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Soul Axiom PS4

Soul Axiom

Axiom Verge is a retro-styled 2D action game focused on unusual weaponry and exploration of an maze-like, infested world. You play as Trace, a relatively normal (if quirky) guy who suffers a near-fatal injury, after which he wakes up in a strange, unsettling new world that is both high-tech and incredibly ancient. Why is he here? Where are the world's inhabitants? And what is the mysterious force that seems intent on ending his life?
  • US June 7, 2016
  • EU June 7, 2016
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Wales Interactive
Publisher: Wales Interactive
  • 42 Trophy bronze icon
  • 7 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 6 of 52
Adjustment pixel Platinum: Collect all Soul Axiom trophies.
Maiden Voyage
Adjustment pixel Maiden Voyage: Complete the Ship
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jun 7 12:10:00 2016
Death Valley
Adjustment pixel Death Valley: Complete the Desert
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jun 7 12:14:25 2016
Blast From The Past
Adjustment pixel Blast From The Past: Complete the Desert Temple
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jun 7 12:20:24 2016
Field Of Dreams
Adjustment pixel Field Of Dreams: Complete the Elysian Fields
Soul Train
Adjustment pixel Soul Train: Complete the Monorail
Monkeying Around
Adjustment pixel Monkeying Around: Complete the Jungle
Soul Survivor
Adjustment pixel Soul Survivor: Complete the Warzone
Washed Up
Adjustment pixel Washed Up: Complete the Beach
An Evening at the Museum
Adjustment pixel An Evening at the Museum: Complete the Museum
Flat Liners
Adjustment pixel Flat Liners: Complete the Hospital
Snow Blind
Adjustment pixel Snow Blind: Complete the Ice Palace
School's Out
Adjustment pixel School's Out: Complete the University
Least Haunted
Adjustment pixel Least Haunted: Complete the Mansion
In Space, No One Can Hear You...
Adjustment pixel In Space, No One Can Hear You...: Complete the Space Station
Soul Salvation
Adjustment pixel Soul Salvation: Complete the Church
Winter Is Coming
Adjustment pixel Winter Is Coming: Complete the Winter HQ
Home Alone
Adjustment pixel Home Alone: Complete the Apartment
If You Go Down To The Woods Today...
Adjustment pixel If You Go Down To The Woods Today...: Complete the Forest
Zero Corruption
Adjustment pixel Zero Corruption: Complete the Tree of Life
Rush Hour
Adjustment pixel Rush Hour: Complete the Corrupt Winter HQ with No Deaths
Visitation Rights
Adjustment pixel Visitation Rights: Complete the HUB
Killing Time
Adjustment pixel Killing Time: Complete the Waiting Room
Hell's Angel
Adjustment pixel Hell's Angel: Defeat the Volcano Angel without any Deaths
Adjustment pixel Resurrection: Complete Solomon's Ending
Adjustment pixel Acceptance: Complete Dana's Ending
Adjustment pixel Vengeance: Complete Doctor's Ending
Power Meeting
Adjustment pixel Power Meeting: Complete the Office
Hell Hath No Fury....
Adjustment pixel Hell Hath No Fury....: Complete the Volcano
10,000 BC
Adjustment pixel 10,000 BC: Visit the Prehistoric Era
David Age 6
Adjustment pixel David Age 6: Find the "kids" Owl picture in the Hospital
There and back again
Adjustment pixel There and back again: Go back to understand
Adjustment pixel Ouroboros: Complete all three endings
Adjustment pixel Ducktective: Find the blue duck
Time Flies
Adjustment pixel Time Flies: Complete the Clock Puzzle without dying in the Ice Palace
Going Ape?
Adjustment pixel Going Ape?: Find the first Monkey
Gone Ape!
Adjustment pixel Gone Ape!: Find half the Monkeys
Prime Ape
Adjustment pixel Prime Ape: Find all the Monkeys
Eye of the Beholder
Adjustment pixel Eye of the Beholder: Find the first Eye
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jun 7 12:06:27 2016
The King and Eye
Adjustment pixel The King and Eye: Find half the Eyes
Eye Flyer
Adjustment pixel Eye Flyer: Find all the Eyes
Out Of Phase
Adjustment pixel Out Of Phase: Find the Phase Power
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jun 7 12:15:53 2016
Play Time
Adjustment pixel Play Time: Find the Play Power
Seek and Destroy
Adjustment pixel Seek and Destroy: Find the Destroy Power
Touching Evil
Adjustment pixel Touching Evil: Find the Corrupt Power
Adjustment pixel Crowmageddon: Beat the Crows without dying on the Corrupt Mansion
Indy Developer
Adjustment pixel Indy Developer: Phase the Ball in the Desert Temple
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jun 7 12:16:03 2016
Master Reboot
Adjustment pixel Master Reboot: Find Seren in the Tree of Life
Short Attention Span
Adjustment pixel Short Attention Span: Complete the Puzzle on the Monorail
Monkey See Monkey Don't
Adjustment pixel Monkey See Monkey Don't: Destroy the Right Monkey in the Jungle
This Shark Still Looks Fake...
Adjustment pixel This Shark Still Looks Fake...: Trigger the shark attack on the beach
Raiders of the Lost Shark
Adjustment pixel Raiders of the Lost Shark: Trigger the shark attack on the Museum
16 players