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Singularity PS3


In Singularity, you fight your way through an ever-shifting environment haunted with time ravaged creatures, while sudden time waves hurl you back and forth between 1950 and the present day. Use your wits and the perfect weapon -- the Time Manipulation Device -- to unravel the conspiracy on the remote island of Katorga-12. Armed with powerful, advanced weaponry and this experimental Time Manipulation Device, fightmore
  • US June 29, 2010
  • EU June 25, 2010
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Raven Software
Publisher: Activision
  • 34 Trophy bronze icon
  • 15 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 10 of 51
Platinum Singularity
Adjustment pixel Platinum Singularity: You collected all the trophies for Singularity
Workers' District
Adjustment pixel Workers' District: Completed the Workers' District Mission
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jul 17 12:21:04 2010
Research Facility
Adjustment pixel Research Facility: Completed the Research Facility Mission
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 19 10:40:35 2010
Rail Line
Adjustment pixel Rail Line: Completed the Rail Line Mission
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 19 14:03:31 2010
Central Docks
Adjustment pixel Central Docks: Completed the Central Docks Mission
E99 Processing Complex
Adjustment pixel E99 Processing Complex: Completed the E99 Processing Complex Mission
Adjustment pixel Singularity: Completed Singularity
The Good of the Many
Adjustment pixel The Good of the Many: You sacrificed yourself to stop Demichev
The Needs of the Few
Adjustment pixel The Needs of the Few: You chose to live and join Demichev
One TMD to Rule Them All
Adjustment pixel One TMD to Rule Them All: You chose to live and rule the world alone
Time Master
Adjustment pixel Time Master: Completed Singularity on Hard Mode
Pistol Whipped
Adjustment pixel Pistol Whipped: 20 Centurion kills in single player campaign
A Salt and Battery
Adjustment pixel A Salt and Battery: 40 AR9 Valkyrie kills in single player campaign
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jul 17 12:54:23 2010
Double Barrel
Adjustment pixel Double Barrel: 30 Volk S4 kills in single player campaign
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Jul 17 12:57:13 2010
The Slower the Better
Adjustment pixel The Slower the Better: 25 Kasimov SNV-E99 slo-mo kills in single player campaign
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 19 13:36:44 2010
No Time to Bleed
Adjustment pixel No Time to Bleed: 15 Autocannon kills without reloading in single player campaign
You're a Hit
Adjustment pixel You're a Hit: 20 Spikeshot kills in single player campaign
Roller Derby
Adjustment pixel Roller Derby: 20 Dethex Launcher kills in single player campaign
Drive By
Adjustment pixel Drive By: 15 Seeker kills in single player campaign
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 19 09:34:57 2010
Return to Sender
Adjustment pixel Return to Sender: Kill 5 enemies by grabbing rockets and launching them back in single player campaign
Put the Dead in Deadlock
Adjustment pixel Put the Dead in Deadlock: Kill 10 enemies inside a Deadlock in single player campaign
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 19 11:06:27 2010
Up Close and Personal
Adjustment pixel Up Close and Personal: Kill 20 enemies with Impulse in single player campaign
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 19 10:56:13 2010
Fire and Ice
Adjustment pixel Fire and Ice: Kill 10 enemies with Propane Tanks or Cryo Tanks in single player campaign
Time Bandit
Adjustment pixel Time Bandit: Grab 5 Shields from enemies in single player campaign
Ashes to Ashes
Adjustment pixel Ashes to Ashes: Age 15 soldiers to Dust in single player campaign
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Jul 19 13:40:01 2010
Night of the Living Revert
Adjustment pixel Night of the Living Revert: Turn 15 soldiers into Reverts in single player campaign
Fully Armed
Adjustment pixel Fully Armed: Fully Upgraded 1 Weapon in single player campaign
E99 Tech Geek
Adjustment pixel E99 Tech Geek: Purchased 10 different Hero Upgrades in single player campaign
Time's on My Side
Adjustment pixel Time's on My Side: Purchased 5 different TMD Equipment items in single player campaign
Pen Pal
Adjustment pixel Pen Pal: Used the TMD to find 15 Chrono-Notes in single player campaign
Stay After Class
Adjustment pixel Stay After Class: Used the TMD to revert 10 Chalkboards in single player campaign
Revert Bomber
Adjustment pixel Revert Bomber: Killed 10 enemies by aging a Revert and having it explode near them in single player campaign
That Wheel?
Adjustment pixel That Wheel?: Found the wheel. Will they ever explain this?
Mother My Brain Hurts
Adjustment pixel Mother My Brain Hurts: Discovered the strange E99 specimen and what it morphs people into
Extermination Expert
Adjustment pixel Extermination Expert: Play 5 public matches of Extermination
Extermination Addict
Adjustment pixel Extermination Addict: Play 100 public matches of Extermination
Extermination Master
Adjustment pixel Extermination Master: Win 25 public matches of Extermination
CvS Master
Adjustment pixel CvS Master: Win 25 public matches of Creatures Vs. Soldiers
Creature Hater
Adjustment pixel Creature Hater: Renew 25 beacons in Extermination (public match)
Creature Lover
Adjustment pixel Creature Lover: Kill 15 soldiers with each creature (public match)
Adjustment pixel Fastball: Kill 15 soldiers with a Zek barrel (public match)
Zekky Style
Adjustment pixel Zekky Style: Kill 15 soldiers from behind with the Zek (public match)
Hot Lunch Special
Adjustment pixel Hot Lunch Special: Kill 25 soldiers with the Revert puke (public match)
Bombs over Katorga
Adjustment pixel Bombs over Katorga: Kill 25 soldiers with the Radion's lob attack (public match)
In Yo Face
Adjustment pixel In Yo Face: Possess 15 soldiers with tick leap attack (public match)
Talk to the Hand
Adjustment pixel Talk to the Hand: Kill 25 creatures with the Bruiser's Impulse Power (public match)
Dr. Time
Adjustment pixel Dr. Time: Use the Healer's power to restore 25 soldiers to full health (public match)
Don't Touch Me!
Adjustment pixel Don't Touch Me!: Kill 15 creatures with the Lurker's reflective shield damage from a melee hit (public match)
The VP Treatment
Adjustment pixel The VP Treatment: Possess a soldier, then shoot another soldier in the face (public match)
Adjustment pixel Blitzkrieg: Travel 585 meters using the Blitzer's Teleport power (public match)
Adjustment pixel Killer: Get highest number of kills in a public match
153 players