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Super Cane Magic Zero PS4

Super Cane Magic Zero

Embark on a quest for up to four players and save the world of WOTF from a magical dog who has unleashed an army of killer vegetables and taken out the Internet. Enjoy a 20+ hour campaign while rescuing wizards, unlocking skills, collecting loot, and eating virtually everything in sight.
  • US May 30, 2019
  • EU May 30, 2019
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Studio Evil
Publisher: Intragames
  • 47 Trophy bronze icon
  • 8 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 5 of 57
Adjustment pixel Perfectionist: Obtain all other trophies
Adjustment pixel Gladiator: Play 10 Arena matches
Learned How to Play
Adjustment pixel Learned How to Play: Die 10 times
Retro Gamer Diet
Adjustment pixel Retro Gamer Diet: You really do like retro games, eh?
From the Grave
Adjustment pixel From the Grave: He who laughs last laughs longest
Level 10
Adjustment pixel Level 10: Obtain level 10
Level 50
Adjustment pixel Level 50: Obtain level 50
Level 100
Adjustment pixel Level 100: Obtain level 100
The Oblivious
Adjustment pixel The Oblivious: Find a TV Shrine
The Scholar
Adjustment pixel The Scholar: Find 10 TV Shrines
The All Knowing
Adjustment pixel The All Knowing: Find all 20 TV Shrines
You are Legend
Adjustment pixel You are Legend: Find an orange item
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. You are Purple. The End.
Adjustment pixel Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. You are Purple. The End.: Wear a full set of purple or orange items
Adjustment pixel Tourist: Find the 4 world wonders
Adjustment pixel Nerd: Collect 5 museum items
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Aug 28 16:12:57 2019
Adjustment pixel Explorer: Collect 15 museum items
Adjustment pixel Archeologist: Collect 30 museum items
Adjustment pixel Magister: Collect 50 museum items
The Collector
Adjustment pixel The Collector: Collect 80 museum items
Eh? What? How?
Adjustment pixel Eh? What? How?: Collect all 105 museum items
Over 9000!
Adjustment pixel Over 9000!: There's no way that can be right!
Oh, Hi!
Adjustment pixel Oh, Hi!: Unlock a playable character
Make room, please!
Adjustment pixel Make room, please!: Unlock 7 playable characters
LOL! Who are these people?
Adjustment pixel LOL! Who are these people?: Unlock all 15 playable characters
Adjustment pixel Friendshiiiip!: Play with a friend
Bad Diet
Adjustment pixel Bad Diet: Eat 25 items that are unfit for your character's diet
Good Diet
Adjustment pixel Good Diet: Eat 100 items that are fit for your character's diet
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Aug 28 16:03:27 2019
Horse Portal Whisperer
Adjustment pixel Horse Portal Whisperer: Unlock all 11 portals to horse dimension
Big Spender
Adjustment pixel Big Spender: Waste... uh... spend 10000 salami
Give a Helping Hand
Adjustment pixel Give a Helping Hand: Rebuild a structure in the Poptarts village
Give Two Helping Hands
Adjustment pixel Give Two Helping Hands: Rebuild 5 structures in the Poptarts village
Give a Bag Full of Helping Hands
Adjustment pixel Give a Bag Full of Helping Hands: Rebuild all 10 structures in the Poptarts village
Elite Adventurer
Adjustment pixel Elite Adventurer: Become a gold member of the elite adventurers
Cave Canem
Adjustment pixel Cave Canem: Finish the game
Identified Flying Object
Adjustment pixel Identified Flying Object: Obtain the first belief tree
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Aug 28 15:41:41 2019
Dogs and Biscuits
Adjustment pixel Dogs and Biscuits: Obtain the second belief tree
Master of Bella Vita
Adjustment pixel Master of Bella Vita: Obtain the fourth belief tree
Good Fork
Adjustment pixel Good Fork: Obtain the fifth belief tree
Mind = Blown
Adjustment pixel Mind = Blown: Obtain the sixth belief tree
The Best Superpower
Adjustment pixel The Best Superpower: Obtain the third belief tree
Adjustment pixel AAAaaaAAaAaAH!: Obtain the seventh belief tree
No Holds Barred Fighting Lesson
Adjustment pixel No Holds Barred Fighting Lesson: Defeat the Wise Tree
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Aug 28 15:41:41 2019
Who Left the Freezer Open?
Adjustment pixel Who Left the Freezer Open?: Defeat the Giant Icecream
WOW, You Just Defeated a Cat
Adjustment pixel WOW, You Just Defeated a Cat: Defeat Meowbert 1.4.2 rev6
Seasonal Greens
Adjustment pixel Seasonal Greens: Defeat the Verdoora Brothers
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Aug 28 16:18:04 2019
Get the Flamethrower
Adjustment pixel Get the Flamethrower: Defeat the Thing
Are You Hungry?
Adjustment pixel Are You Hungry?: Stop the Sushi invasion
Hi Mister Skeletron
Adjustment pixel Hi Mister Skeletron: Defeat Rey Skeletron
LFG Magmaros
Adjustment pixel LFG Magmaros: Defeat Magmaros
Gun Fu Master
Adjustment pixel Gun Fu Master: Defeat Blue Beard the Ninja
Plot Twist!
Adjustment pixel Plot Twist!: Save Cake Wizard
In the Name of Disorder
Adjustment pixel In the Name of Disorder: Defeat the Model Prisoner
Hi Daw!
Adjustment pixel Hi Daw!: Defeat Daw's Nose
Who Was That Guy?
Adjustment pixel Who Was That Guy?: Defeat Ludo Thorn
End-of-the-Year Deep Cleaning
Adjustment pixel End-of-the-Year Deep Cleaning: Defeat the Monster of the Deep
Cool! A Dinosaur!
Adjustment pixel Cool! A Dinosaur!: Defeat the Burrowing Lava Dinosaur
Free Fries!
Adjustment pixel Free Fries!: Defeat the Potato King
9 players