Rock Band 3 Completionist: Won all Rock Band 3 trophies.
Tune Up: Calibrated your system for optimal performance with Rock Band 3.
Earned Fri Nov 5 15:03:21 2010
Self-Made Dude or Lady: Created a Character.
Earned Sat Nov 6 14:31:25 2010
Best. Name. Ever.: Renamed your band.
Earned Fri Nov 5 15:45:03 2010
The Endless Setlist III: Sucessfully completed "The Endless Setlist III"!
You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet: Maintained overdrive for 60 Seconds.
Millionaire Club: Got 1,000,000 on one song.
Rock Band Master: 5 Starred on Medium (or 3 Starred on a higher difficulty) 50 Rock Band 3 songs.
Earned Mon Nov 8 14:20:02 2010
Rock Band Legend: 5 Star every song in Rock Band 3 on Hard.
Earned Fri Dec 3 22:50:40 2010
Rock Band Immortal: 5 Starred the Rock Band 3 disc on Expert.
Alex's Luggage Combination: Beat a Rock Band 3 score of 12,345,678.
Hometown Threwdown: Completed the "Hometown Throwdown" Road Challenge.
Earned Sat Nov 6 15:02:47 2010
Real Nor'easter: Completed "The Wicked Awesome Tour".
Earned Wed Feb 16 21:26:11 2011
Hell Defrosted: Won all rewards on the "Hell Freezes Over" Road Challenge.
Earned Sun Nov 7 10:27:33 2010
Wilderness Survival: Complete the "Through the Wilderness, Eh?" Road Challenge.
Earned Sun Nov 7 19:20:33 2010
Major Mileage: Got 90 or more spades on "The Long Drive South" Road Challenge.
Earned Fri Feb 18 21:12:41 2011
Party Animal: Completed the "Total Debauchery" Road Challenge.
The Connoisseur's Connoisseur: Got 90 or more spades on "The European Connoisseur" Road Challenge.
Mile High Club: Completed the "Really Frequent Flyers" Road Challenge.
Earned Sat Feb 19 18:36:35 2011
Ultimate Road Warrior: Won all awards on the "Really Frequent Flyers" Road Challenge.
Earned Sat Feb 19 18:36:40 2011
HOPO-cidal Maniac: Killed 53,596 Hammer-ons and Pull-offs.
Bleeding Fingers: Get 85% on all Guitar Solos in Rock Band 3 on Hard or Expert.
Earned Fri Dec 3 23:03:18 2010
Guitar Perfectionist: Got 100% accuracy on Expert Guitar.
Earned Sat Nov 6 14:35:58 2010
Guitar Apprentice: 5 Starred on Easy Guitar (or 3 Starred on a higher difficulty) 25 Rock Band 3 songs.
Earned Sat Nov 6 20:42:16 2010
Bass Streaker: Get a streak of 500 notes on Bass.
Earned Sat Nov 6 14:41:32 2010
Most Authentic Strummer: Hit 100% of the notes, only strumming up, on Hard Bass.
Earned Sat Nov 6 21:42:06 2010
Bass Apprentice: 5 Starred on Easy (or 3 Starred on a higher difficulty) 25 Rock Band 3 songs.
Drum Roll, Please!: Nailed a drum roll.
Earned Sat Jan 7 17:19:13 2012
Fastest Feet: Hit 90% of the Kick notes in a song on Hard Drums.
Drums Apprentice: 5 Starred on Easy Drums (or 3 Starred on a higher difficulty) 25 Rock Band 3 songs.
Keys Streaker: Got a streak of 350 notes on Keys.
Keys Apprentice: 5 Starred on Easy Keys (or 3 Starred on a higher difficulty) 25 Rock Band 3 songs.
Earned Wed Mar 2 20:38:12 2011
Pro Bass Apprentice: 5 Starred on Easy Pro Bass (or 3 Starred on a higher difficulty) 25 Rock Band 3 songs.
Drum Trainer Initiate: Completed the introductory Pro Drum Trainer lessons.
Drum Trainer Graduate: Completed the final Pro Drum Trainer lessons.
Play a Real Guitar Already!: Played "The Hardest Button to Button" on Pro Guitar.
Pro Guitar to the Max: Maxed out your Score Multiplier meter on Pro Guitar.
Power Chords: Completed the "Power Chords" lessons in the Pro Guitar trainer.
Complex Chords: Completed the "More Chord Holding and Arpeggiation" Pro Guitar lessons.
Pro Guitar Apprentice: 5 Starred on Easy Pro Guitar (or 3 Starred on a higher difficulty) 25 Rock Band 3 songs.
Pro Keyboardist: Hit at least 90% of the notes in 3 songs on Expert Pro Keys
Pro Keys Graduate: Completed the final Pro Keys trainers.
Pro Keys to the Max: Max out your Score Multiplier meter on Pro Keys.
Earned Tue Dec 21 12:33:15 2010
Pro Keys Apprentice: 5 Starred on Easy Pro Keys (or 3 Starred on a higher difficulty) 25 Rock Band 3 songs.
Triple Awesome: Got a Triple Awesome while playing with Vocal Harmonies.
Is This Just Fantasy?: Nailed all triple awesomes in "Bohemian Rhapsody".
Vocals Showmanship: Deployed overdrive four times in a single song as a vocalist.
Tambourine Master: Hit 100% of the notes in a percussion section.
Vocal Virtuoso: Earn an Awesome rating on at least 90% of the phrases in 6 songs on Hard Vocals.
Vocal Apprentice: 5 Starred on Easy Vocals (or 3 Starred on a higher difficulty) 25 Rock Band 3 songs.