Platinum adventurer: Unlock all of the trophies in Syberia 3.
Earned Sun May 26 14:41:35 2019
This sure ain't kansas: You came round in a really strange institution…
Earned Wed May 22 15:14:48 2019
Respect for protocol: You managed to leave the clinic's psychiatric ward.
Earned Wed May 22 15:55:41 2019
No time to lose!: You fled the clinic and saved the tribe from great peril.
Earned Wed May 22 17:55:13 2019
The castle: You've reached Valsembor despite your pursuer… and the red tape!
Earned Wed May 22 19:06:11 2019
Steiner family: You and the Youkols can count on new allies in Valsembor.
Earned Wed May 22 20:12:15 2019
Mechanical awakening: Your efforts have restored a mechanical masterpiece to working order.
Earned Wed May 22 21:11:08 2019
20,000 leagues under the lake: You took the plunge for the good of the migration…
Earned Thu May 23 15:25:12 2019
Colonel, are you receiving me, over?: You showed the soldiers that cunning is always better than force.
Earned Thu May 23 15:51:56 2019
The big good-bye: You enabled the Youkol migration to set off again.
Earned Thu May 23 16:00:58 2019
We're going to need a bigger boat: The redemption of a great sailor saved you from a legendary assailant.
Earned Thu May 23 20:55:00 2019
XZ2000… 2.0: You brought a friend back to life.
Earned Sat May 25 19:50:07 2019
The community of the ostrich: Your alliance with an automaton and the tribe has let you move mountains… Or a ferry, at any rate.
Earned Sat May 25 20:26:27 2019
I is somebody else: Admit it: you didn't see that one coming…
Earned Sat May 25 20:52:17 2019
O spirits, are you there?: The spirits have given you their blessing… and quite a trip!
Earned Sat May 25 22:13:03 2019
What counts is not the destination…: You helped the Youkols get to safety, at the risk of a far darker future for yourself…
Earned Sun May 26 14:41:35 2019
One flew over the nut-job's nest: Pass your medical visit.
Earned Wed May 22 15:23:20 2019
Crime and punishment: On the first try, you succeeded in convincing a lost soul to seek redemption by helping you.
Earned Wed May 22 20:30:09 2019
Lobbyist: Get your old reflexes back to make an elected official give in.
Earned Wed May 22 21:20:20 2019
I am legend: See beneath the surface to convince a survivor to help you.
Earned Sat May 25 19:43:14 2019
The Valsembor horror: Listen to two people tell you the story of a local legend.
Earned Wed May 22 19:08:57 2019
Valsemborgate: Find out about the region's dark past.
Earned Wed May 22 20:03:00 2019
Cassandra: Prove to the clinic staff that you're right despite everything.
Earned Thu May 23 15:52:40 2019
Tripping: Receive an old friend's congratulations by helping him before he asks you to.
Earned Sat May 25 20:08:49 2019
Anything goes: You set off a strange migratory mechanism without being asked to do a thing…
Earned Sat May 25 22:31:51 2019
The scriptwriter's nightmare: While exploring, perform 10 optional actions that influence your progress.
Earned Sat May 25 20:07:29 2019
Grumpy old...: Get rebuffed three times by the same character.
Earned Wed May 22 20:12:50 2019
A little tenderness, maybe...?: Tell one of your traveling companions how much you like them three times.
Earned Sat May 25 21:14:29 2019
You call that cheating...?: Find 15 points on interest in items in your inventory.
Earned Thu May 23 15:14:29 2019
Time to collect your thoughts: Think twice before speaking.
Earned Wed May 22 15:21:44 2019
Martingale: During a discussion, use an irrefutable argument that you obtained by exploring.
Earned Wed May 22 20:27:43 2019
Friends for life: Become friends with two of the clinics old hands.
Earned Wed May 22 15:37:27 2019
Tables turned: Admit you like it…
Earned Thu May 23 15:27:10 2019
Brave… in good time!: Receive an elected official's moral support.
Earned Thu May 23 15:42:25 2019
Available brainwidth: You've preserved an ally's cultural integrity…
Earned Sat May 25 20:03:33 2019
Ironic, ain't it?: Admit you've wanted to ever since you left Valadilène…
Earned Sat May 25 20:52:57 2019
A word to the wise…: When solving a puzzle, find what's needed the first time around.
Earned Wed May 22 20:38:50 2019
Master locksmith: When solving a puzzle, make a perfect duplicate on the first try.
Earned Wed May 22 21:05:06 2019
Ice breaker: When solving a puzzle, start the mechanism you're asked to without stalling a single time.
Earned Thu May 23 16:28:21 2019
Raiders of the lost temple: When solving a puzzle, open the doors to a ruin with fewer than 20 moves.
Earned Sat May 25 22:10:54 2019
Mobile communication: When solving a puzzle, you use a strange machine without ever putting out the fire you lit beforehand.
Earned Sun May 26 14:36:17 2019