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Old Man’s Journey PS4

Old Man’s Journey

Old Man’s Journey, a soul-searching puzzle adventure, tells a story of life, loss, and hope.

Entrenched in a beautifully sunkissed and handcrafted world, embark on a heartfelt journey interwoven with lighthearted and pressure-free puzzle solving. A visual narrative about life’s precious moments, broken dreams, and changed plans, uncover stories of the old man’s life told through beautiful vignettes of his memories.
  • US May 29, 2018
  • EU May 29, 2018
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Broken Rules
Publisher: Broken Rules
  • 1 Trophy silver icon
  • 11 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 13 of 13
Life, loss, reconciliation, and hope
Adjustment pixel Life, loss, reconciliation, and hope: Collect all trophies.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 16:23:47 2019
Adeline the Villlage Gossiper
Adjustment pixel Adeline the Villlage Gossiper: Adeline likes to think she is always in the know of the latest events in the little village.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 14:48:06 2019
Window Piano
Adjustment pixel Window Piano: As a strange consequence of errosion, the hotel window shutters create a harmonic range of squeaks.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 14:51:00 2019
Kassiopeia the Tortoise
Adjustment pixel Kassiopeia the Tortoise: Kassiopeia is an elusive creature, but will reveal herself for those with patience.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 14:53:43 2019
Hugo the Vagabond
Adjustment pixel Hugo the Vagabond: Hugo likes to invite passing hikers for a pause and a game of Canasta.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 14:54:51 2019
Georges the Lighthouse Keeper
Adjustment pixel Georges the Lighthouse Keeper: Georges spends most of his time indulging in his passion for fishing.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 15:05:42 2019
Frogs' Chorus
Adjustment pixel Frogs' Chorus: A small group of frogs with big vocal ambitions.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 14:59:30 2019
Smooth Ride
Adjustment pixel Smooth Ride: Ride the train without an intermediate stop.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 15:23:29 2019
Sheep Whisperer
Adjustment pixel Sheep Whisperer: Guide sheep through the level with the minimal amount of interactions
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 15:26:22 2019
Enjoy the Ride
Adjustment pixel Enjoy the Ride: Drive the truck for x miles.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 16:12:57 2019
Tilda the Whiz Kid
Adjustment pixel Tilda the Whiz Kid: Tilda developed an uncanny talent to repair things after she discovered her dad's toolbox.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 16:14:47 2019
Albert the Gardener
Adjustment pixel Albert the Gardener: Albert worked an office job in finances before he dared to fulfill his dream and became a gardener.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 16:16:00 2019
The End
Adjustment pixel The End: Watch the credits finish rolling.
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Jul 10 16:23:47 2019
66 players