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Overwatch PS4


In a time of global crisis, an international task force of heroes banded together to restore peace to a war-torn world.
  • US May 24, 2016
  • EU May 24, 2016
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
  • 83 Trophy bronze icon
  • 5 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 7 of 90
Overwatch Platinum Trophy
Adjustment pixel Overwatch Platinum Trophy: Collect all other Overwatch trophies.
The Friend Zone
Adjustment pixel The Friend Zone: Play a Quick or Competitive Play game in a group with a friend.
Adjustment pixel Centenary: Win 100 games in Quick or Competitive Play.
Level 10
Adjustment pixel Level 10: Reach level 10.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Nov 28 09:21:52 2017
Level 25
Adjustment pixel Level 25: Reach level 25.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Dec 13 08:46:48 2017
Level 50
Adjustment pixel Level 50: Reach level 50.
The Path Is Closed
Adjustment pixel The Path Is Closed: Destroy 3 of Symmetra's Teleporters in a single Quick or Competitive Play game.
Survival Expert
Adjustment pixel Survival Expert: Use health packs to heal 900 health in a single life in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Decorated: Earn 50 postgame medals in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Nov 28 09:21:50 2017
Adjustment pixel Blackjack: Earn 21 postgame cards in Quick or Competitive Play.
Decked Out
Adjustment pixel Decked Out: Collect 50 unlocks for a single hero.
Die Die Die... Die
Adjustment pixel Die Die Die... Die: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Reaper's Death Blossom in Quick or Competitive Play.
Slice and Dice
Adjustment pixel Slice and Dice: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Genji's Dragonblade in Quick or Competitive Play.
Their Own Worst Enemy
Adjustment pixel Their Own Worst Enemy: Kill 2 enemies with a single use of Genji's Deflection in Quick or Competitive Play.
Waste Not, Want Not
Adjustment pixel Waste Not, Want Not: Get 3 solo kills with a single clip of Reaper's shotguns in Quick or Competitive Play.
Whoa There!
Adjustment pixel Whoa There!: Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with McCree's Flashbang in Quick or Competitive Play.
It's High Noon
Adjustment pixel It's High Noon: Get 4 killing blows with a single use of McCree's Deadeye in Quick or Competitive Play.
Death From Above
Adjustment pixel Death From Above: Kill 4 enemies in a row without touching the ground as Pharah in Quick or Competitive Play.
Clearing the Area
Adjustment pixel Clearing the Area: Knock an enemy to their death using Pharah's Concussive Blast in Quick or Competitive Play.
Rocket Man
Adjustment pixel Rocket Man: Get 2 killing blows with a single use of Soldier: 76's Helix Rockets in Quick or Competitive Play.
Target Rich Environment
Adjustment pixel Target Rich Environment: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Soldier: 76's Tactical Visor in Quick or Competitive Play.
Total Recall
Adjustment pixel Total Recall: Recover 400 health using Tracer's Recall without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Special Delivery
Adjustment pixel Special Delivery: Stick 4 of Tracer's Pulse Bombs onto enemies in a single Quick or Competitive Play game.
Triple Threat
Adjustment pixel Triple Threat: Kill 2 enemies in each of Bastion's configurations without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Charge!: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Bastion's Configuration: Tank in Quick or Competitive Play.
Simple Geometry
Adjustment pixel Simple Geometry: Get 2 killing blows with a single use of Hanzo's Scatter Arrow in Quick or Competitive Play.
The Dragon Is Sated
Adjustment pixel The Dragon Is Sated: Kill 4 enemies with one of Hanzo's Spirit Dragons in Quick or Competitive Play.
Mine Like a Steel Trap
Adjustment pixel Mine Like a Steel Trap: Knock an enemy into your Steel Trap using Junkrat's Concussion Mine in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Roadkill: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of Junkrat's RIP-Tire in Quick or Competitive Play.
Ice Blocked
Adjustment pixel Ice Blocked: Block 1200 damage with a single use of Mei's Ice Wall in Quick or Competitive Play.
