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Toy Soldiers: War Chest PS4

Toy Soldiers: War Chest

Defend your toy box and take the battle to your enemies with one of four incredible armies. Lead from the strategic level, placing and upgrading turrets, or take direct command of turrets or heroes to decimate the opposition. Upgrade and customize armies while fighting through each of the four campaigns or take the fight online in new and returning multiplayer modes.
  • US August 11, 2015
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Signal Studios
Publisher: Ubisoft
  • 7 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 7 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 9 of 24
Toys R U
Adjustment pixel Toys R U: Collect all of the other trophies for Toy Soldiers War Chest.
Welcome to the Toy Box!
Adjustment pixel Welcome to the Toy Box!: Choose your first hero.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Aug 11 18:30:54 2015
Adjustment pixel Collector: Collect all of the toys for a single hero.
Adjustment pixel Completionist: Collect all of the toys for all of the core heroes.
Adjustment pixel Emperor: Complete Kaiser's Intro Campaign Mission.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Aug 11 20:02:26 2015
Future Soldier
Adjustment pixel Future Soldier: Complete Phantom's Intro Campaign Mission.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Aug 11 20:21:33 2015
Love and Happiness
Adjustment pixel Love and Happiness: Complete Star Power's Intro Campaign Mission.
Beast Master
Adjustment pixel Beast Master: Complete Dark Lord's Intro Campaign Mission.
Eye for an Eye
Adjustment pixel Eye for an Eye: Get 10 paybacks in a singleplayer or multiplayer match.
Shut Down
Adjustment pixel Shut Down: Kill an enemy player's hero in a multiplayer match.
Adjustment pixel Challenger: Complete all of the challenges for every level of one hero's campaign.
Oooooo Shiny
Adjustment pixel Oooooo Shiny: Get a platinum medal on any level.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Aug 11 19:44:41 2015
Adjustment pixel Squish: Crush a turret with a hero vehicle.
Best Friends
Adjustment pixel Best Friends: Play a co-op game to completion.
Always Stealing mah Kills
Adjustment pixel Always Stealing mah Kills: Get 10 assists in a multiplayer match.
Close Calls
Adjustment pixel Close Calls: Kill 10 units threatening your toybox in one mission.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Aug 11 18:36:36 2015
Adjustment pixel Booooom!: Call in your barrage in a multiplayer match.
Adjustment pixel Hero POWER!: Call in your hero vehicle in a multiplayer match.
Competitive Urge
Adjustment pixel Competitive Urge: Win 100 multiplayer matches.
You Shall Not Pass
Adjustment pixel You Shall Not Pass: Survive 10 rounds in any survival mission.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Aug 12 00:40:46 2015
Pew Pew
Adjustment pixel Pew Pew: Use every turret and hero weapon of every core hero.
Maximum Power!
Adjustment pixel Maximum Power!: Attach every upgrade to a turret.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Aug 12 01:44:12 2015
Power Up
Adjustment pixel Power Up: Attach an upgrade to a turret.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Aug 11 18:34:29 2015
What's in the Box?
Adjustment pixel What's in the Box?: Purchase a Blind Box pack.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Aug 12 00:26:47 2015
17 players