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Steelrising PS5


In Steelrising, you play as Aegis, a robot in female form, a masterpiece that serves as a bodyguard to Queen Marie-Antoinette, to put an end to the massacres carried out by the robot army of King Louis XVI, who seems to have gone mad while trying to suppress the nascent revolution by unleashing an army of out-of-control robots.
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon

Developer: Spiders Studio
Publisher: Nacon
  • 40 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 8 of 50
Vive la Révolution
Adjustment pixel Vive la Révolution: Obtain all trophies
Adjustment pixel Sailor: Reach Paris by boat
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Sep 9 11:57:24 2022
All aboard!
Adjustment pixel All aboard!: Obtain the horseless carriage
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Sep 9 21:30:28 2022
Bishop: Cité
Adjustment pixel Bishop: Cité: Defeat the Bishop of the Cité
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Sep 15 18:56:52 2022
Bishop: Louvre
Adjustment pixel Bishop: Louvre: Defeat the Selenite of the Louvre
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Sep 15 15:39:27 2022
Rook: Luxembourg
Adjustment pixel Rook: Luxembourg: Defeat the Alchemist of Luxembourg
Rook: Les Invalides
Adjustment pixel Rook: Les Invalides: Defeat the Treasurer of Les Invalides
Knight: Montmartre
Adjustment pixel Knight: Montmartre: Defeat the Centaur of Montmartre
Knight: Bastille
Adjustment pixel Knight: Bastille: Defeat the Executioner of the Bastille
The Mad Titan
Adjustment pixel The Mad Titan: Defeat the Royal Orpheus
Queen: Versailles
Adjustment pixel Queen: Versailles: Defeat the Iron Queen
Adjustment pixel Stabiliser: Defeat all unstable Automats
The bodyguard
Adjustment pixel The bodyguard: Discover the truth about the Queen’s son and save her from certain death
Adjustment pixel Conspiracy: Investigate the Orléanistes' plot for La Fayette
The Old Alchemist
Adjustment pixel The Old Alchemist: Conduct an investigation for Abbé Grégoire
Automat at your service
Adjustment pixel Automat at your service: Help Mirabeau solve his family problems
Abolishing slavery
Adjustment pixel Abolishing slavery: Help Julien Raimond in his fight against slavery
Adjustment pixel Ludia: Follow Bailly's advice to find out the truth about Ludia
Love before money
Adjustment pixel Love before money: Save Necker by finding his wife before his money
Lanterns of the dead
Adjustment pixel Lanterns of the dead: Help Robespierre devise a plan to stop the Automats by forging an alliance with Laclos
Traces of powder
Adjustment pixel Traces of powder: Find Lavoisier's powder and give a significant edge to the Cordeliers Club
Apprentice journalist
Adjustment pixel Apprentice journalist: Conduct a journalistic investigation for Marat, without wrongly accusing La Fayette
Adjustment pixel Incorruptible: Help Robespierre carry out his plan to make him Consul of the Republic
Adjustment pixel Royalist: Help La Fayette become the Lieutenant Général of young King Henri V's kingdom
Shield of the Cordeliers
Adjustment pixel Shield of the Cordeliers: Help all the revolutionaries of the Cordeliers Club
Friend of the people
Adjustment pixel Friend of the people: Complete all citizen stories
Adjustment pixel Résurgence: Collect all of Athenaïs's echoes
Adjustment pixel Saviour: Awaken the 7 characters bound to Titans
Safe passage
Adjustment pixel Safe passage: Activate 20 Vestals
Adjustment pixel Grenadier: Defeat 25 enemies with grenades
Adjustment pixel Pyromaniac: Ignite enemies 100 times
Positively shocking
Adjustment pixel Positively shocking: Electrocute enemies 100 times
Ms Freeze
Adjustment pixel Ms Freeze: Freeze enemies 100 times
Adjustment pixel Supercooled: Use Rapid Cooling 50 times
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Sep 9 10:22:01 2022
Adjustment pixel Cold-blooded: Perform 10 Perfect Cooldowns
Adjustment pixel Untouchable: Perform 50 counterattacks
Collateral damage
Adjustment pixel Collateral damage: Have an enemy be killed by a direct hit from another enemy 5 times
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Sep 15 16:53:38 2022
Stealth itself
Adjustment pixel Stealth itself: Surprise 20 enemies with stealth attacks
Finish him
Adjustment pixel Finish him: Immobilise 70 enemies
Titan assassin
Adjustment pixel Titan assassin: Defeat a Titan without using the Oil Burette
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Sep 15 15:39:27 2022
Adjustment pixel Technician: Equip 4 level 3 modules
David vs. Goliath
Adjustment pixel David vs. Goliath: Kill an enemy with a cobblestone
Professional care
Adjustment pixel Professional care: Fully upgrade the Oil Burette (4x dosage, 4x effectiveness)
Adjustment pixel Blacksmith: Upgrade a weapon from each of the 7 classes to level 5
The Aegis
Adjustment pixel The Aegis: Block 50 attack impacts with a shield special move
Adjustment pixel Musketeer: Kill 20 enemies with a ranged shot
AoE specialist
Adjustment pixel AoE specialist: Perform 10 attacks affecting 3 enemies at once
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Sep 15 16:23:00 2022
Adjustment pixel Eagle-eyed: Hit 20 hidden enemies
Adjustment pixel Completionist: Finish the game without using the Oil Burette (after the tutorial)
Fashion victim
Adjustment pixel Fashion victim: Acquire all outfits in the base game
55 players