Platinum Trophy: Obtain all Gold, Silver, and Bronze Trophies for Resistance 2™
Rampage!: Kill 40 hybrids in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Fri Apr 24 15:56:20 2009
Covert Ops: Collect 5 pieces of Intel in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sat Apr 25 12:22:40 2009
Recycler: Defeat the Goliath in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Fri Apr 24 15:47:59 2009
Fried Calamari: Defeat the Kraken in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Fri Apr 24 16:47:03 2009
Exterminator: Defeat the Mother Spinner in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Fri Apr 24 22:47:02 2009
Flyswatter: Defeat the Swarm in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Fri Apr 24 23:59:15 2009
The Bigger They Are: Defeat the Leviathan in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sat Apr 25 07:09:38 2009
Big Game Hunter: Defeat the Marauder in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sat Apr 25 12:28:48 2009
Nowhere to Hide: Tag and kill 30 enemies with the Bullseye in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sat Apr 25 20:11:14 2009
Sharpshooter: Get 30 headshots while scoped in with the Fareye or Marksman in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sun Apr 26 08:27:28 2009
Explosives Expert: Get 150 kills with the Carbine 40mm, LAARK, or Frag Grenade in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sat Apr 25 20:00:46 2009
They Go Boom: Get 30 kills with the Magnum secondary fire in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sun Apr 26 13:02:45 2009
Pyromaniac: Set 100 enemies of fire with the Bellock Semi-Automic, Air-Fuel Grenade, Spider Grenade, or environmental hazard in the Single Player Campaign.
Spitting Lead: Kill 50 enemies using the Wraith with the force barrier engaged in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Thu Apr 30 19:39:03 2009
I See You: Kill 50 enemies through solid matter with the Auger in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sun Apr 26 08:34:26 2009
Talk To The Hand: Use the Auger force barrier to stop 150 incoming enemy shots in the single player Campaign.
Earned Fri Apr 24 23:36:06 2009
For Close Encounters: Get 10 one-hit head-shot kills with the Shotgun in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sun Apr 26 08:18:54 2009
Pincushion: Get 50 kills with the Hedgehog in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Fri May 1 20:31:22 2009
Up Close and Personal: Get 50 melee kills with any weapon in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sun Apr 26 08:01:38 2009
Wrecking Machine: Destroy 40 vehicles in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sun Apr 26 13:06:25 2009
Mind Your Surroundings: Get 50 indirect kills using explosive objects in levels in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sun May 3 19:02:56 2009
Salute Me: Achieve the rank of Lieutenant.
Exotic Weapon Collector: Get 20 kills with each weapon in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Tue May 10 13:57:16 2011
Master Spy: Collect all the Intel documents in the Single Player Campaign.
Snipe Hunt: Kill 30 Spinners in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sat May 2 20:04:21 2009
Xenocide: Kill 1000 enemies in the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sat Apr 25 00:37:03 2009
R.I.P. Jordan Shepherd: Defeat Daedalus, Complete the Single Player Campaign.
Earned Sat Apr 25 13:48:05 2009
OMGWTFBBQ: Complete the Single Player Campaign on Superhuman.
Berserker: Use every berserk at least once in Online Competitive Multiplayer.
Point Man: Earn 1 million XP from ranked games in online Competitive mode.
Killing Machine: Score 10,000 kills in ranked matches in Online Competitive Multiplayer.
Specter Recon: Collect 50 pieces of gray tech in the Cooperative Campaign.
Earned Thu May 19 20:01:28 2011
Specter Initiate: Complete 20 missions in the Cooperative Campaign.
Team Player: Complete 5 missions with a full party of 8 in the Cooperative Campaign.
Tour of Duty: Complete one mission on each region in the Cooperative Campaign.
Specter Officer: Reach max level (30) with one class in the Cooperative Campaign.
Primarch Hunter: Kill 200 Elite Chimerans in the Cooperative Campaign.
Specter Intel: Collect all Intel in the Cooperative Campaign.