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Unit 13 Vita

Unit 13

Unit 13 is designed for fast action, hard-hitting, third-person shooter gameplay with dual-analog precision and unique touch gameplay on the PlayStation Vita. Players to move quickly into action, choosing from one of six Operatives with unique abilities to tackle 36 action-packed missions across nine unique locales. As you make your way through the variety of missions, you unlock the right to take on the tougher Highmore
  • US February 22, 2012
  • EU March 6, 2012
  • JP March 8, 2012
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Zipper Interactive
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • 24 Trophy bronze icon
  • 17 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 1 of 44
13-Star General
Adjustment pixel 13-Star General: Obtain all Bronze, Silver, and Gold trophies in Unit 13™.
New Recruit
Adjustment pixel New Recruit: Complete the Unit 13™ Training Course.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 20 11:35:27 2012
Adjustment pixel Snakechaser: Complete a Direct Action operation.
Adjustment pixel Lamplighter: Complete a Covert operation.
Speed Demon
Adjustment pixel Speed Demon: Complete a Deadline operation.
L337 $0LD13R
Adjustment pixel L337 $0LD13R: Complete an Elite operation.
Less Me, More We
Adjustment pixel Less Me, More We: Complete an operation in co-op.
Friendly Rivalry
Adjustment pixel Friendly Rivalry: Get a higher mission score than someone on your friends list.
Adapt and Overcome
Adjustment pixel Adapt and Overcome: Complete a Daily Challenge operation.
Variety is the Spice of Life
Adjustment pixel Variety is the Spice of Life: Complete 13 different Dynamic missions.
Action Hero
Adjustment pixel Action Hero: Complete all Direct Action operations.
Master Ninja
Adjustment pixel Master Ninja: Complete all Covert operations.
Time Killer
Adjustment pixel Time Killer: Complete all Deadline operations.
Ch13f Op3r471v3
Adjustment pixel Ch13f Op3r471v3: Complete all Elite operations.
World Peace in 36 Easy Steps
Adjustment pixel World Peace in 36 Easy Steps: Complete all Covert, Deadline, Direct Action, and Elite operations.
By Strength and Guile
Adjustment pixel By Strength and Guile: Reach level 10 with RINGO.
One Shot, One Kill
Adjustment pixel One Shot, One Kill: Reach level 10 with ALABAMA.
De Oppresso Liber
Adjustment pixel De Oppresso Liber: Reach level 10 with ANIMAL.
Honneur et Fidélité
Adjustment pixel Honneur et Fidélité: Reach level 10 with CHUCKLES.
Facit Omnia Voluntas
Adjustment pixel Facit Omnia Voluntas: Reach level 10 with ZEUS.
It Pays to be a Winner
Adjustment pixel It Pays to be a Winner: Reach level 10 with PYTHON.
Sine Labore Nihil
Adjustment pixel Sine Labore Nihil: Max out all operatives.
Trick Shot
Adjustment pixel Trick Shot: Eliminate an enemy by setting off a mine.
Twin Foiled
Adjustment pixel Twin Foiled: Eliminate 2 enemies with a single melee attack.
Two For One
Adjustment pixel Two For One: Eliminate 2 enemies with a single bullet.
Crowd Control Jr.
Adjustment pixel Crowd Control Jr.: Eliminate 2 enemies with a single grenade.
Badass and Bulletproof
Adjustment pixel Badass and Bulletproof: Eliminate 13 enemies without taking damage.
Adjustment pixel Brainstorm: Score 13 headshots in a single operation.
13 Squared
Adjustment pixel 13 Squared: Eliminate 169 enemies over the course of your career.
Adjustment pixel Unstoppable: Achieve the highest score multiplier.
Lucky 13
Adjustment pixel Lucky 13: Achieve a 5-star rating in 13 operations.
Life of the Party
Adjustment pixel Life of the Party: Show your enemy that you get down with the best of 'em.
Blast From the Past
Adjustment pixel Blast From the Past: Find an homage to what has come before...
Dead Winger
Adjustment pixel Dead Winger: Eliminate PHOENIX.
Adjustment pixel Witchiker: Eliminate WIZARD.
Adjustment pixel Anti-Venom: Eliminate VIPER.
Last Laugh
Adjustment pixel Last Laugh: Eliminate HYENA.
Fat Chance
Adjustment pixel Fat Chance: Eliminate BIG SLICK.
Sworded Out
Adjustment pixel Sworded Out: Eliminate SCIMITAR.
Adjustment pixel Fangdango: Eliminate VAMPIRE.
Adjustment pixel Doublecrossed: Eliminate GRIFTER.
Finish Him!
Adjustment pixel Finish Him!: Eliminate SCORPION.
Cloud Nine
Adjustment pixel Cloud Nine: Eliminate all High Value Targets.
Extra Credit(s)
Adjustment pixel Extra Credit(s): Watch the credits.
274 players