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Rocketbirds 2: Evolution Vita Vita

Rocketbirds 2: Evolution Vita

Rocketbirds 2: Evolution is a upcoming indie game title from developer Ratloop and published by Sony Computer Entertainment exclusively for PlayStation 4.
  • US N/A
  • EU April 26, 2016
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon
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Developer: Ratloop
Publisher: Ratloop
  • 13 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 29
Platinum Trophy
Adjustment pixel Platinum Trophy: Collect all trophies
The Hardboiled Chicken
Adjustment pixel The Hardboiled Chicken: Complete all six chapters in Story Mode
The Search and Rescue Strikeforce
Adjustment pixel The Search and Rescue Strikeforce: As host, complete a rescue mission for all four locations in Rescue Mode
The Road Less Traveled
Adjustment pixel The Road Less Traveled: Unlock Hardboiled Chicken for Rescue Mode in the game
Signs of Evolution
Adjustment pixel Signs of Evolution: Find all 18 signs in all 6 chapters in Story Mode
Signs of Hardboiled Chicken
Adjustment pixel Signs of Hardboiled Chicken: Find 9 signs in any three chapters in Story Mode
Signs of Revolution
Adjustment pixel Signs of Revolution: Find all 3 signs of a single chapter in Story Mode
UFO Hit and Run
Adjustment pixel UFO Hit and Run: Kill all enemies during Hardboiled's final, successful escape in Chapter 6
Space Owl Droppings
Adjustment pixel Space Owl Droppings: Drop six Space Owls into the liquid ooze in Chapter 6
Half Minute Hexapod
Adjustment pixel Half Minute Hexapod: Defeat the swinging hexapod, once you see its health bar, in under 30 seconds in Chapter 5
The Spider's Nose
Adjustment pixel The Spider's Nose: Stand on the Hexapod's Nose while it is firing its missiles in Chapter 4
Goose Brother Blast
Adjustment pixel Goose Brother Blast: Detonate a bomb near either G-man in the final show-down in Chapter 2
The Obeyor
Adjustment pixel The Obeyor: Make enemies kill 15 co-workers in Chapter 2
The Infiltrator
Adjustment pixel The Infiltrator: Melee kill 15 Enemies in a row without triggering the alarm in Chapter 2
The Headhunter
Adjustment pixel The Headhunter: Headshot kill 15 enemies in a row in Chapter 1
The Informant
Adjustment pixel The Informant: Get someone to tell you what's up ahead in Chapter 1
Shoot Yourself, Putzki
Adjustment pixel Shoot Yourself, Putzki: Make Putzki shoot himself in Chapter 1
The Great Unlocker
Adjustment pixel The Great Unlocker: Unlock 100 costume items or weapons in Rescue Mode
Awesome Achiever
Adjustment pixel Awesome Achiever: Attain 3 star scores for all four locations in Rescue Mode
Sharp Shooter
Adjustment pixel Sharp Shooter: Attain a 80% or higher accuracy score on a mission in Rescue Mode
Construction Complete
Adjustment pixel Construction Complete: As host, collect all nine artifacts in Rescue Mode
UFO Hostage Missions
Adjustment pixel UFO Hostage Missions: Unlock all 4 hostages in the UFO in Rescue Mode
Jungle Hostage Missions
Adjustment pixel Jungle Hostage Missions: Unlock all 4 hostages in Jungliana in Rescue Mode
Factory Hostage Missions
Adjustment pixel Factory Hostage Missions: Unlock all 4 hostages in Putzki's Pork Plant in Rescue Mode
Castle Hostage Missions
Adjustment pixel Castle Hostage Missions: Unlock all 4 hostages in Putzki's Castle in Rescue Mode
Big Spender
Adjustment pixel Big Spender: Spend more than 50,000 bucks in Rescue mode
Penguins go Pop
Adjustment pixel Penguins go Pop: Headshot kill 100 enemies in the game
Crimes of Passion
Adjustment pixel Crimes of Passion: Melee weapon kill 100 Enemies in the game
Bouncing Grenade Mayhem
Adjustment pixel Bouncing Grenade Mayhem: Kill 4 Enemies with a single grenade shot in the game
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