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Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon PS4

Spyro Reignited Trilogy - Spyro the Dragon

Remade from the ground up by lead developer Toys for Bob, the Spyro Reignited Trilogy features the fun and nostalgic gameplay that fans remember with more than 100 levels, enhanced reward sequences, Spyro’s gang of zany dragons and other goofballs (including Sparx the Dragonfly, Hunter, Sheila, Agent 9 and Sgt. Byrd) and more. The trilogy also includes improved environments, updated controls, brand-new lighting andmore
  • US November 13, 2018
  • EU November 13, 2018
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Toys for Bob
Publisher: Activision
  • 16 Trophy bronze icon
  • 17 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 7 of 37
Gnasty's Demise
Adjustment pixel Gnasty's Demise: Collect all Spyro the Dragon Trophies
Adjustment pixel Boom!: Take a trip with a Balloonist
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jan 26 20:53:08 2019
Hop, Skip, and Jump
Adjustment pixel Hop, Skip, and Jump: Find the hidden entrance to Sunny Flight
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Jan 25 14:51:44 2019
Sheep Kebab
Adjustment pixel Sheep Kebab: Flame 10 sheep in Stone Hill
Light My Fire
Adjustment pixel Light My Fire: Light the two bonfires in Dark Hollow
Leaf on the Wind
Adjustment pixel Leaf on the Wind: Glide to secret Egg Thief area in Town Square
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jan 26 20:49:27 2019
Adjustment pixel Barnstormer: Do a loop around an arch
Burnt Toast
Adjustment pixel Burnt Toast: Defeat Toasty without getting hit by him
Shoot the Moon
Adjustment pixel Shoot the Moon: Use a cannon to dispatch a taunting Gnorc
Bird Brained
Adjustment pixel Bird Brained: Charge a Vulture
Birds of a Feather
Adjustment pixel Birds of a Feather: Flame every Vulture in Cliff Town
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jan 28 23:57:33 2019
Adjustment pixel Triathlon: Defeat all three Ski Gnorcs
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 31 23:16:05 2019
Hot Wings 1
Adjustment pixel Hot Wings 1: Flame all Fairies in Night Flight
What's in the Box?
Adjustment pixel What's in the Box?: Unlock the strong chest in Doctor Shemp
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 31 22:25:23 2019
Comin' Through!
Adjustment pixel Comin' Through!: Charge through 4 Armored Druids near the start of Magic Crafters
Pops of the Tops
Adjustment pixel Pops of the Tops: Detonate 3 explosive chests on the pillars in Alpine Ridge
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Feb 2 23:29:17 2019
Adjustment pixel Arachnophobe: Defeat all Metalback Spiders
Egg Hunt
Adjustment pixel Egg Hunt: Defeat hidden Egg Thief in Wizard Peak
Hot Wings 2
Adjustment pixel Hot Wings 2: Flame all Fairies in Crystal Flight
Adjustment pixel Gatherer: Collect 400 gems in Blowhard
Mushroom Hunter
Adjustment pixel Mushroom Hunter: Flame 5 Glowing Mushrooms in Beast Makers
Adjustment pixel Rocketeer: Light 3 fireworks within 15 seconds
Cage Free
Adjustment pixel Cage Free: Free a trapped Chicken
Launch Date
Adjustment pixel Launch Date: Jump off every Supercharge ramp in Tree Tops
I Believe it is Time for Me to Fly
Adjustment pixel I Believe it is Time for Me to Fly: Complete Wild Flight without touching the ground
Gems in the Rough
Adjustment pixel Gems in the Rough: Collect 500 gems in Metalhead
Fool's Errand
Adjustment pixel Fool's Errand: Charge through 3 Armored Fools in a row
Bad Doggies!
Adjustment pixel Bad Doggies!: Defeat 3 Demon Dogs in large form
All Puffed Up
Adjustment pixel All Puffed Up: Charge through 4 Puffer Birds in a row
Scrap Metal
Adjustment pixel Scrap Metal: Defeat all Tin Soldiers
Fly Like an Eagle
Adjustment pixel Fly Like an Eagle: Complete Icy Flight without touching the ground
Adjustment pixel Jacques-tacular: Defeat 4 Nightmare Beasts in one glide
I'm in the Money!
Adjustment pixel I'm in the Money!: Unlock Gnasty's Loot
Adjustment pixel Ratastic!: Complete Gnorc Cove without killing any Rats
What Really Grinds My Gears
Adjustment pixel What Really Grinds My Gears: Destroy 6 gears in Twilight Harbor
Dragon and On and On
Adjustment pixel Dragon and On and On: Get Gnasty Gnorc to complete 5 laps
Adjustment pixel Hoarder: Collect all gems in Gnasty's Loot
281 players