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Through the Darkest of Times PS4

Through the Darkest of Times

Through the Darkest of Times tackles dark, but relevant subject matter, putting serious thought into the rise of the German Reich and how objectors to Hitler's actions would have to take action from the shadows for fear of retribution
  • US August 13, 2020
  • EU August 13, 2020
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Paintbucket Games
Publisher: HandyGames
  • 34 Trophy bronze icon
  • 15 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 2 of 51
Adjustment pixel Resistance: Obtain all Trophies.
Adjustment pixel Known: Known
Adjustment pixel Well-Known: Gain 50 supporters within the same chapter
Adjustment pixel Popular: Gain 100 supporters within the same chapter
Adjustment pixel Role-Model: Gain 500 supporters within the same game
Adjustment pixel Collector: Collect 50 marks in donations within the same chapter
Adjustment pixel Fundraiser: Collect 250 marks in donations within the same chapter
Adjustment pixel Prosperous: Collect 500 marks in donations within the same chapter
Adjustment pixel Freedom: Free someone from prison
Adjustment pixel Hidden: Hide someone from persecution
Adjustment pixel Safeplace: Save someone from persecution
Adjustment pixel Liberator: Free 10 people from prison within the same game
Good Soul
Adjustment pixel Good Soul: Hide 10 people from persecution within the same game
Adjustment pixel Rescuer: Save 10 people within the same game
Adjustment pixel Philantropist: Save 100 people total during all games played
Adjustment pixel Sabotage: Commit one act of sabotage
Grit in the Gears
Adjustment pixel Grit in the Gears: Commit 5 acts of sabotage within the same game
Adjustment pixel Saboteur: Commit 10 acts of sabotage within the same game
Public Beating
Adjustment pixel Public Beating: Play historical event Public Beating
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 24 10:47:22 2022
Reichstag Fire
Adjustment pixel Reichstag Fire: Play historical event Reichstag Fire
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jun 24 10:57:11 2022
Adjustment pixel Shopboycott: Play historical event Shopboycott
Adjustment pixel Bookburning: Play historical event Bookburning
Adjustment pixel Bloodshed: Play historical event Bloodshed
Adjustment pixel Hindenburg: Play historical event Hindenburg
Hitler's Birthday
Adjustment pixel Hitler's Birthday: Play historical event Hitler's Birthday
French Connection
Adjustment pixel French Connection: Play historical event French Connection
The Games
Adjustment pixel The Games: Play historical event The Games
The Camp
Adjustment pixel The Camp: Play historical event The Camp
Adjustment pixel Neighbors: Play historical event Neighbors
Adjustment pixel Laughter: Play historical event Laughter
Adjustment pixel Occupation: Play historical event Occupation
Adjustment pixel Shelter: Play historical event Shelter
Adjustment pixel Deportation: Play historical event Deportation
Adjustment pixel Kriegsweihnacht: Play historical event Kriegsweihnacht
Adjustment pixel Bombing: Play historical event Bombing
Adjustment pixel Volkssturm: Play historical event Volkssturm
The Prisoner
Adjustment pixel The Prisoner: Play historical event The Prisoner
Adjustment pixel Peace: Play historical event Peace
The Great Escape
Adjustment pixel The Great Escape: Successfully finish The Great Escape
Where it Hurts
Adjustment pixel Where it Hurts: Successfully finish Where it Hurts
The Truth will set them free
Adjustment pixel The Truth will set them free: Successfully finish The Truth will set them free
Freedom Bell
Adjustment pixel Freedom Bell: Successfully finish Freedom Bell
Tell the World
Adjustment pixel Tell the World: Successfully finish Tell the World
Safe Passage
Adjustment pixel Safe Passage: Successfully finish Safe Passage
Frozen Lightning
Adjustment pixel Frozen Lightning: Successfully finish Frozen Lightning
Usual Suspect
Adjustment pixel Usual Suspect: Player was arrested 5 times within the same game
Adjustment pixel Caretaker: Finish chapter 4 without any group member dying
Magnificent Seven
Adjustment pixel Magnificent Seven: Finish chapter 4 with not more than 7 different Groupmembers during your playthrough
Ordinary Man
Adjustment pixel Ordinary Man: Successfully finish Ordinary Man
Voice of Freedom
Adjustment pixel Voice of Freedom: Successfully finish Voice of Freedom
Border Crossers
Adjustment pixel Border Crossers: Successfully finish Border Crossers
11 players