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Tom Clancy\'s H.A.W.X. PS3

Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

Set in conceived version of the future inspired by the best-selling Tom Clancy videogame franchises, this flight combat action game imagines a world where a private military force has cumulated such power that it attacks the USA. Thrust into the cockpits of incredibly powerful and technologically advanced jet fighters, gamers will benefit from hi-tech piloting assistance, providing comfort, security and enhancedmore
  • US March 3, 2009
  • EU March 6, 2009
  • JP May 28, 2009
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Ubisoft Romania
Publisher: Ubisoft
  • 40 Trophy bronze icon
  • 8 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 22 of 51
Validated aspirations
Adjustment pixel Validated aspirations: Acquire all the Bronze, Silver and Gold trophies.
Operation Ghost Rider
Adjustment pixel Operation Ghost Rider: Finish the 1st mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite difficulty setting.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Mar 19 22:07:14 2009
Team player
Adjustment pixel Team player: Complete a mission on coop mode.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 24 20:21:55 2009
Operation Adder
Adjustment pixel Operation Adder: Unlock and finish the 2nd mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 11 16:33:28 2009
Operation Cobalt
Adjustment pixel Operation Cobalt: Unlock and finish the 3rd mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 22 14:08:10 2009
Operation Blacklight
Adjustment pixel Operation Blacklight: Unlock and finish the 4th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 22 14:33:03 2009
OFF certification
Adjustment pixel OFF certification: Unlock and finish the 5th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 22 14:46:45 2009
Operation Glass Hammer
Adjustment pixel Operation Glass Hammer: Unlock and finish the 6th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 22 15:08:36 2009
Operation Backfire
Adjustment pixel Operation Backfire: Unlock and finish the 7th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 22 16:54:44 2009
Operation Ulysses
Adjustment pixel Operation Ulysses: Unlock and finish the 8th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 22 19:57:35 2009
Operation Stiletto
Adjustment pixel Operation Stiletto: Unlock and finish the 9th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 22 20:33:44 2009
Operation Red Eagle
Adjustment pixel Operation Red Eagle: Unlock and finish the 10th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 22 20:51:52 2009
Operation Torchlight
Adjustment pixel Operation Torchlight: Unlock and finish the 11th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 23 05:00:09 2009
Operation Iron Arrow
Adjustment pixel Operation Iron Arrow: Unlock and finish the 12th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 23 05:21:16 2009
Operation Backhand
Adjustment pixel Operation Backhand: Unlock and finish the 14th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 23 08:27:23 2009
Operation Thunderbolt
Adjustment pixel Operation Thunderbolt: Unlock and finish the 15th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 23 08:54:55 2009
Operation Wildhorse
Adjustment pixel Operation Wildhorse: Unlock and finish the 16th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 23 09:13:36 2009
Operation Javelin
Adjustment pixel Operation Javelin: Unlock and finish the 17th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 23 11:24:14 2009
Operation Twilight
Adjustment pixel Operation Twilight: Unlock and finish the 18th mission of the Campaign on Normal, Hard, or Elite.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 23 11:42:58 2009
Practice makes perfect
Adjustment pixel Practice makes perfect: Spend 1 hour flying in Assistance OFF mode.
Adjustment pixel Afterburner: Fly faster than Mach 2 for 1 hour in campaign.
Campaign Complete: Normal
Adjustment pixel Campaign Complete: Normal: Complete all the campaign missions on Normal difficulty.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 23 12:07:19 2009
General of the Airforce
Adjustment pixel General of the Airforce: Become "General of the Airforce" (level 40).
The hard way
Adjustment pixel The hard way: Complete all the campaign missions on Hard difficulty.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 23 12:07:26 2009
Extreme challenge
Adjustment pixel Extreme challenge: Complete all the campaign missions on Elite difficulty.
TDM rookie
Adjustment pixel TDM rookie: Win a Team Deathmatch game.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue May 26 11:58:12 2009
Support ace
Adjustment pixel Support ace: Call in every support element at least once.
Cannon ace
Adjustment pixel Cannon ace: Destroy 50 enemies with the cannon in multiplayer matches.
Joint Strike missile ace
Adjustment pixel Joint Strike missile ace: Score 135 kills with Joint Strike missiles in multiplayer matches.
Multi Target AA missile ace
Adjustment pixel Multi Target AA missile ace: Score 100 kills with Multi Target AA missiles in multiplayer matches.
Radar-Guided missile ace
Adjustment pixel Radar-Guided missile ace: Score 75 kills with Radar Guided missiles in multiplayer matches.
All Aspect missile ace
Adjustment pixel All Aspect missile ace: Score 75 kills with All Aspect missiles in multiplayer matches.
Deflector ace
Adjustment pixel Deflector ace: Deflect 150 missiles from friendly planes.
Wing ace pilot
Adjustment pixel Wing ace pilot: Remain the Team Ace for a total time of 20 minutes.
Wing leader
Adjustment pixel Wing leader: Be the Match Leader for a total time of 20 minutes.
Versatile pilot
Adjustment pixel Versatile pilot: Obtain an end-match award 20 times.
Adjustment pixel Christine: Kill 100 opponents using the same plane in multiplayer matches.
Adjustment pixel Gladiator: Participate in 100 Team Deathmatch games.
Not safe enough
Adjustment pixel Not safe enough: Kill an enemy with a missile while being jammed in a multiplayer match.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue May 26 10:59:18 2009
Adjustment pixel Ambush!: Score a cannon kill while having Radar Suppression active in a multiplayer match.
Adjustment pixel Medic: Repair 90 hp by using a single Repair Drone support.
Adjustment pixel Unimpressed: Score a kill with the Cannon while the enemy has Missile Suppression active.
Avoidance ace
Adjustment pixel Avoidance ace: Dodge a total of 100 missiles without using flares in multiplayer matches.
Counter support ace
Adjustment pixel Counter support ace: Complete all counter support challenges.
Adjustment pixel Predator: Score 5 kills on an enemy Team Ace using Radar Guided missiles.
Adjustment pixel Veteran: Win 25 Team Deathmatch games.
Sitting ducks
Adjustment pixel Sitting ducks: Kill 2 enemies with Multi Target AA missiles while they are affected by your EMP strike.
Point blank shot
Adjustment pixel Point blank shot: Hit a target that's closer than 3000m with a Radar Guided missile in multiplayer.
Test pilot
Adjustment pixel Test pilot: Play Team Deathmatch games using 30 different planes.
Risky stuff
Adjustment pixel Risky stuff: Recover from stall at an altitude of 30 meters or lower in Team Deathmatch.
Evasion ace
Adjustment pixel Evasion ace: Dodge 10 Radar-Guided missiles without using flares in multiplayer matches.
99 players