I'm a Collector Myself: Unlock all trophies
Casual Wang: Complete the game on Tiny Grasshopper difficulty
Normal Wang: Complete the game on I Have No Fear difficulty
Hard Wang: Complete the game on Who Wants Wang difficulty
Insane Wang: Complete the game on No Pain No Gain difficulty
King of the Dragon Mountain: Defeat Corrupted Kamiko
King of Mount Akuma: Defeat Devouring Kamiko
Unfinished Business: Defeat Zilla Mechanoid
Goddess Slayer: Defeat Ancient Goddess Ameonna
Senpai: Develop any character to level 10
Sensei: Develop any character to level 25
Grandmaster: Develop any character to level 50
Junior Hitman: Kill 100 enemies
Earned Sat Jul 22 16:37:06 2017
Executioner: Kill 500 enemies
Call me Wang, Lo Wang: Kill 2500 enemies
Shiny!: Find 5 secrets
My Precious: Find 15 secrets
Ancient Chinese Secrets: Find 50 secrets
That's a Lot of Coins: Collect 1000000 zillyen
Financial Security: Collect 10000000 zillyen
Ready for Action: Collect 500 upgrades
Unique Collection: Collect 200 unique upgrades
Legendary Collection: Collect 100 legendary upgrades
Handyman: Craft 100 upgrades
Legendary Handyman: Craft 30 legendary upgrades
Trickster: Perform 200 Special Attack kills
Wang the Impaler: Perform 200 kills when enemy's grasped by Grip of Darkness
Tiny Little Pieces: Shatter 100 frozen enemies
Toxic Blast: Perform 100 acid corpse explosions
Living Torch: Set 200 enemies on fire
Short Circuit: Electrocute 200 enemies
Bullseye: Perform 100 weakspot kills
Mr. Kosugi: Perform 50 Vanish kills
I Think I Saw a Wabbit: Kill 10 Bunny Lords
Student of The Way of the Wang: Complete any trial of The Way of the Wang
Master of The Way of the Wang: Complete Trials of Infusion, Embedding, Purification and Trial of the Ancient God
Orb Collector: Collect 100 Orbs of Masamune
Experienced Orb Collector: Collect 1000 Orbs of Masamune
The Way of Masamune: Collect 10000 Orbs of Masamune