avalune Campaign Medal
Adjustment pixel Avalune Campaign Medal: Defeated Grand General Gustav and recaptured Avalune's mana industry area.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 5 04:16:11 2020
Velgiev Campaign Medal
Adjustment pixel Velgiev Campaign Medal: Defeated Grand General Viktor and captured the Velgiev logistics hub.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 9 03:41:42 2020
Battle of Sevast Campaign Medal
Adjustment pixel Battle of Sevast Campaign Medal: Defeated Grand General Gilouche and captured the Sevast citadel.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 11 06:59:41 2020
Dirge of the Valkyria Medal
Adjustment pixel Dirge of the Valkyria Medal: Defeated the Valkyria.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 12 00:23:38 2020
Amity Commemoration Medal
Adjustment pixel Amity Commemoration Medal: Viewed a community event for the first time.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 30 20:29:31 2020
Friendship Commemoration Medal
Adjustment pixel Friendship Commemoration Medal: Viewed all community events.
33 players