Cold Snap
Adjustment pixel Cold Snap: Freeze 4 enemies at once with Mei in Quick or Competitive Play.
Raid Wipe
Adjustment pixel Raid Wipe: Kill 4 enemies during a single use of Torbjörn's Molten Core in Quick or Competitive Play.
Armor Up!
Adjustment pixel Armor Up!: Have one of Torbjörn's Armor Packs on 5 allies at the same time in Quick or Competitive Play.
Did That Sting?
Adjustment pixel Did That Sting?: Kill 4 enemies using Widowmaker's Venom Mine during a single Quick or Competitive Play game.
Smooth as Silk
Adjustment pixel Smooth as Silk: Kill an enemy with a scoped headshot while airborne as Widowmaker in Quick or Competitive Play.
Shot Down
Adjustment pixel Shot Down: Prevent 1500 damage with a single use of's Defense Matrix in Quick or Competitive Play.
Game Over
Adjustment pixel Game Over: Kill 4 enemies with a single use of's Self Destruct in Quick or Competitive Play.
I Am Your Shield
Adjustment pixel I Am Your Shield: Block 8000 damage with Reinhardt's Barrier Field without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Storm, Earth and Fire
Adjustment pixel Storm, Earth and Fire: Land Reinhardt's Fire Strike and Charge after an Earthshatter stun in Quick or Competitive Play.
Giving You the Hook
Adjustment pixel Giving You the Hook: Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with Roadhog's Hook in Quick or Competitive Play.
Hog Wild
Adjustment pixel Hog Wild: Knock 2 enemies to their deaths with one use of Roadhog's Whole Hog in Quick or Competitive Play.
Mine Sweeper
Adjustment pixel Mine Sweeper: Destroy 10 turrets or traps using Winston's Tesla Cannon without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Anger Management
Adjustment pixel Anger Management: Damage 6 enemies during a single use of Winston's Primal Rage in Quick or Competitive Play.
Power Overwhelming
Adjustment pixel Power Overwhelming: Keep Zarya's particle cannon above 70 power for 60 seconds in Quick or Competitive Play.
The Power of Attraction
Adjustment pixel The Power of Attraction: Capture 5 enemies in a single use of Zarya's Graviton Surge in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Undying: Get a 20 player kill streak in Quick or Competitive Play.
The Floor Is Lava
Adjustment pixel The Floor Is Lava: Get 3 killing blows while wall riding as Lúcio without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Supersonic: Block 1000 damage with a single use of Lúcio's Sound Barrier in Quick or Competitive Play.
Group Health Plan
Adjustment pixel Group Health Plan: Restore 200 health for 5 players without dying as Mercy in Quick or Competitive Play.
Huge Rez
Adjustment pixel Huge Rez: Resurrect 4 players at once with Mercy in Quick or Competitive Play.
The Car Wash
Adjustment pixel The Car Wash: Hit an enemy with 7 beams simultaneously as Symmetra in Quick or Competitive Play.
Huge Success
Adjustment pixel Huge Success: Teleport 20 players in a single Quick or Competitive Play game as Symmetra.
Rapid Discord
Adjustment pixel Rapid Discord: Get 4 kills or assists with Zenyatta's Orb of Discord within 6 seconds in Quick or Competitive Play.
The Iris Embraces You
Adjustment pixel The Iris Embraces You: Restore 1500 health with a single use of Zenyatta's Transcendence in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Lockdown: Win a Capture map on defense without losing the first objective in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Nov 26 13:48:01 2017
Double Cap
Adjustment pixel Double Cap: Capture both objectives on a Capture map without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Escort Duty
Adjustment pixel Escort Duty: Push a payload 100 meters without leaving it in Quick or Competitive Play.
Can't Touch This
Adjustment pixel Can't Touch This: Prevent the attacking team from touching the payload for 1 minute in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Nov 28 09:17:29 2017
Adjustment pixel Shutout: Win a Control map without the enemy capturing an objective in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Nov 26 13:36:16 2017
World Traveler
Adjustment pixel World Traveler: Win a Quick or Competitive Play game on 12 different maps.
