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Trek to Yomi PS5

Trek to Yomi

As a vow to his dying Master, the young swordsman Hiroki is sworn to protect his town and the people he loves against all threats. Faced with tragedy and bound to duty, the lone samurai must voyage beyond life and death to confront himself and decide his path forward.
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon
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Developer: Leonard Menchiari
Publisher: Devolver Digital
  • 9 Trophy bronze icon
  • 14 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 3 of 29
A Trek to Remember
Adjustment pixel A Trek to Remember: Collect all other trophies
End of kindergarten
Adjustment pixel End of kindergarten: Finish Chapter 1
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 6 11:58:12 2022
After the storm
Adjustment pixel After the storm: Finish Chapter 2
Dust and ashes
Adjustment pixel Dust and ashes: Finish Chapter 3
Fleeting destiny
Adjustment pixel Fleeting destiny: Finish Chapter 4
Afterlife traveler
Adjustment pixel Afterlife traveler: Finish Chapter 5
Trek's end?
Adjustment pixel Trek's end?: Finish Chapter 6
Samurai dies twice
Adjustment pixel Samurai dies twice: Complete the game
This will come in handy
Adjustment pixel This will come in handy: Collect first Upgrade
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 6 11:43:01 2022
Dedicated Collector
Adjustment pixel Dedicated Collector: Collect all Upgrades
Leave no stone unturned
Adjustment pixel Leave no stone unturned: Find all lore collectibles
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Adjustment pixel Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken: Complete the game in Ronin mode
Follow your heart
Adjustment pixel Follow your heart: Complete the game with the path of love
Follow your blade
Adjustment pixel Follow your blade: Complete the game with the path of fury
Follow your mind
Adjustment pixel Follow your mind: Complete the game with the path of duty
Adjustment pixel Men-Kaeshi-Dou: Execute 50 successful counters
Adjustment pixel Bloodlust: Perform 50 finishers
Big Bertha
Adjustment pixel Big Bertha: Kill 3 enemy at once with ozutsu
Early End
Adjustment pixel Early End: For killing the boss in chapter 3
Young blood
Adjustment pixel Young blood: Kill 1st enemy
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Apr 21 08:31:12 2022
I'll put this spear into...
Adjustment pixel I'll put this spear into...: Kill Sadatame without getting hit
No, that's not possible...
Adjustment pixel No, that's not possible...: Kill Kagerou Shogun without getting hit
That woman is a demon!
Adjustment pixel That woman is a demon!: Kill Aiko Demon without getting hit
Forgive me, sensei
Adjustment pixel Forgive me, sensei: Kill Sanjuro Demon without getting hit
Clash in a mirror
Adjustment pixel Clash in a mirror: Kill Hiroki Demon without getting hit
Demon's dread
Adjustment pixel Demon's dread: Kill Kagerou Demon without getting hit
Adjustment pixel Unstoppable: Complete the game on Kensei mode
Adjustment pixel Untouchable: Complete a whole chapter without dying and using a shrine
Malicious mischief
Adjustment pixel Malicious mischief: Kill 10 enemies without using any weapon
53 players