bronze stars: collect all stars on any single level of the great tree
Earned Sat Jul 4 14:39:56 2009
silver stars: collect all stars on any three levels of the great tree
gold stars: collect all stars on all levels of the great tree
bronze cubes: collect all cubes on any two bonus levels
silver cubes: collect all cubes on any five bonus levels
gold cubes: collect all cubes on all bonus levels
fuel tank: have no less than 1000 fuel points at the end of any level
berry gatherer: collect all berries in the "at the gates of the unknown" level
sky bronze: collect all stars on any three levels of the sky pillar
sky silver: collect all stars on all levels of the sky pillar
bronze pair: collect all cubes on any five cooperative levels
silver pair: collect all cubes on all cooperative levels
master researcher: pass the "world of steel and machines" level without falling
master engineer: pass the "abandoned factory" level without falling
master miner: pass the "old mine" level without falling
alert adventurer: pass the "steamcity" level without collecting any contaminated fuel clots
alert rescue ranger: pass the "rescue attempt" level without collecting any contaminated fuel clots
alert mechanic: pass the "gears, gears…" level without collecting any contaminated fuel clots
mad cleaner: collect all contaminated fuel clots on "black wings in the dark" level