There Is Nothing More To Teach...: Completed every Trophy. Now go save lives!
I Think I Got This: Perform a heart transplant.
Earned Sun Dec 22 16:51:36 2019
Kali Mah!: Perform a heart transplant in under 1 minute 50 seconds.
Earned Sun Dec 22 17:38:30 2019
Don't In-Test My Patience: Perform a double kidney transplant in under 3 minutes.
How Long Can You Live Without A Brain?: Perform a brain transplant in under 30 seconds.
Blink And You'll Miss It: Perform an eye transplant in under 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
Earned Mon Dec 23 13:42:45 2019
You May Feel A Light Tapping: Perform a teeth transplant in under 45 seconds.
Nine Nine Nine!: Perform a heart transplant in an ambulance.
Earned Tue Dec 24 10:16:17 2019
Life's Too Short: Perform a heart transplant in an ambulance in under 1 minute 40 seconds.
A Surgeon's Merit Is Based On Speed: Perform a double kidney transplant in an ambulance in under 2 minutes.
Brainstorm: Perform a brain transplant in an ambulance in under 30 seconds.
I Can See For Miles... Per Hour: Perform an eye transplant in an ambulance in under 2 minutes and 10 seconds.
Earned Thu Dec 26 15:20:40 2019
Not The Time Or Place For Precision: Perform a teeth transplant in an ambulance in under 45 seconds.
In Space, No One Can Hear You Bleed: Perform a heart transplant in space.
Earned Thu Dec 26 15:52:20 2019
It's Life Jim, But Not As We Know It: Perform a heart transplant in space losing less than 1300ml of blood.
Earned Sat Oct 9 19:22:53 2021
The Surgery Of The Future: Perform a double kidney transplant in space losing less than 1500ml of blood.
Precision Instrument Time: Perform a brain transplant in space losing less than 2300ml of blood.
Expert Space Stalker: Perform an eye transplant in space losing less than 1000ml of blood.
Maintained Healthy Gums At Least: Perform a teeth transplant in space losing less than 800ml of blood.
I Immediately Regret This Decision: Electrocute and drug yourself at the same time.
And They Said It Was Impossible!: Complete a procedure after being drugged and electrocuted. (Must be afflicted within 20 secs)
What Have I Done??: Lose the patient within 15 seconds.
Earned Thu Dec 26 15:33:10 2019
Hammer Time: Lose 50,000ml of blood using the hammer.
Earned Thu Dec 26 15:30:30 2019
What A Load Of Bull: Listen to the surgeon rap.
Earned Sun Dec 22 21:01:22 2019
The Goggles Do Nothing: Completely smash up the goggles.
Earned Mon Dec 23 13:31:37 2019
Lumberjack: Cut out the eyes using the surgical axe.
Heterochromia: Give the patient heterochromia.
Earned Thu Dec 26 15:20:39 2019
You Can't Handle The Tooth!: Complete the tooth transplant only removing the rotten teeth.
Keyhole Surgery: Completely remove the rib cage.
Earned Sat Oct 9 19:10:30 2021
Practically Licensed: Complete all procedures.
I Should Never Have Doubted Myself: Get an A++ rating on a procedure.
Earned Sat Jan 23 18:56:40 2021
Best Surgeon In The World: Get an A++ rating on all procedures.
Like A Wet Paper Towel: Throw the new heart away in the surgery.
Earned Thu Dec 26 15:47:31 2019
I'm Sure He'll Live: Complete a procedure with less than 10ml of blood remaining.
Vworrrp Vworrrp: Create a Time Lord.
Earned Thu Dec 26 15:55:20 2019
The Beat Of Your Heart: Replace the heart with something else.
Doctor Doctor, Give Me The News: Answer the phone.
Earned Sun Dec 22 16:41:09 2019
Nigel The Secretary: Go about your secretarial duties.
Earned Sun Dec 22 21:10:16 2019
Spaaaaaaaaace: Go where no surgeon has gone before.
Earned Thu Dec 26 15:46:22 2019
About As Politically Correct As Fur: Give the patient a... scarf.
It's In! It's In I Tell You!: ...and it was going so well.
Earned Tue Dec 24 10:17:07 2019
Nothing But Skull: Complete a brain transplant by throwing it in.
Earned Mon Dec 23 10:55:16 2019
Let's See That Sick Filth Again: Perform a 180° spoon flip.
Call Trisha: Now where did you leave her number...
Earned Sat Oct 9 20:18:41 2021
Bin there, done that: Throw any object into any bin in reception
Earned Sun Dec 22 17:30:19 2019
Mass ejection: Eject all the tools into space
Smash TV: Make the TV in the ambulance fall off
Earned Tue Dec 24 10:16:35 2019
Bin Longden: Throw any object into the furthest bin in reception
Earned Mon Dec 23 10:49:32 2019