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Toukiden Vita


Set against a backdrop inspired by various historical periods of Japan, Toukiden tells the tale of humanity’s last stand for survival. When monstrous demons (Oni) of varying strength and size invaded the world through cracks in space and time and started attacking humans, the only opposition came from the Slayers; a caste that has always secretly protected mankind from their murderous intent.
  • US February 11, 2014
  • EU February 14, 2014
  • JP September 18, 2013
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Omega Force
Publisher: Tecmo KOEI
  • 36 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 26 of 50
Slayer of Legend
Adjustment pixel Slayer of Legend: Obtain all trophies.
Press Slay to Start
Adjustment pixel Press Slay to Start: Be officially anointed as a Slayer.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jun 12 07:42:01 2014
A True Slayer
Adjustment pixel A True Slayer: Clear Chapter 1.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jun 12 08:07:11 2014
Mighty Slayer
Adjustment pixel Mighty Slayer: Clear Chapter 2.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 17 03:29:54 2014
Unit Leader
Adjustment pixel Unit Leader: Clear Chapter 3.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Mar 1 08:40:32 2015
Veteran Slayer
Adjustment pixel Veteran Slayer: Clear Chapter 4.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Apr 10 08:24:54 2015
Great Unifier
Adjustment pixel Great Unifier: Clear Chapter 5.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 3 15:04:20 2015
Conquering Hero
Adjustment pixel Conquering Hero: Clear all chapters.
Adjustment pixel Explorer: Complete Phase 3.
Adjustment pixel Adventurer: Complete Phase 5.
Thrill Seeker
Adjustment pixel Thrill Seeker: Complete Phase 10.
Defender of the Eye of Truth
Adjustment pixel Defender of the Eye of Truth: Clear all missions.
Do As I Slay
Adjustment pixel Do As I Slay: Complete all training sessions.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Feb 15 08:17:15 2015
Adjustment pixel #justslayin': Complete 30 quests.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 16 06:16:39 2014
Hero of the People
Adjustment pixel Hero of the People: Complete all quests.
Adjustment pixel Perfectionist: Fortify a weapon to its maximum level.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 16 09:59:17 2015
Weapon Collector
Adjustment pixel Weapon Collector: Acquire 50 weapons.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 20 07:20:09 2015
Weapon Specialist
Adjustment pixel Weapon Specialist: Acquire all weapons of any weapon category.
Strong in Spirit
Adjustment pixel Strong in Spirit: Forge a Mitama to your weapon at the Shrine.
Rock Hard
Adjustment pixel Rock Hard: Fortify a piece of armor to its maximum level.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 4 08:59:00 2015
Armor Collector
Adjustment pixel Armor Collector: Acquire 50 different types of armor.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 20 07:25:19 2015
Armor Obsessive
Adjustment pixel Armor Obsessive: Acquire 100 different types of armor.
Hero's Guide
Adjustment pixel Hero's Guide: Develop a Mitama to Level 10.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 6 01:25:39 2015
Liberator of Souls
Adjustment pixel Liberator of Souls: Acquire all Mitama.
Adjustment pixel Booster: Activate 50 Boosts.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 3 06:47:44 2015
Boost Master
Adjustment pixel Boost Master: Activate 300 Boosts.
Slay Your Cards Right
Adjustment pixel Slay Your Cards Right: Activate 30 Combination Boosts.
Slaying the Field
Adjustment pixel Slaying the Field: Activate 100 Combination Boosts.
Jack of All Trades
Adjustment pixel Jack of All Trades: Clear 10 missions with each weapon type.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Apr 10 21:07:56 2015
Master of War
Adjustment pixel Master of War: Clear 10 missions with each battle style.
Adjustment pixel Cleanser: Purify 10 materials.
Know Your Enemy
Adjustment pixel Know Your Enemy: Fill in all entries in the Slayer Record.
Adjustment pixel Scavenger: Fill in all entries in the Collection Record.
Clean Sweep
Adjustment pixel Clean Sweep: Destroy all the body parts of a large Oni in a single mission.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jun 17 04:39:42 2014
Adjustment pixel Dismemberer: Destroy 100 Oni body parts.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 16 09:30:23 2015
God of Destruction
Adjustment pixel God of Destruction: Destroy 500 Oni body parts.
Eagle Eye
Adjustment pixel Eagle Eye: Collect 100 items from the battlefield.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jun 12 08:01:52 2014
Child's Slay
Adjustment pixel Child's Slay: Slay 1000 small Oni.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 16 06:13:09 2014
Slay You, Slay Me
Adjustment pixel Slay You, Slay Me: Slay 100 large Oni.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 8 21:20:35 2015
Neat and Tidy
Adjustment pixel Neat and Tidy: Maximize equipment chest and materials chest capacity.
Adjustment pixel Arborist: Grow the Guardian Tree to its maximum size.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Apr 7 03:47:28 2015
Pleasing the Gods
Adjustment pixel Pleasing the Gods: Develop the offering box to its maximum size.
Right this Way, Sir
Adjustment pixel Right this Way, Sir: Obtain Gold member status at the Shop.
Adjustment pixel Mime: Learn all gestures.
Off You Go
Adjustment pixel Off You Go: Send your Tenko on 30 journeys.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 16 06:08:52 2014
True Love
Adjustment pixel True Love: Raise your bonds with one of your allies to their maximum level.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Mar 11 20:22:01 2015
Beloved by All
Adjustment pixel Beloved by All: Raise your bonds with all of your allies to their maximum level.
Forbidden Pleasures
Adjustment pixel Forbidden Pleasures: Bathe with someone of the opposite sex in the Pool of Purity.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Feb 16 10:20:28 2015
Skin Like a Prune
Adjustment pixel Skin Like a Prune: Bathe in the Pool of Purity 50 times.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 8 16:23:13 2015
Adjustment pixel Tycoon: Acquire a total of 1 million Haku.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed May 20 07:17:09 2015
92 players