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PixelJunk Monsters PS3

PixelJunk Monsters

In PixelJunk Monsters, the player controls a defender-of-the-forest character in a lush 2D environment. The player’s goal is to strategically defend the pathway to his homebase from an onslaught of various threatening monsters. In between waves of monster attacks, the player scrambles to reinforce his defenses by collecting gold coins and jewels from fallen enemies to finance new towers and research deadlier weapons. Eventually, the player can harness the elements throughout the 20 different stages to cast lightning storms across the forest. Gamers can enjoy PixelJunk Monsters with a friend in offline co-op mode, which requires careful strategy and communication. Additionally, PixelJunk Monsters will support online leaderboards for both 1p and 2p co-op.
  • US January 24, 2008
  • EU January 24, 2008
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Q-Games
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • 15 Trophy bronze icon
  • 3 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
Progression: 19 of 19
Rainbow Team
Adjustment pixel Rainbow Team: Perfect clear the specified stage
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 5 22:02:14 2014
4 Tree Rainbow
Adjustment pixel 4 Tree Rainbow: Perfect clear the specified stage
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 5 14:19:42 2014
Get Medieval
Adjustment pixel Get Medieval: Clear the specified stage using only arrows and cannons
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 5 15:22:54 2014
Tower Collector
Adjustment pixel Tower Collector: Clear the specified stage by building every type of tower
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 5 12:26:15 2014
No Crossing
Adjustment pixel No Crossing: Clear the specified stage without crossing the bridge
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 5 07:29:28 2014
Green Flag
Adjustment pixel Green Flag: Clear the specified stage without a tower ever upgrading
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Mar 29 16:30:55 2014
Picky Eater
Adjustment pixel Picky Eater: Clear the specified stage without using the fire tower
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Mar 30 11:15:10 2014
Gem Hoarder
Adjustment pixel Gem Hoarder: Clear the specified stage with 25 or more gems
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Mar 30 09:42:49 2014
Adjustment pixel Scrooge: Clear the specified stage with a balance of 10,000 worth of coins or more
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Mar 29 17:00:26 2014
Bomb The Boss
Adjustment pixel Bomb The Boss: Clear the specified stage using only bombs to destroy the boss
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Mar 30 07:20:00 2014
Money Grubber
Adjustment pixel Money Grubber: Clear a stage without losing a single coin
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 5 14:19:50 2014
Construction Expert
Adjustment pixel Construction Expert: Build 10 towers in less than 30 seconds upon entering a stage
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 6 10:29:40 2014
Wave Goodbye
Adjustment pixel Wave Goodbye: Clear an entire wave of enemies with only a bomb
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 6 09:50:49 2014
Deep Impact
Adjustment pixel Deep Impact: Destroy 15 enemies at once with the Mortar Tower
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 6 14:32:48 2014
Encore : Black Flag
Adjustment pixel Encore : Black Flag: Without selling any towers, clear the specified stage with all towers upgraded to black
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 6 08:41:09 2014
Encore : Scrooge's Return
Adjustment pixel Encore : Scrooge's Return: Clear the specified stage with a balance of 12,000 worth of coins or more
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 6 08:01:01 2014
Encore : Wishing Well
Adjustment pixel Encore : Wishing Well: Drop 100 coins into the water and clear the specified stage
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 5 22:38:12 2014
Encore : Zero Carat
Adjustment pixel Encore : Zero Carat: Clear the specified stage without using gems
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat Apr 5 22:24:40 2014
Encore : Lucky Find
Adjustment pixel Encore : Lucky Find: Find an extra large stash of coins and gems
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Mar 30 08:39:13 2014
175 players