Well-Versed in Weaponry: Win at least 1 match with each style (including unarmed).
Hardened for Battle: Defeat an Opponent of Threat 100 or higher.
Earned Mon Feb 3 15:03:34 2014
Beat Strong, Bloody Heart: Win 5 consecutive fights in the Insulae district.
Rejected by Hell: Revive a dead Gladiator for the first time.
Earned Sun Feb 2 22:34:09 2014
Vidi, Vici, Veni: Drive the crowd into a frenzy and win a fight by executing your opponent with a finishing move.
Earned Mon Feb 3 23:28:52 2014
Without Mercy: Perform 25 executions or slaughters.
Earned Tue Feb 4 17:35:58 2014
Legendary Victory: Defeat a legendary gladiator.
Earned Mon Feb 3 15:37:21 2014
An Educated Lanista: Complete the Tutorial.
Earned Sat Feb 1 06:08:48 2014
Opened Gates, Bloodied Sands: Unlock all arenas and fight in all arenas at least once in Legends Mode.
Earned Tue Feb 4 16:30:27 2014
Rich and Famous: Reach Level 50 Fame.
The First of Many Conquests: Conquer your first district.
Earned Mon Feb 3 23:24:39 2014
The Champion of Capua: Conquer all districts.
Earned Tue Feb 4 19:56:05 2014