ILLUMINATED: Restore power to the Administrative Block
Earned Thu Sep 11 16:34:28 2014
FLUSHED: Drain the Sewers
Earned Sun Sep 14 15:18:44 2014
SOAKED: Activate the sprinklers in the Male Ward
EMANCIPATED: Collect the key in the Female Ward
EDUCATED: Collect 15 documents and complete 15 recordings
PUNISHED: Finish the game
PULITZER: Collect all documents and complete all recordings
LUNATIC: Finish the game in Insane mode
Whistleblower |
GAS LEAKER: Turn off the gas
SHOCKER: Turn off the electricity
WHISTLEBLOWER: Finish the Whistleblower DLC
BOWELWHISTLER: Finish the DLC in Insane mode
ARCHIVIST: Collect all documents
LEGACY: Complete all recordings