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Tom Clancy\'s The Division 2 PS4

Tom Clancy's The Division 2

A continuation of the story started in the first The Division
  • US March 15, 2019
  • EU March 15, 2019
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Ubisoft Massive
Publisher: Ubisoft
  • 46 Trophy bronze icon
  • 10 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 61
Platinum Agent
Adjustment pixel Platinum Agent: Unlock every Trophy in Tom Clancy's The Division®2.
Checking In
Adjustment pixel Checking In: Rescue Eleanor Sawyer from the Hyenas in the Grand Washington Hotel.
Opening the Vault
Adjustment pixel Opening the Vault: Discover what the Hyenas stole from Air Force One.
Bunker Buster
Adjustment pixel Bunker Buster: Recover essential SHD Network equipment from the Federal Emergency Bunker.
Sick Note
Adjustment pixel Sick Note: Shut down Outcast activity at the DCD Headquarters.
Adjustment pixel Jailbreak: Recover interrogation data from the American History Museum.
Global Communications
Adjustment pixel Global Communications: Reestablish the SHD Satellite Network at the Space Administration HQ.
Getting the Word Out
Adjustment pixel Getting the Word Out: Seize control of the ViewPoint Museum from the True Sons.
Season Ticket
Adjustment pixel Season Ticket: Eliminate the Hyena council in the District Union Arena.
Strategic Extraction
Adjustment pixel Strategic Extraction: Capture the Outcasts' Chief Strategist at the Potomac Event Center.
Into the Wilderness
Adjustment pixel Into the Wilderness: Take down the Outcast stronghold on Roosevelt Island.
State of the Union
Adjustment pixel State of the Union: Drive the True Sons out of the Capitol building.
Hard as Nails
Adjustment pixel Hard as Nails: Finish all missions on hard difficulty or above.
Rebuilding DC
Adjustment pixel Rebuilding DC: Fully upgrade all settlements.
Undressed to Kill
Adjustment pixel Undressed to Kill: Destroy every piece of a tank's armor, then eliminate the tank.
Command and Control
Adjustment pixel Command and Control: Discover 20 control points in DC.
Group Therapy
Adjustment pixel Group Therapy: Take over a control point in a group without anyone being downed.
A Friend in Need
Adjustment pixel A Friend in Need: Respond to a call for help and revive the agent.
Help Me!
Adjustment pixel Help Me!: Put out a call for backup.
Suits You, Sir!
Adjustment pixel Suits You, Sir!: Collect any suit of cards in the open world.
TV Cop
Adjustment pixel TV Cop: Perform a slide across the hood of a car.
Negative Ramos!
Adjustment pixel Negative Ramos!: Shock enemy medics by shooting their defibrillator.
Adjustment pixel Patchwork: Get 10 patches from commendations.
Resourceful Agent
Adjustment pixel Resourceful Agent: Help friendlies in resource gathering.
Dark Zone: Safe House
Adjustment pixel Dark Zone: Safe House: Access a hidden safe room in a dark zone.
Dark Zone: Extraction
Adjustment pixel Dark Zone: Extraction: Extract an item from each dark zone.
Dark Zone: Takedown
Adjustment pixel Dark Zone: Takedown: Eliminate a disavowed agent in each dark zone.
First Among Equals
Adjustment pixel First Among Equals: Win a match of skirmish or domination.
Clan War
Adjustment pixel Clan War: With your clan, face off against another clan in conflict.
Big Game Hunter
Adjustment pixel Big Game Hunter: Complete a bounty from each safe house.
Autograph Hunter
Adjustment pixel Autograph Hunter: Kill one enemy with each of the signature weapons (crossbow, sniper rifle & grenade launcher).
Arrow to the Knee
Adjustment pixel Arrow to the Knee: Shoot 10 enemies in the leg with a crossbow.
Next Level Operative
Adjustment pixel Next Level Operative: Reach Level 30.
Strength in Numbers
Adjustment pixel Strength in Numbers: Create or join a clan.
For Posterity
Adjustment pixel For Posterity: Photo mode: take a photo of a group of 4 agents.
Crafty Collector
Adjustment pixel Crafty Collector: Collect 20 blueprints.
Taste of the Exotic
Adjustment pixel Taste of the Exotic: Craft an exotic weapon or item.
Adjustment pixel Specialized: Equip your first specialization.
Best of the Best
Adjustment pixel Best of the Best: Invest in each type of upgrade available for a specialization.
Project Management
Adjustment pixel Project Management: Complete a project for both the Theater and Campus settlements.
King of the Skill
Adjustment pixel King of the Skill: Equip and use each skill.
Dress to Impress
Adjustment pixel Dress to Impress: Equip high-end gear (or above) in each slot.
Dark Zone: Blackout Hijack
Adjustment pixel Dark Zone: Blackout Hijack: Hijack an extraction in any dark zone during a blackout.
Tom Clancy’s The Division®2 Operation Dark Hours
Washington Raiders
Adjustment pixel Washington Raiders: Complete the full Operation Dark Hours raid in a group of eight players.
Tom Clancy’s The Division®2 DC Outskirts
Caged Animal
Adjustment pixel Caged Animal: Put an end to Emeline Shaw at the Manning National Zoo.
Country Retreat
Adjustment pixel Country Retreat: Take part in the operation at Camp White Oak.
Tom Clancy’s The Division®2 The Pentagon
Drilling Down
Adjustment pixel Drilling Down: Discover the Black Tusk's purpose at the Pentagon and thwart it.
Reactor Heist
Adjustment pixel Reactor Heist: Secure the perfusion bioreactor from the DARPA labs below the Pentagon.
Tom Clancy’s The Division®2 Coney Island
To Sum It All Up
Adjustment pixel To Sum It All Up: Successfully extract Tchernenko after confronting and defeating Elijah Sumner.
You Can't Have Him
Adjustment pixel You Can't Have Him: Prevent Dolores Jones from capturing or killing the rogue Division agent Aaron Keener.
Tom Clancy’s The Division®2 Warlords of New York
Jail Break
Adjustment pixel Jail Break: Survive all of Theo Parnell's traps and defeat him.
Deep Underground
Adjustment pixel Deep Underground: Shut down the Cleaners' drill and eliminate Javier Kajika.
Plummeting Stock
Adjustment pixel Plummeting Stock: Defeat James Dragov at the NYC Stock Exchange.
Boiling Point
Adjustment pixel Boiling Point: Shutdown the Cleaners' oil refinery and defeat Vivian Conley.
Adjustment pixel Liberation: Prevent the missile launch and defeat Aaron Keener.
Almost a band
Adjustment pixel Almost a band: Complete a Main Mission in New York with at least one directive active.
Under Lady Liberty's Gaze
Adjustment pixel Under Lady Liberty's Gaze: Complete the manhunt and eliminate Aaron Keener.
Extreme Manhunt
Adjustment pixel Extreme Manhunt: Complete a Seasonal Manhunt on challenging global difficulty (or above).
Shut that door (again)
Adjustment pixel Shut that door (again): Shut two car doors while in cover.
Over The Hill
Adjustment pixel Over The Hill: Reach Level 40 with an agent.
Tom Clancy’s The Division®2 Operation Iron Horse
Iron Breakers
Adjustment pixel Iron Breakers: Complete the full Operation Iron Horse raid in a group of eight players.
279 players