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Night Trap PS4

Night Trap

Night Trap tells the story of five teenage girls spending the weekend at the Martin home. As a member of the Special Control Attack Team, your job is to monitor the home and protect the girls using an intricate system of cameras and traps as it is being invaded by vampires.
  • US August 15, 2017
  • EU August 15, 2017
  • JP N/A
Rate it
Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: Screaming Villains
Publisher: Limited Run Games
  • 15 Trophy bronze icon
  • 6 Trophy silver icon
  • 7 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 2 of 29
Happy Anniversary!
Adjustment pixel Happy Anniversary!: Thank you for playing Night Trap - 25th Anniversary Edition!
This Is Your New Favorite Movie
Adjustment pixel This Is Your New Favorite Movie: Get all 6 endings.
You Were Retro Perfect.
Adjustment pixel You Were Retro Perfect.: Complete the game without missing an Auger using Retro Icons.
You Were Revamped Perfect.
Adjustment pixel You Were Revamped Perfect.: Complete the game without missing an Auger using Revamped Icons.
You Were Very Good
Adjustment pixel You Were Very Good: Complete the game without a perfect score.
Perfect Retro Game
Adjustment pixel Perfect Retro Game: Complete the game without missing an Auger and breaking contact using Retro Icons.
Perfect Revamped Game
Adjustment pixel Perfect Revamped Game: Complete the game without missing an Auger and breaking contact using Revamped Icons.
Adjustment pixel 1992: Complete the game with the 1992 layout.
Adjustment pixel 1993: Complete the game with the 1993 layout.
Adjustment pixel 1994: Complete the game with the 1994 layout.
Adjustment pixel 2017: Complete the game with the 2017 layout.
Adjustment pixel Party!: Watch Megan give her entire performance.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jun 3 02:45:56 2021
Adjustment pixel MA-17: Nobody makes it out alive.
Video Game History
Adjustment pixel Video Game History: "Shame On You"
Perfect Timing
Adjustment pixel Perfect Timing: Don't trap Swanson.
Nah You Wouldn't.....
Adjustment pixel Nah You Wouldn't.....: ...But You Would.
Deleted Scene #1
Adjustment pixel Deleted Scene #1: Find and watch all of Deleted Scene #1.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jun 3 02:36:57 2021
Deleted Scene #2
Adjustment pixel Deleted Scene #2: Find and watch all of Deleted Scene #2.
Deleted Scene #3
Adjustment pixel Deleted Scene #3: Find and watch all of Deleted Scene #3.
Deleted Scene #4
Adjustment pixel Deleted Scene #4: Find and watch all of Deleted Scene #4.
Adjustment pixel Trapper: Trap 500 Augers.
Awesome Trapper
Adjustment pixel Awesome Trapper: Trap 1000 Augers.
Master Trapper
Adjustment pixel Master Trapper: Trap 1987 Augers.
Adjustment pixel Commander: Reach Round 50 in Survivor.
Adjustment pixel Lieutenant: Reach Round 40 in Survivor.
Adjustment pixel Junior: Reach Round 30 in Survivor.
Full Motion Video Rental
Adjustment pixel Full Motion Video Rental: Unlock every video in Theater.
Adjustment pixel Collector: Unlock all Production Images/Stills.
Who Did It?
Adjustment pixel Who Did It?: Get both endings in Scene Of The Crime.
17 players