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The Price is Right Decades PS3

The Price is Right Decades

The Price Is Right: Decades is a game based on the hit TV show The Price Is Right.
  • US April 3, 2012
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Ludia
Publisher: Ubisoft
  • 29 Trophy bronze icon
  • 14 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 6 of 46
The Ultimate Fan
Adjustment pixel The Ultimate Fan: Win all the other trophies.
1st Bid FTW
Adjustment pixel 1st Bid FTW: Win a Contestant's row for the first time (Single player).
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Apr 9 16:14:05 2012
Archive Rookie
Adjustment pixel Archive Rookie: Unlock your 1st tape.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Apr 9 16:18:10 2012
Archive Explorer
Adjustment pixel Archive Explorer: Unlock 5 tapes.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 9 10:20:41 2014
Archive Lover
Adjustment pixel Archive Lover: Unlock 15 tapes.
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Oct 2 23:52:45 2015
Archive Specialist
Adjustment pixel Archive Specialist: Unlock 30 tapes.
Archive Master
Adjustment pixel Archive Master: Unlock all the tapes.
Showcase Master
Adjustment pixel Showcase Master: Win every showcases of every shows.
Social Player
Adjustment pixel Social Player: Play a show online (any game mode).
Drop it like it’s hot
Adjustment pixel Drop it like it’s hot: Plinko 1998 : Win $30,000 or more in one Plinko game online (any game mode).
The Athlete
Adjustment pixel The Athlete: Hurdles : Win 3 Hurdles games online (any game mode).
The Champion
Adjustment pixel The Champion: Finish 1st on 10 multiplayer games online (any game mode).
The Contestant
Adjustment pixel The Contestant: Play 5 Contestant's Row online (any game mode).
Serious Player
Adjustment pixel Serious Player: Finish 1st on five 4-players multiplayer games online (any game mode).
The Veteran
Adjustment pixel The Veteran: Play 30 games online (any game mode).
Adjustment pixel Hospitality: Host 10 games online (any game mode).
On the nose!
Adjustment pixel On the nose!: Make 3 exact bids on Contestant's row (Any game mode).
The Finish Line
Adjustment pixel The Finish Line: SECRET - Win $10,000 cumulative in Race Game (Single player)
The PhD
Adjustment pixel The PhD: SECRET - Professor Price : Answer correctly 3 questions in a row in one game. (Single)
Adjustment pixel Punched!: SECRET - Punch A Bunch : Win $50,000 (cumulative) (Single)
Get it rollin’
Adjustment pixel Get it rollin’: SECRET - Super Ball : Win $60,000 (cumulative) (Single)
A Nickel Away
Adjustment pixel A Nickel Away: SECRET - Check Out : Win the game with a difference of $0.05 or less (1982 or 1996) (Single)
Somewhere over the rainbow
Adjustment pixel Somewhere over the rainbow: SECRET - Golden road 1984 : Win $50,000 (cumulative) (Single)
The pot of gold
Adjustment pixel The pot of gold: SECRET - Golden road 2005: Win $200,000 (cumulative) (Single)
Adjustment pixel Superstar: SECRET - Walk Of Fame : win $20,000 (cumulative) (Single)
My name is Tiger
Adjustment pixel My name is Tiger: SECRET - Hole in One : win $40,000 (cumulative) (Single)
Conquer the maze
Adjustment pixel Conquer the maze: SECRET - Pathfinder : win a Pathfinder game without making any mistake (Single)
On the Edge
Adjustment pixel On the Edge: SECRET - Cliff Hangers : win with the cliffhanger standing on the 25th step of the mountain. That was close! (Any Cliff Hangers) (Single)
Adjustment pixel Shopaholic: SECRET - It's in the bag : Win $40,000 (cumulative) (Single)
No strikes
Adjustment pixel No strikes: SECRET - 3 Strikes 2009 : Win a game without drawing an X (Single)
Adjustment pixel Homerun!: SECRET - 3 strikes 1999 : win a game without misplacing any number (Single)
The Clairvoyant
Adjustment pixel The Clairvoyant: SECRET - Cover Up : win by placing all the right numbers in your first try (Single)
Time to Go Bonkers!
Adjustment pixel Time to Go Bonkers!: SECRET - Bonkers : Win a game on your first try! (Single)
It’s a Kind of Magic
Adjustment pixel It’s a Kind of Magic: SECRET - Magic Number : win $10,000 (cumulative) (Any Magic Number) (Single)
Adjustment pixel Awesomeness: Showcase Showdown : Win by landing twice on 100 on your first spin and on your bonus spin.
Let's get the party started
Adjustment pixel Let's get the party started: Play a local multiplayer game.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Nov 27 20:43:50 2012
Big Winner
Adjustment pixel Big Winner: The host player must finish 1st on a 4 players local multiplayer game.
Party Animal
Adjustment pixel Party Animal: Play 10 Local multiplayer games.
Big Fred
Adjustment pixel Big Fred: The host player wins a Double Money Showcase in a local multiplayer game.
Lucky Chips
Adjustment pixel Lucky Chips: Plinko 1983 : The host player wins $15 000 or more in a Plinko game (Local multiplayer).
Movie Night
Adjustment pixel Movie Night: Watch a bonus video.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 9 11:19:09 2014
Adjustment pixel Videophile: Watch all bonus videos.
The 70s Fan
Adjustment pixel The 70s Fan: Play 50 pricing games in 70's Decade (Single Player) (Show or Pricing game).
The 80s Fan
Adjustment pixel The 80s Fan: Play 60 pricing games in 80's Decade (Single Player) (Show or Pricing game).
The 90s Fan
Adjustment pixel The 90s Fan: Play 60 pricing games in 90's Decade (Single Player) (Show or Pricing game).
The 00s Fan
Adjustment pixel The 00s Fan: Play 70 pricing games in 00's Decade (Single Player) (Show or Pricing game).
26 players