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Sorcery PS3


PlayStation® brings the world of magic and wizardry to life with Sorcery™, the newest addition to the PlayStation®Move motion controller software line-up. The Nightmare Queen has broken the ancient pact with mankind and threatens to cover the land in eternal night. As a young sorcerer’s apprentice, it is up to the player to master the arcane arts and fight back the foul creatures of this magical realm. Sorcery puts themore
  • US May 22, 2012
  • EU May 23, 2012
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: The Workshop
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • 18 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 10 of 34
Ultimate Sorcerer
Adjustment pixel Ultimate Sorcerer: Collect all the other trophies in the game
Banshee Slayer
Adjustment pixel Banshee Slayer: Kill the Banshee
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 21 14:04:59 2012
Troll Hunter
Adjustment pixel Troll Hunter: Kill the Troll in Ordale
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 21 14:42:27 2012
Elf Abuser
Adjustment pixel Elf Abuser: Kill the Elf Assassin
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 21 16:33:07 2012
Tree Killer
Adjustment pixel Tree Killer: Kill the Forest Guardian
Celestial Engineer
Adjustment pixel Celestial Engineer: Repair the sky
Bank Shot
Adjustment pixel Bank Shot: Kill an enemy with a double ricochet
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 21 15:35:31 2012
Shooting Blind
Adjustment pixel Shooting Blind: Kill an enemy that you can't see with curved bolt
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 21 08:34:42 2012
Quit Hitting Yourself
Adjustment pixel Quit Hitting Yourself: Take damage from a reflected arcane bolt
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 21 13:54:46 2012
Let's Get Physical
Adjustment pixel Let's Get Physical: Kill an enemy with shield bash
Adjustment pixel Shattered: Shatter 3 enemies with one hit
Ice to Meet You
Adjustment pixel Ice to Meet You: Freeze yourself with a reflected ice bolt
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 21 15:36:04 2012
Adjustment pixel Spider-nado: Pick up 5 spiders with a whirlwind
Am I Epic Yet?
Adjustment pixel Am I Epic Yet?: Execute the fire/wind/arcane combo
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 21 15:37:01 2012
Adjustment pixel Zapped: Kill 4 sylphs with one lightning bolt
Fire & Ice
Adjustment pixel Fire & Ice: Kill a fire sylph and an ice sylph with a lightning storm
Take that!  And that!
Adjustment pixel Take that! And that!: Hit an enemy with arcane, ice, wind, fire, and lightning
She's Just Not That Into You
Adjustment pixel She's Just Not That Into You: Killed by Erline
Makin' Bacon
Adjustment pixel Makin' Bacon: Change every sheep at the tower into a pig
The Old One-Two
Adjustment pixel The Old One-Two: Hit an enemy simultaneously with a curved bolt and a straight bolt
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 21 14:35:59 2012
Finish Him Already
Adjustment pixel Finish Him Already: Keep an enemy chilled for 20 seconds
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 21 15:56:30 2012
Adjustment pixel Burninated: Set 7 enemies on fire at the same time
1.21 Gigawatts
Adjustment pixel 1.21 Gigawatts: Cast lightning trap, lightning storm, and lightning bolt simultaneously
Booty Hunter
Adjustment pixel Booty Hunter: Open 50% of the chests in the game
The Potions Master
Adjustment pixel The Potions Master: Research every potion in the game
Full Spice Rack
Adjustment pixel Full Spice Rack: Find every ingredient in the game
Like a Rat in a Trap
Adjustment pixel Like a Rat in a Trap: Die while you're a rat
The Miser
Adjustment pixel The Miser: Accumulate 20,000 gold
Master of Ice
Adjustment pixel Master of Ice: 150 kills with ice
Master of Fire
Adjustment pixel Master of Fire: 150 kills with fire
Dark Victory
Adjustment pixel Dark Victory: Kill the Nightmare Queen
It's Mine,  All Mine!
Adjustment pixel It's Mine, All Mine!: Open every chest in the game
The Collector
Adjustment pixel The Collector: Collect every treasure in the game
Adjustment pixel Dehydrated: Beat the game without drinking a single health potion
102 players