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Papo & Yo PS3

Papo & Yo

Papo & Yo is the story of a young boy, Quico, and his best friend, Monster. Monster is a huge beast with razor-sharp teeth, but that doesn't scare Quico away from playing with him. That said, Monster does have a very dangerous problem: an addiction to poisonous frogs. The minute he sees one hop by, he'll scarf it down and fly into a violent, frog-induced rage where no one, including Quico, is safe. And yet, Quicomore
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Minority
Publisher: Minority
  • 7 Trophy bronze icon
  • 1 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
Progression: 10 of 10
White Frog Massacre
Adjustment pixel White Frog Massacre: Splat 21 frogs at once in the main menu.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 30 03:29:32 2014
The Architect
Adjustment pixel The Architect: Build and cross the houses bridge with only 3 houses.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 30 04:01:15 2014
Lula Power
Adjustment pixel Lula Power: Double-jump with Lula to cross the first large gap.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 30 04:11:17 2014
Playing Tag
Adjustment pixel Playing Tag: Run away from Lula for 20 seconds.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 30 04:12:15 2014
Sharp Splatter
Adjustment pixel Sharp Splatter: Splat a frog right on the bullseye.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 30 05:02:11 2014
Calm After the Storm
Adjustment pixel Calm After the Storm: Give Monster a rotten fruit.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 30 05:25:09 2014
Good as New
Adjustment pixel Good as New: Revive Lula.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 30 17:42:47 2014
Adjustment pixel Conclusion: Finish the game.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 30 18:21:02 2014
Don't Need No Hints
Adjustment pixel Don't Need No Hints: Play through the game without reading any hint boxes.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 31 03:22:58 2014
Mad Hatter
Adjustment pixel Mad Hatter: Collect all hats.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jul 31 03:20:50 2014
115 players