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Tony Hawk: Shred PS3

Tony Hawk: Shred

A skateboarding experience created for a younger audience, Tony Hawk: Shred allows players to GO BIG and feel the exhilaration of supersized skate and snowboarding using the game's innovative, motion-sensing board controller right at their feet. Featuring an arcade style look and feel, where the bigger the feat the better the fun, Shred is packed to the brim with larger-than-life moments and a veritable assortment of jaw-dropping tricks.
  • US October 26, 2010
  • EU October 26, 2010
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Robomodo
Publisher: Activision
  • 36 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 4 of 50
Adjustment pixel Platinum: Unlock all other trophies
The Start of Something Big
Adjustment pixel The Start of Something Big: Complete a session on any Navigation Setting (Excluding Free Ride) (SP)
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jul 8 15:59:21 2011
Serious Playtime
Adjustment pixel Serious Playtime: Complete each session type in each level on any Navigation Setting (Excluding Free Ride) (SP)
Ready to Ride
Adjustment pixel Ready to Ride: Calibrate the board
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jul 8 15:55:03 2011
Claim to Fame
Adjustment pixel Claim to Fame: Enter your custom initials for the Leaderboard
Eager Student
Adjustment pixel Eager Student: Tricktionary: Visit the Tricktionary for the first time
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jul 9 14:19:23 2011
Adept Skater
Adjustment pixel Adept Skater: Tricktionary: Perform every non-Signature Skate Trick at least once (SP)
Adept Boarder
Adjustment pixel Adept Boarder: Tricktionary: Perform every non-Signature Snowboarding Trick at least once (SP)
See You In Indianapolis!
Adjustment pixel See You In Indianapolis!: Tricktionary: Perform 500 Ollies (SP)
Making Hamburger
Adjustment pixel Making Hamburger: Tricktionary: Grind at least 500 feet in every type of Grind (Parallel, Slide, Angled) (SP)
Grabby McGrab Grab
Adjustment pixel Grabby McGrab Grab: Tricktionary: Perform 250 total Grabs (SP)
Skateboard Master!
Adjustment pixel Skateboard Master!: Training Mode: Complete every Lesson in Skate Training on the Casual Setting
Snowboard Master!
Adjustment pixel Snowboard Master!: Training Mode: Complete every Lesson in Snow Training on the Casual Setting
Well Balanced Individual
Adjustment pixel Well Balanced Individual: Complete a session in Regular Stance & a session in Goofy Stance (without leaving game - SP)
Control Freak
Adjustment pixel Control Freak: Complete a session on each Navigation Setting (without leaving game - SP)
Get a Real Skateboard!
Adjustment pixel Get a Real Skateboard!: Challenge Mode: Complete 15 total Insane Challenges
Reality Star
Adjustment pixel Reality Star: Challenge Mode: Complete all Videographer Challenges
Bags Packed
Adjustment pixel Bags Packed: Unlock a new level
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jul 9 14:05:05 2011
Steering Sensation
Adjustment pixel Steering Sensation: Unlock all Navigation Settings
Oh, the Places You Will Go!
Adjustment pixel Oh, the Places You Will Go!: Unlock every level in the game
Adjustment pixel Jambalayanism: New Orleans: Acquire all 16 Stars
Now You're Just Bragging!
Adjustment pixel Now You're Just Bragging!: New Orleans: Scoring Spots: Perform the bonus task of all 5 Scoring Spots (SP)
I am the Law!
Adjustment pixel I am the Law!: New Orleans: Complete any session in New Orleans as Officer Richard (SP)
Down Under Daredevil
Adjustment pixel Down Under Daredevil: Melbourne: Acquire all 16 Stars
Scared of Bubbles
Adjustment pixel Scared of Bubbles: Melbourne: Point Rush: Finish with a score of at least 75 without collecting any Point Bubbles (SP)
Mediterranean Maestro
Adjustment pixel Mediterranean Maestro: Morocco: Acquire all 16 Stars
Shiver Me Timbers!
Adjustment pixel Shiver Me Timbers!: Morocco: Complete any session in Morocco as Seadog O' Banion (SP)
Hawaiian Hooligan
Adjustment pixel Hawaiian Hooligan: Wallows: Acquire all 16 Stars
You Got HOW MANY Points?!
Adjustment pixel You Got HOW MANY Points?!: Wallows: Scoring Spots: Score 1,000,000 total points (SP)
Meeting of the Minds
Adjustment pixel Meeting of the Minds: Santorini: Acquire all 16 Stars
Don't need no Stinkin' GRINDS!
Adjustment pixel Don't need no Stinkin' GRINDS!: Santorini Trick Mode: Score 100,000 points without using grinds (SP)
Whistle Blower
Adjustment pixel Whistle Blower: Whistler Mountain: Acquire all 16 Stars
A Troglodyte is Loose!!
Adjustment pixel A Troglodyte is Loose!!: Whistler Mountain: Complete a Point Rush session in Whistler Mountain as Orgarth (SP)
Great Wall Master
Adjustment pixel Great Wall Master: Acquire all 4 Stars on Beijing Big Air & all 4 Stars on Beijing Halfpipe
4 Étoiles sur la Montagne
Adjustment pixel 4 Étoiles sur la Montagne: French Alps: Acquire all 16 Stars
Cro-Magnon Mania
Adjustment pixel Cro-Magnon Mania: French Alps: Complete a Trick Mode session in French Alps as Orgarth (SP)
Groove Me Baby
Adjustment pixel Groove Me Baby: Grind Pro Trial: Perform 10 Grind Transfers in a session on any Grind Pro Trial (SP)
Going Steady with 2 Wheels
Adjustment pixel Going Steady with 2 Wheels: Manual Pro Trial: Maintain a continuous Manual for 500 feet on any Manual Pro Trial (SP)
Atmospheric Rotation
Adjustment pixel Atmospheric Rotation: Big Air Pro Trial: Perform two 360
House of Horrors
Adjustment pixel House of Horrors: Survival Mode: Survive the Huckjam Park Combo Level
Some Kind of Funhouse!
Adjustment pixel Some Kind of Funhouse!: Huckjam Park: Acquire all 12 Stars on any Huckjam Park level
We Come In Peace...
Adjustment pixel We Come In Peace...: Huckjam Park: Complete any session in Huckjam Park as Xzrrt (SP)
Tony Would Be Proud
Adjustment pixel Tony Would Be Proud: Acquire all Stars in the Skateboard Tier on any Navigation Setting
Powder Prowess
Adjustment pixel Powder Prowess: Acquire all Stars in the Snowboard Tier on any Navigation Setting
The New Pro
Adjustment pixel The New Pro: Acquire all Stars in the Pro Trial Tier on any Navigation Setting
All-In-1 Shredder
Adjustment pixel All-In-1 Shredder: Acquire all Stars in the Game on any Navigation Setting
Multiple Tricksters
Adjustment pixel Multiple Tricksters: Online Mode: Win a Trick session
Challenging High Wire Act
Adjustment pixel Challenging High Wire Act: Online Mode: Win a Challenge session
Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere...
Adjustment pixel Bubbles Bubbles Everywhere...: Online Mode: Win a Point Rush session
King of the Hill
Adjustment pixel King of the Hill: Online Mode: Win a Scoring Spots session
11 players