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Dec 3 16:50:31 2017
Overwatch: Origins Edition
Adjustment pixel Naptime: Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with Ana's Sleep Dart in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Enabler: Get 4 kills or assists with a single use of Ana's Nano Boost in Quick or Competitive Play.
Hack the Planet
Adjustment pixel Hack the Planet: Hack 15 enemies without dying as Sombra in Quick or Competitive Play.
Power Outage
Adjustment pixel Power Outage: Hack 6 enemies at once as Sombra in Quick or Competitive Play.
Halt State
Adjustment pixel Halt State: Pull enemies into 1000 damage with a single use of Orisa's Halt! in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Overclocked: Amplify 900 damage with a single use of Orisa's Supercharger in Quick or Competitive Play.
Air Strike
Adjustment pixel Air Strike: Get a killing blow with Doomfist's full-power Seismic Slam in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Cratered: Hit 6 enemies with a single use of Doomfist's Meteor Strike in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Antipode: Hit 7 targets simultaneously with Moira's Coalescence in Quick or Competitive Play.
Simple Trigonometry
Adjustment pixel Simple Trigonometry: Fully deplete both types of Moira's Biotic Orb without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Grounded: Kill an airborne enemy with Brigitte's Whip Shot in Quick or Competitive Play.
Excuse Me
Adjustment pixel Excuse Me: Interrupt an enemy ultimate ability with Brigitte's Shield Bash in Quick or Competitive Play.
Overwatch: Origins Edition
Adjustment pixel Adaptation: Absorb 1500 damage with Wrecking Ball's Adaptive Shield without dying in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Strike: Roll through 4 players within 2 seconds as Wrecking Ball in Quick or Competitive Play.
Served Up
Adjustment pixel Served Up: Get a killing blow as Ashe on an enemy knocked into the air by B.O.B. in Quick or Competitive Play.
Short Fuse
Adjustment pixel Short Fuse: Kill an enemy by shooting Ashe’s Dynamite from at least 30 meters away in Quick or Competitive Play.
Window of Opportunity
Adjustment pixel Window of Opportunity: Amplify 2500 combined damage and healing without dying as Baptiste in Quick or Competitive play.
Stand By Me
Adjustment pixel Stand By Me: Prevent 4 deaths with a single use of Baptiste's Immortality Field in Quick or Competitive play.
Event Horizon
Adjustment pixel Event Horizon: Get 3 killing blows during a single use of Sigma's Gravitic Flux in Quick or Competitive Play.
Conservation of Energy
Adjustment pixel Conservation of Energy: Gain 350 shields with a single use of Sigma's Kinetic Grasp in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Focused: Earn 2 killing blows with a single use of Echo’s Focusing Beam in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Adaptability: Use 2 other heroes’ ultimates without dying as Echo in Quick or Competitive Play.
Adjustment pixel Purified: Cleanse 5 negative effects with one use of Kiriko's Protection Suzu in Quick or Competitive Play.
Overwatch 2
Adjustment pixel Yokai: Restore 1500 health and land 5 critical hits without dying as Kiriko in Quick or Competitive Play.
On The Move
Adjustment pixel On The Move: Kill an enemy with a charged Railgun headshot while sliding in Quick or Competitive Play.
Taking Charge
Adjustment pixel Taking Charge: Get 4 killing blows with a single use of Sojourn's Overclock in Quick or Competitive play.
Adrenaline Junkie
Adjustment pixel Adrenaline Junkie: Have 7 of Junker Queen's wounds active on enemies at the same time in Quick or Competitive Play.
Coup De Gracie
Adjustment pixel Coup De Gracie: Use Junker Queen’s Jagged Blade and Carnage to pull and kill an enemy in Quick or Competitive Play.
Any Means
Adjustment pixel Any Means: Eliminate 3 enemies in a single use of Ramattra's Annihilation in Quick or Competitive Play.
Incomparable Pain
Adjustment pixel Incomparable Pain: Block 300 or more damage and survive in a single use of Nemesis Form in Quick or Competitive Play.
275 players