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Rogue Trooper Redux PS4

Rogue Trooper Redux

Play as Rogue, the iconic, blue-skinned super solider from the 2000 AD comic of the same name, and avenge your fallen comrades across the chemical-blasted wastes of Nu-Earth! Experience tactical third person action and cover-based shooting that feels as fluid now as it ever did.
  • US October 17, 2017
  • EU October 17, 2017
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: TickTock Games
Publisher: TickTock Games
  • 17 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 5 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 4 of 34
Rogue Legend
Adjustment pixel Rogue Legend: Collect every trophy in Rogue Trooper Redux.
Quartz Zone Massacre
Adjustment pixel Quartz Zone Massacre: Complete the Quartz Zone Massacre mission on the normal difficulty setting.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Sep 23 09:31:27 2019
Orange Sea Coast
Adjustment pixel Orange Sea Coast: Complete the Orange Sea Coast mission on the normal difficulty setting.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Sep 30 14:06:41 2019
Nort Naval Base
Adjustment pixel Nort Naval Base: Complete the Nort Naval Base mission on the normal difficulty setting.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Sep 30 15:00:12 2019
Together Again
Adjustment pixel Together Again: Complete the Together Again mission on the normal difficulty setting.
Adjustment pixel Nu-Paree: Complete the Nu-Paree mission on the normal difficulty setting.
Hoppa Chase
Adjustment pixel Hoppa Chase: Complete the Hoppa Chase mission on the normal difficulty setting.
Nort Base
Adjustment pixel Nort Base: Complete the Nort Base mission on the normal difficulty setting.
Souther R&R Facility
Adjustment pixel Souther R&R Facility: Complete the Souther R&R Facility mission on the normal difficulty setting.
Hovertrain Journey
Adjustment pixel Hovertrain Journey: Complete the Hovertrain Journey mission on the normal difficulty setting.
The Petrified Forest
Adjustment pixel The Petrified Forest: Complete the The Petrified Forest mission on the normal difficulty setting.
Mountain Pass
Adjustment pixel Mountain Pass: Complete the Mountain Pass mission on the normal difficulty setting.
Harpo's Ferry
Adjustment pixel Harpo's Ferry: Complete the Harpo's Ferry mission on the normal difficulty setting.
Final Fight
Adjustment pixel Final Fight: Complete the Final Fight mission on the normal difficulty setting.
Centurion Killer
Adjustment pixel Centurion Killer: Accumulate 100 Enemy Kills in any mode.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon Sep 30 14:11:59 2019
Lethal Killer
Adjustment pixel Lethal Killer: Accumulate 2,000 Enemy Kills in any mode.
Young Scavenger
Adjustment pixel Young Scavenger: Collect 25,000 salvage.
Veteran Scavenger
Adjustment pixel Veteran Scavenger: Collect 100,000 salvage.
2000 AD Fan
Adjustment pixel 2000 AD Fan: Unlock 40 Encyclopedia entries.
2000 AD Collector
Adjustment pixel 2000 AD Collector: Unlock all Encyclopedia entries.
Lethal Shot
Adjustment pixel Lethal Shot: Score 90% Accuracy in any single player mission.
Didn't See That One Coming
Adjustment pixel Didn't See That One Coming: Accumulate 100 Headshots in any game mode.
Pin Point Accuracy
Adjustment pixel Pin Point Accuracy: Accumulate 300 Headshots in any game mode.
A Good Whack
Adjustment pixel A Good Whack: Accumulate 50 Kill-moves in any game mode.
Show No Mercy
Adjustment pixel Show No Mercy: Accumulate 100 Kill-moves in any game mode.
Accurate Rookie
Adjustment pixel Accurate Rookie: Take less than 200 shots to complete Quartz Zone Massacre with accuracy greater than 75%.
Silent And Deadly
Adjustment pixel Silent And Deadly: Accumulate 200 enemy kills with the silencer.
The Host
Adjustment pixel The Host: Host 5 online games through to completion.
Long Haul Stronghold
Adjustment pixel Long Haul Stronghold: Successfully complete a 15 minute Stronghold online game.
Accidental Killer
Adjustment pixel Accidental Killer: Kill an ally in an online match.
Life Is Precious
Adjustment pixel Life Is Precious: Complete an online progressive game losing less than 4 lives.
Range Attacker
Adjustment pixel Range Attacker: Make 10 Grenade kills in an online game.
Adjustment pixel Speedy: Complete a progressive online game in less than 5 minutes.
Not Letting Anyone Down
Adjustment pixel Not Letting Anyone Down: Score 5,000 or more points in an online game.
21 players