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The Persistence PS4

The Persistence

Set on board a deep space scientific vessel called The Persistence in the year 2521, the ship arrives at the site of a collapsing star 17,000 light years from earth. While conducting a major experiment, a horrific incident occurs mutating many of the crew. As The Persistence is pulled into the gravity of the collapsing star, the ship’s computer, ‘IRIS’ wakes remaining members of the crew from cryogenic sleep – one at amore
  • US May 21, 2020
  • EU May 21, 2020
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Firesprite
Publisher: Firesprite
  • 32 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 5 of 44
Persistence Pays Dividends
Adjustment pixel Persistence Pays Dividends: Collect all trophies
Let's Do This
Adjustment pixel Let's Do This: Enter Research Deck after the tutorial
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jul 24 07:11:47 2018
Plot the Jump Vectors
Adjustment pixel Plot the Jump Vectors: Plot the jump vectors home on Research Deck
Mutant Madness
Adjustment pixel Mutant Madness: Refuel the Stardrive
Repair the Sensors
Adjustment pixel Repair the Sensors: Repair the Sensors on Communications Deck
A Fallen Hero
Adjustment pixel A Fallen Hero: Find the Captain's body on Engineering Deck
Going Home!
Adjustment pixel Going Home!: Complete the game
Super Happy Ending
Adjustment pixel Super Happy Ending: Save both Serena and Zimri
Treasure Hunter
Adjustment pixel Treasure Hunter: Open 25 supply crates
First of Many
Adjustment pixel First of Many: Make any schematic
Adjustment pixel Epic!: Make an epic schematic
Everything is Awesome!
Adjustment pixel Everything is Awesome!: Make an Epic of each suit, teleporter, shield, harvester and supersense
Payback Time
Adjustment pixel Payback Time: Unlock a weapon
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jul 24 07:17:11 2018
Full Arsenal
Adjustment pixel Full Arsenal: Unlock all weapons
Lock and Load
Adjustment pixel Lock and Load: Upgrade a weapon
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jul 24 07:44:02 2018
As Good as it Gets
Adjustment pixel As Good as it Gets: Get any weapon to Max level
Feeling Good
Adjustment pixel Feeling Good: Upgrade any DNA stat
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jul 24 07:30:59 2018
Feeling Great
Adjustment pixel Feeling Great: Upgrade each DNA stat at least once
Feeling Unstoppable
Adjustment pixel Feeling Unstoppable: Get all DNA stats to max
Adjustment pixel Samurai: Kill 100 enemies by harvesting their stemcells
Six Shooter
Adjustment pixel Six Shooter: Shoot and kill 6 enemies in a row, with just 6 bullets
Sharp Shooter
Adjustment pixel Sharp Shooter: 10 headshots in a row
A Bundle of Limbs
Adjustment pixel A Bundle of Limbs: Kill 3 enemies with the same gravity bomb
Thanks, Guys!
Adjustment pixel Thanks, Guys!: Kill 5 enemies with the same Swarm Droid
That's Gotta Hurt
Adjustment pixel That's Gotta Hurt: Smash an enemy to death with the Gravimetric Hook
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jul 24 07:36:19 2018
Adjustment pixel Abrakebabra!: Pin two enemies with the same Valkyrie bolt
Stealth is for Wimps
Adjustment pixel Stealth is for Wimps: Melee kill a Berserker with the Stem Cell Harvester
Who's a Good Boy!
Adjustment pixel Who's a Good Boy!: Have a single Ivy Serum buddy kill 5 enemies
Shields Up!
Adjustment pixel Shields Up!: Power up any Debris Defence Shield machine
Shields at Maximum
Adjustment pixel Shields at Maximum: Power up all the Debris Defence Shield machines
Fully Fortified
Adjustment pixel Fully Fortified: Use all 4 Debris Defence Shield machines on the same life
A Lost Friend
Adjustment pixel A Lost Friend: Find a crew member artefact
A Lost Family
Adjustment pixel A Lost Family: Find all 6 crew member artefacts
Not Feeling Myself…
Adjustment pixel Not Feeling Myself…: Print a clone of any other crew member
All the Crew
Adjustment pixel All the Crew: Print a clone of all 7 crew members
Full House
Adjustment pixel Full House: Kill one of each type of enemy
The Ship is Your Friend
Adjustment pixel The Ship is Your Friend: Use the environment to kill 10 enemies
Big Bad Buddy
Adjustment pixel Big Bad Buddy: Rage Berserkers to kill 10 enemies
Thank You!
Adjustment pixel Thank You!: Get a weeper to kill another mutant (without using Ivy Serum)
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Adjustment pixel Wrong Place, Wrong Time: Kill any enemy with a hidden Siren Grenade
Keep Your Distance, Buddy
Adjustment pixel Keep Your Distance, Buddy: Use your shield 10 times against the same enemy
Adjustment pixel Boom!: Get fireballs to kill a total of 10 mutants
Teleport Technician
Adjustment pixel Teleport Technician: Visit Research and then Stardrive decks on any one life, without walking
Nah, I'm Good.
Adjustment pixel Nah, I'm Good.: Visit all 4 Decks on any 1 life, without collecting anything or making a weapon
40 players