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Thief PS4


Thief is back for PS4! The stealth/action game features Garrett, a master thief in a fantasy/steampunk world resembling a cross between the Late Middle Ages and the Victorian era. The game will take place in a Gothic, industrial metropolis known simply as the City.
  • US February 25, 2014
  • EU February 28, 2014
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: Eidos Studios - Montreal
Publisher: Square Enix
  • 24 Trophy bronze icon
  • 8 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 5 of 38
Man of Steal
Adjustment pixel Man of Steal: The True Master Thief
Obsessive Compulsive
Adjustment pixel Obsessive Compulsive: Steal all loot and collectibles in a single chapter
Sleight of Hand
Adjustment pixel Sleight of Hand: Pick 100 pockets in a single playthrough
Quickly Pick a Lucky Lock
Adjustment pixel Quickly Pick a Lucky Lock: Pick a lock with masterful speed
Something to Prove
Adjustment pixel Something to Prove: Finish the game with a custom difficulty of 700 points or more
Dark Archer
Adjustment pixel Dark Archer: Complete 10 optional Thieving Challenges
Legend in Leather
Adjustment pixel Legend in Leather: Complete 25 optional Thieving Challenges
Mint Condition
Adjustment pixel Mint Condition: Finish 3 consecutive missions without taking damage
Focus on the Tasks at Hand
Adjustment pixel Focus on the Tasks at Hand: Pick a pocket and a lock using the focus ability
Moral Victory
Adjustment pixel Moral Victory: Finish the game without a single kill or knockout
One Step Ahead
Adjustment pixel One Step Ahead: Disarm ten trap mechanisms
Clear Headed
Adjustment pixel Clear Headed: Reach the final chapter without using the focus ability
Hard Times
Adjustment pixel Hard Times: Finish the game on Master difficulty
Modesty Denied
Adjustment pixel Modesty Denied: Score an epic 5,000,000 or more in a Challenge Map
Child of the Shadows
Adjustment pixel Child of the Shadows: Finish a single chapter without alerting anyone
Hail of Glass
Adjustment pixel Hail of Glass: Shoot a bottle in mid-air with an arrow
Health Hazard
Adjustment pixel Health Hazard: Kill or knockout 10 people using the environment
Adjustment pixel Priceless: Complete a collectible set
What's Yours is Mine
Adjustment pixel What's Yours is Mine: Complete all collectible sets
Happy Birthday
Adjustment pixel Happy Birthday: Sweet sixteen. Snuff said.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 26 19:51:45 2014
Hidden Agenda
Adjustment pixel Hidden Agenda: Discover 15 secret areas
Finders Keepers
Adjustment pixel Finders Keepers: Discover all secret areas
Cache Dispenser
Adjustment pixel Cache Dispenser: Use 40,000 gold
Working Overtime
Adjustment pixel Working Overtime: Complete all Client Jobs in The City
Dastardly Deeds
Adjustment pixel Dastardly Deeds: Complete all Basso Jobs in The City
All That Glitters
Adjustment pixel All That Glitters: Steal 5 collectibles
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 26 00:10:42 2014
Old Habits Die Hard
Adjustment pixel Old Habits Die Hard: Find all the secret stashes in Moira
Adjustment pixel Two-Faced: Uncover Lyegrove's secret
The Drop
Adjustment pixel The Drop: Finish the Prologue
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 25 22:28:31 2014
Adjustment pixel Lockdown: Finish Chapter One
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Feb 25 23:01:29 2014
Dust to Dust
Adjustment pixel Dust to Dust: Finish Chapter Two
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Feb 26 00:14:24 2014
Dirty Secrets
Adjustment pixel Dirty Secrets: Finish Chapter Three
A Friend in Need
Adjustment pixel A Friend in Need: Finish Chapter Four
The Forsaken
Adjustment pixel The Forsaken: Finish Chapter Five
A Man Apart
Adjustment pixel A Man Apart: Finish Chapter Six
The Hidden City
Adjustment pixel The Hidden City: Finish Chapter Seven
The Dawn's Light
Adjustment pixel The Dawn's Light: Finish Chapter Eight
More Heist Less Speed
Adjustment pixel More Heist Less Speed: Finish the game in 15 hours or more
201 players