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Plague Inc: Evolved PS4

Plague Inc: Evolved

Master every pathogen from bacteria to bio-weapons and mind control to zombies, end humanity by any means possible – different diseases will need radically different approaches.
  • US May 31, 2016
  • EU May 31, 2016
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Ndemic Creations
Publisher: Ndemic Creations
  • 49 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 7 of 61
Fully Evolved
Adjustment pixel Fully Evolved: Unlock all other Trophies
Brown Streets
Adjustment pixel Brown Streets: Discover the Public Defecation combo
Is it a bird?
Adjustment pixel Is it a bird?: Discover the Vampire Bat combo
Long Shot
Adjustment pixel Long Shot: Discover the Projectile Vomiting combo
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 22 01:58:29 2017
Patient Who?
Adjustment pixel Patient Who?: Stop the CDC finding Patient Zero
RMS Watch List
Adjustment pixel RMS Watch List: Get your Plague on the RMS Watch List
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 22 01:33:09 2017
Adjustment pixel Spitter: Discover the Spitter combo
Uh Oh
Adjustment pixel Uh Oh: Discover the Oops symptom combo
Walking Contradiction
Adjustment pixel Walking Contradiction: Discover the Walking Contradiction combo
Assuming Direct Control
Adjustment pixel Assuming Direct Control: Win a game by enslaving humanity with the Neurax Worm
Ape's Creed
Adjustment pixel Ape's Creed: Discover the Assassin Combo
Like flies round…
Adjustment pixel Like flies round…: Discover the Fly Magnet Combo
Red Ape Redemption
Adjustment pixel Red Ape Redemption: Discover the Red Ape Redemption Combo
Ultimate Christmas
Adjustment pixel Ultimate Christmas: Discover the Ultimate Christmas Combo
Worm Food
Adjustment pixel Worm Food: Win a game by eradicating humanity with the Neurax Worm
The Glorious Dead
Adjustment pixel The Glorious Dead: Win a game with the Necroa Virus
Insane Bolt
Adjustment pixel Insane Bolt: Sprint to victory and set a world record by winning the game with Bacteria in under 365 days
Bacteria Victory
Adjustment pixel Bacteria Victory: Win a game with Bacteria on Normal Difficulty or higher
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 22 02:14:32 2017
Virus Victory
Adjustment pixel Virus Victory: Win a game with Virus on Normal Difficulty or higher
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 22 02:37:45 2017
Fungus Victory
Adjustment pixel Fungus Victory: Win a game with Fungus on Normal Difficulty or higher
Parasite Victory
Adjustment pixel Parasite Victory: Win a game with Parasite on Normal Difficulty or higher
Prion Victory
Adjustment pixel Prion Victory: Win a game with Prion on Normal Difficulty or higher
Nano-Virus Victory
Adjustment pixel Nano-Virus Victory: Win a game with Nano-Virus on Normal Difficulty or higher
Olympic Spoiler
Adjustment pixel Olympic Spoiler: Help the Olympics go viral in the UK
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 22 01:50:31 2017
Peer Pressure
Adjustment pixel Peer Pressure: Have your plague discovered after riots force a government investigation
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 22 01:31:31 2017
Neurax Worm Victory
Adjustment pixel Neurax Worm Victory: Win a game with Neurax Worm on Normal Difficulty or higher
Bio-Weapon Victory
Adjustment pixel Bio-Weapon Victory: Win a game with Bio-Weapon on Normal Difficulty or higher
Not Just a Pretty Face
Adjustment pixel Not Just a Pretty Face: Make every ape in the world intelligent
Adjustment pixel Brainzzzz: Discover the Waking Dead combo
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Oct 22 02:10:48 2017
Adjustment pixel Jaws: Discover the Blood in the Air combo
Oink oink
Adjustment pixel Oink oink: Discover the Swineflu Combo
Red Rain
Adjustment pixel Red Rain: Discover the Profuse Bleeding combo
Adjustment pixel Runner: Discover the Runner combo
Adjustment pixel Tank: Discover the Tank combo
Adjustment pixel Tasty: Discover the Bath Time combo
Use your head
Adjustment pixel Use your head: Discover the Cranial Dispersion combo
Adjustment pixel Boomer: Discover the Boomer combo
Blind Genius
Adjustment pixel Blind Genius: Discover the Blind Genius Combo
Do it like they do
Adjustment pixel Do it like they do: Discover the Discovery Channel Combo
Not Necroa
Adjustment pixel Not Necroa: Discover the Zombie Panic Combo
Rude Awakening
Adjustment pixel Rude Awakening: Discover the Rude Awakening Combo
Unlock Cheatmodes
Adjustment pixel Unlock Cheatmodes: Unlock the cheats by winning a game on Normal for ALL disease types
Film Fanatic
Adjustment pixel Film Fanatic: Recreate the setting of the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes film
The Future is Bright
Adjustment pixel The Future is Bright: End the game with apes and humans living together peacefully
Not Another Zombie Game
Adjustment pixel Not Another Zombie Game: Win a game with the Necroa Virus without making a single zombie
Breathe Deep
Adjustment pixel Breathe Deep: Infect the Chernobyl research team
Revenge of Osiris
Adjustment pixel Revenge of Osiris: Invalidate the knowledge of the pharaohs
STALKERs delight
Adjustment pixel STALKERs delight: Cause a nuclear meltdown
Plague in Space
Adjustment pixel Plague in Space: Infect astronauts before they launch a space mission
Russian Nuclear Retaliation
Adjustment pixel Russian Nuclear Retaliation: Make the USA nuke Russia
Disease Master
Adjustment pixel Disease Master: Complete all disease types on mega-brutal difficulty
Scenario Master
Adjustment pixel Scenario Master: Score 3 biohazards in every Official scenario
Shadow Plague: Cover the world in darkness using the Shadow Plague to earn these trophies
Vampire Master
Adjustment pixel Vampire Master: Beat Shadow Plague on mega-brutal difficulty
Purity of the Chosen
Adjustment pixel Purity of the Chosen: Create a new vampire
Brutal Brexit
Adjustment pixel Brutal Brexit: Put Britain on the road to madness when it leaves the EU
Fake News: Can you deceive the world?
Filter bubble
Adjustment pixel Filter bubble: Beat the Fake News Scenario on Normal
Post-truth society
Adjustment pixel Post-truth society: Beat the Fake News Scenario on Brutal
We love fact checkers
Adjustment pixel We love fact checkers: Get Fact Checked
Plague Inc: The Cure: Can you save the world?
Anti Vaxxer
Adjustment pixel Anti Vaxxer: Save the world without using a vaccine
Doomsday Save
Adjustment pixel Doomsday Save: Save the world with less than 5% of the world's population left
Humans weren't meant to fly
Adjustment pixel Humans weren't meant to fly: Initiative combo: Humans weren't meant to fly
27 players