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Reality Fighters Vita

Reality Fighters

Delivering the most customizable fighting experience on the go, the world around you comes into the fight with Reality Fighters. Using augmented reality technology, take pictures of yourself and create your own personal fighter, complete with unique fighting and visual style. From kitchen tops to parking lots, the world is literally your arena as the stages you fight in are determined by the environment around you.
  • US March 13, 2012
  • EU February 22, 2012
  • JP February 23, 2012
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Platform: PlayStation Vita icon

Developer: Novarama
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • 18 Trophy bronze icon
  • 5 Trophy silver icon
  • 6 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 1 of 30
Beat Reality Fighters
Adjustment pixel Beat Reality Fighters: Get all Gold, Silver and Bronze trophies
The New Sensei
Adjustment pixel The New Sensei: Complete the story mode
Master of Time
Adjustment pixel Master of Time: Achieve Gold score in all Time Attack challenges
Extreme Survival
Adjustment pixel Extreme Survival: Win 30 combats in survivor mode in a single run
Rodeo Drive
Adjustment pixel Rodeo Drive: Buy all clothing, weapons and fight styles
Lovely Challenge III
Adjustment pixel Lovely Challenge III: Discover the Rocket Rocker and the Tumbling Stone costumes
Lovely Challenge IV
Adjustment pixel Lovely Challenge IV: Discover the Disco Inferno and the Dancing Dino costumes
Time Warrior
Adjustment pixel Time Warrior: Reach silver score in all Time Attack challenges
Advanced Survival
Adjustment pixel Advanced Survival: Win 20 combats in survivor mode in a single run
Lovely Challenge I
Adjustment pixel Lovely Challenge I: Discover the Space Cowboy and the Fisher King costumes
Lovely Challenge II
Adjustment pixel Lovely Challenge II: Discover the Lord of the Gnomes and the Handyman costumes
Rush hour
Adjustment pixel Rush hour: Beat five different friends in Infrastructure in less than one hour
Perfect combat
Adjustment pixel Perfect combat: Defeat an enemy receiving no damage at all
Against the Clock
Adjustment pixel Against the Clock: Reach Bronze score in all Time Attack Challenges
Basic Survival
Adjustment pixel Basic Survival: Win 10 combats in survivor mode in a single run
Karate Master
Adjustment pixel Karate Master: Perform all the moves for the Karate fight style in a single fight
Zombie Master
Adjustment pixel Zombie Master: Perform all the moves for the Zombie fight style in a single fight
Cowboy Master
Adjustment pixel Cowboy Master: Perform all the moves for the Cowboy fight style in a single fight
Ballerina Master
Adjustment pixel Ballerina Master: Perform all the moves for the Ballerina fight style in a single fight
Boxing Master
Adjustment pixel Boxing Master: Perform all the moves for the Boxing fight style in a single fight
Capoeira Master
Adjustment pixel Capoeira Master: Perform all the moves for the Capoeira fight style in a single fight
Kung Fu Master
Adjustment pixel Kung Fu Master: Perform all the moves for the Kung Fu fight style in a single fight
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Mar 3 20:01:18 2012
Super Hero Master
Adjustment pixel Super Hero Master: Perform all the moves for the Super Hero fight style in a single fight
Super Heroine Master
Adjustment pixel Super Heroine Master: Perform all the moves for the Super Heroine fight style in a single fight
Sorcerer Master
Adjustment pixel Sorcerer Master: Perform all the moves for the Sorcerer fight style in a single fight
Samurai Master
Adjustment pixel Samurai Master: Perform all the moves for the Samurai fight style in a single fight
Disco Master
Adjustment pixel Disco Master: Perform all the moves for the Disco fight style in a single fight
Break Dance Master
Adjustment pixel Break Dance Master: Perform all the moves for the Break Dance fight style in a single fight
Wrestling Master
Adjustment pixel Wrestling Master: Perform all the moves for the Wrestling fight style in a single fight
Muay Thai Master
Adjustment pixel Muay Thai Master: Perform all the moves for the Muay Thai fight style in a single fight
120 players