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Terraria PS3


Dig, fight, explore, build! Nothing is impossible in this action-packed adventure game. The world is your canvas and the ground itself is your paint. Grab your tools and go! You can do many things in Terraria: make weapons and fight off a variety of enemies in numerous biomes, dig deep underground to find accessories, money, and other useful things, gather wood, stone, ores, and other resources to create everything youmore
  • US March 26, 2013
  • EU N/A
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Re-Logic
Publisher: Re-Logic
  • 25 Trophy bronze icon
  • 20 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 12 of 48
Adjustment pixel Completionist!: All the trophies have been earned.
Terraria Student
Adjustment pixel Terraria Student: You have begun the tutorial!
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 4 08:08:12 2020
Home Sweet Home
Adjustment pixel Home Sweet Home: The Guide has moved in!
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Oct 10 16:04:01 2020
All in the Family
Adjustment pixel All in the Family: Every NPC has moved in!
Rock Bottom
Adjustment pixel Rock Bottom: You have reached the bottom of the World!
Adjustment pixel Exterminator: You have defeated every boss!
Adjustment pixel Slimer: You have killed every type of slime!
Challenge Accepted
Adjustment pixel Challenge Accepted: You have unlocked Hard Mode!
Maxed Out
Adjustment pixel Maxed Out: You have the maximum health and mana!
Adjustment pixel Corruptible: Your World is Corrupt!
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Adjustment pixel Hallowed Be Thy Name: Your World is Hallowed!
Adjustment pixel Ophthalmologist: You have defeated The Twins!
Bona Fide
Adjustment pixel Bona Fide: You have defeated Skeletron Prime!
Ride the Worm
Adjustment pixel Ride the Worm: You have defeated The Destroyer!
Marathon Runner
Adjustment pixel Marathon Runner: You have traveled over 42km on the ground!
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Oct 12 12:14:13 2020
Adjustment pixel Landscaper: You have removed more than 10,000 blocks!
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Oct 17 12:09:59 2020
Crowd Control
Adjustment pixel Crowd Control: You have defeated the Goblin Army!
Adjustment pixel Survivor: You have survived the first night!
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 4 10:11:35 2020
Adjustment pixel Icarus: Reach the top of the World!
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jan 15 12:26:14 2021
Vanity of Vanities
Adjustment pixel Vanity of Vanities: Wear a full set of vanity clothes.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Oct 24 06:49:28 2020
Pet Hoarder
Adjustment pixel Pet Hoarder: Find ALL the pets.
Be Prepared
Adjustment pixel Be Prepared: Activate 5 buffs at the same time.
Adjustment pixel Airtime!: Enjoy the view.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Oct 12 13:40:56 2020
Adjustment pixel Blacksmith: Craft 300 items at an anvil!
I'm Smelting!
Adjustment pixel I'm Smelting!: You have smelted 10,000 bars of metal!
A Knight in Shining Armors
Adjustment pixel A Knight in Shining Armors: You have obtained every type of armor.
Adjustment pixel Engineer: You have placed 100 wires!
Red Moon Rises
Adjustment pixel Red Moon Rises: You have survived the Blood Moon!
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Oct 13 18:13:26 2020
Adjustment pixel Crafty: You have used every crafting station!
To Hell and Back
Adjustment pixel To Hell and Back: You have gone to The Underworld and back without dying!
Back for Seconds
Adjustment pixel Back for Seconds: You have defeated all the prime bosses twice.
Is This Heaven?
Adjustment pixel Is This Heaven?: You have found a floating island!
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 4 14:55:04 2020
Leap a tall building in a single bound
Adjustment pixel Leap a tall building in a single bound: Jump really, really high.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Oct 13 08:56:20 2020
Safe fall
Adjustment pixel Safe fall: You have landed safely.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Oct 17 09:57:14 2020
Adjustment pixel Hellevator: Go from the surface to The Underworld in under a minute.
Gone in 60 seconds
Adjustment pixel Gone in 60 seconds: You ran continuously for 60 seconds!
Appease the Volcano Gods
Adjustment pixel Appease the Volcano Gods: You sacrificed The Guide in boiling hot magma!
Adjustment pixel Homicidal: You killed The Guide, you maniac!
Terraria Expert
Adjustment pixel Terraria Expert: You have completed the tutorial!
Journey's End: Trophies for Journey's End
Fae Flayer
Adjustment pixel Fae Flayer: Defeat the Empress of Light, responsible for all those flashy lights and glitter.
Infinity +1 Sword
Adjustment pixel Infinity +1 Sword: Obtain the Zenith, the culmination of a journey forged into the ultimate sword.
Dead Men Tell No Tales
Adjustment pixel Dead Men Tell No Tales: You were so preoccupied with whether you could, that you didn't stop to think if you should.
Don't Starve Together: Trophies for Don't Starve Together
Just Desserts
Adjustment pixel Just Desserts: Defeat Queen Slime, giving the coup-de-grace to the sovereign of all that jiggles.
Boots of the Hero
Adjustment pixel Boots of the Hero: Obtain the Terraspark Boots, forged from the finest boots of fire and ice.
Hey! Listen!
Adjustment pixel Hey! Listen!: Encounter a fairy.
Labor of Love: Trophies for Labor of Love
An Eye For An Eye
Adjustment pixel An Eye For An Eye: Defeat Deerclops, the chilly one-eyed monstrosity from a foreign land.
Feast of Midas
Adjustment pixel Feast of Midas: Obtain Golden Delight, the highest quality meal made from the highest quality... ingredients.
Unusual Survival Strategies
Adjustment pixel Unusual Survival Strategies: Delay death from drowning by drinking water. It doesn't make much sense, but you did what you had to do.
225 players