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Star Trek PS3

Star Trek

This action-packed Star Trek game is based in the continuity set up in the 2009 reboot of Gene Roddenberry's classic series by J. J. Abrams. The Star Trek video game offers a sweeping journey of epic proportions across unexplored planets and enemy battleships with the latest 23rd century weapons and gear. It boasts a story filled with action-packed combat as Kirk and Spock work together to stop a legendary enemy racemore
  • US April 23, 2013
  • EU April 26, 2013
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Digital Extremes
Publisher: Paramount Digital Entertainment
  • 42 Trophy bronze icon
  • 4 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 9 of 50
Conquer Star Trek
Adjustment pixel Conquer Star Trek: Acquired all Trophies
Beat Helios-1
Adjustment pixel Beat Helios-1: Completed the Helios-1 chapter on any difficulty
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jul 5 17:06:17 2013
Beat New Vulcan
Adjustment pixel Beat New Vulcan: Completed the New Vulcan chapter on any difficulty
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 7 09:33:45 2013
Beat Space Battle
Adjustment pixel Beat Space Battle: Completed the Space Battle chapter on any difficulty
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 8 15:56:48 2013
Beat Frontier Starbase
Adjustment pixel Beat Frontier Starbase: Completed the Frontier Starbase chapter on any difficulty
Beat Volatile Cargo & Flashback
Adjustment pixel Beat Volatile Cargo & Flashback: Completed the Volatile Cargo & Flashback chapters on any difficulty
Beat Gorn Planet & The Trials
Adjustment pixel Beat Gorn Planet & The Trials: Completed the Gorn Planet & The Trials chapters on any difficulty
Beat Enterprise Capture
Adjustment pixel Beat Enterprise Capture: Completed the Enterprise Capture chapter on any difficulty
Beat Mothership
Adjustment pixel Beat Mothership: Completed the Mothership chapter on any difficulty
Well Done Captain
Adjustment pixel Well Done Captain: Completed the game on any difficulty setting
Into Darkness
Adjustment pixel Into Darkness: Completed the game on hard difficulty setting
Captain's Phaser Master
Adjustment pixel Captain's Phaser Master: Kill 100 enemies with the Captain's Phaser
Vulcan Repeater Master
Adjustment pixel Vulcan Repeater Master: Kill 100 enemies with the Vulcan Repeater
Starfleet Phaser Rifle Master
Adjustment pixel Starfleet Phaser Rifle Master: Kill 50 enemies with the Starfleet Phaser Rifle
Vulcan Pulse Cannon Master
Adjustment pixel Vulcan Pulse Cannon Master: Kill 50 enemies with the Vulcan Pulse Cannon
Starfleet Type III Rifle Master
Adjustment pixel Starfleet Type III Rifle Master: Kill 20 enemies with the Starfleet Type III Rifle
Ravager Master
Adjustment pixel Ravager Master: Kill 50 enemies with the Ravager
Marauder Master
Adjustment pixel Marauder Master: Kill 50 enemies with the Marauder
Pillager Master
Adjustment pixel Pillager Master: Kill 50 enemies with the Pillager
Railer Master
Adjustment pixel Railer Master: Kill 50 enemies with the Railer
Striker Master
Adjustment pixel Striker Master: Kill 20 enemies with the Striker
Arc Driver Master
Adjustment pixel Arc Driver Master: Kill 50 enemies with the Arc Driver
Plasma Grenade Master
Adjustment pixel Plasma Grenade Master: Kill 20 enemies with the Plasma Grenades
Weapon Experimenter
Adjustment pixel Weapon Experimenter: Connect every weapon's alternate fire with enemies
Listening In
Adjustment pixel Listening In: Found half of all audio logs
The Whole Story
Adjustment pixel The Whole Story: Found all audio logs
Adjustment pixel Researcher: Found half of all research items
Adjustment pixel Fascinating: Found all research items
Away Team: Mission Initiated
Adjustment pixel Away Team: Mission Initiated: Complete one chapter in co-operative play
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jul 5 17:05:57 2013
Away Team: Mission In-Progress
Adjustment pixel Away Team: Mission In-Progress: Complete four chapters in co-operative play
Away Team: Mission Accomplished
Adjustment pixel Away Team: Mission Accomplished: Complete all chapters in co-operative play
Captain's Phaser Tinkerer
Adjustment pixel Captain's Phaser Tinkerer: Bought all upgrades for the Captain's Phaser
Vulcan Repeater Tinkerer
Adjustment pixel Vulcan Repeater Tinkerer: Bought all upgrades for the Vulcan Repeater
Tricorder Tinkerer
Adjustment pixel Tricorder Tinkerer: Bought all upgrades for the Tricorder
Adjustment pixel Technologic: Cleared 30 mini-games including co-operative hacks, bypasses, and power reroutes
Non-Lethal Master
Adjustment pixel Non-Lethal Master: Took down 30 enemies in a non-lethal manner
Dagger of the Mind
Adjustment pixel Dagger of the Mind: Performed Mind Meld on 10 different enemies
Live Long and Prosper
Adjustment pixel Live Long and Prosper: Revived your teammate (AI or co-op player) 20 times
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Aug 6 12:04:28 2013
All Power to Forward Shields
Adjustment pixel All Power to Forward Shields: Complete the Space Battle with a hull integrity of 85% or more
Are You Not Entertained?
Adjustment pixel Are You Not Entertained?: Win the brawl against your buddy in "The Trials" chapter
Get to the Shuttle!
Adjustment pixel Get to the Shuttle!: After the brawl, escape in less than 6 minutes in "The Trials" chapter
Honorary Commendation
Adjustment pixel Honorary Commendation: Complete half of all Optional Objectives
Exemplary Commendation
Adjustment pixel Exemplary Commendation: Complete all Optional Objectives
Go Team!
Adjustment pixel Go Team!: Kill or take down an enemy that your teammate (AI or co-op player) has stunned
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 7 08:40:07 2013
My Robot Friend
Adjustment pixel My Robot Friend: Hack an enemy drone to your side and have it kill another enemy
I'll Cover You!
Adjustment pixel I'll Cover You!: Order your teammate (AI or co-op player) and have him complete 5 bypasses in a row
One Man Army
Adjustment pixel One Man Army: Kill 3 enemies while your teammate (AI or co-op partner) is in a downed state
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 7 09:29:31 2013
Down But Not Out
Adjustment pixel Down But Not Out: Kill 3 enemies while in a single downed state
Adjustment pixel Arena: As Kirk, get a Gorn enemy to melee you
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Jul 7 08:54:38 2013
I Have Been, and Always Shall Be, Your Friend
Adjustment pixel I Have Been, and Always Shall Be, Your Friend: As Spock, bleed out during a downed state, leaving Kirk alone and failing the mission
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Aug 6 11:12:19 2013
73 players