Master of the Realm: Collect all other trophies
A Hero Emerges: Reach level 10 with one character
Earned Mon Jun 19 21:15:50 2017
Aberrations: Defeat 500 Aberrations
Adventure of a Lifetime: Complete the tutorial
Earned Sun Jun 18 14:08:14 2017
Ancient: Equip an artifact
Earned Sat Jun 24 16:57:24 2017
Bandits: Defeat 500 Bandits
Earned Sun Jul 2 11:57:11 2017
Barrow Scholar: Learn all about the Barrows
Earned Sun Jun 25 15:50:24 2017
Brilliant: Earn 50,000 Astral Diamonds on one character
Bump in the Night: Defeat 1 Beholder, 1 Gelatinous Cube, and 1 Mimic with the same character
By Your Side: Collect a companion
Earned Wed Jun 21 21:22:30 2017
Cornering Karzov: Complete the quest: Cornering Karzov
Earned Mon Jun 19 20:31:07 2017
Daily Affirmation: Learn about invocation
Earned Tue Jun 20 18:23:15 2017
Devils: Defeat 500 Devils
Dragon's Bane: Defeat 1000 Dragons
Dragons: Defeat 50 Dragons
Drow: Defeat 500 Drow
Dungeon Master: Complete 25 epic dungeons
Dungeoneering: Complete 10 normal dungeons
Epic Hero: Reach level 60 with a hero
Eye Chirurgeon: Stand eye to eye with your greatest fears
Faith in the Fallen: Take a leap of faith
Earned Mon Jun 19 21:29:40 2017
Fists of the Warband: Complete the quest: Fists of the Warband
Earned Mon Jun 19 22:39:52 2017
Foulspawn: Defeat 500 Foulspawn
Generational: Reach level 60 with two heroes
Giants: Defeat 50 Giants
Goblins: Defeat 500 Goblins
Grimstorm Keep: Complete the quest: Grimstorm Keep
Earned Fri Jun 23 21:53:56 2017
Illithid Enclave: Complete the quest: Illithid Enclave
Kobolds: Defeat 500 Kobolds
Let's Ride!: Equip a mount
Earned Mon Jun 19 23:06:15 2017
Lizardfolk: Defeat 500 Lizardfolk
Lycanthropes: Defeat 500 Lycanthropes
Orcs: Defeat 500 Orcs
Paragon Hero: Reach level 30 with one character
Earned Sat Jun 24 18:27:39 2017
Plague Tower: Complete the quest: Plague Tower
Earned Thu Jun 22 19:46:33 2017
Sage: Collect 250 pieces of lore
Scoundrel's Retreat: Complete the quest: Scoundrel's Retreat
Earned Sun Jul 2 14:58:51 2017
Source of Corruption: Complete the quest: Source of Corruption
Spiders: Defeat 500 Spiders
Temple of the Primordial: Complete the quest: Temple of the Primordial
The Clockwork Tomb: Complete the quest: The Clockwork Tomb
Earned Sat Jun 24 20:57:07 2017
The Drowned King: Complete the quest: The Drowned King
Earned Sun Jun 25 16:04:11 2017
The Edge of the Underdark: Complete the quest: The Edge of the Underdark
The Icy Guardian: Complete the quest: The Icy Guardian
Earned Sun Jul 2 20:47:29 2017
The Sanatorium: Complete the quest: The Sanatorium
Earned Sun Jun 25 09:44:38 2017
The Shadow Falls: Complete the quest: The Shadow Falls
Earned Thu Jun 29 20:46:48 2017
Trolls: Defeat 50 Trolls
Undead: Defeat 1000 Undead
Earned Sun Jun 25 13:48:59 2017
Would you look at it? Just look at it!: Discover all scrying stones in 14 zones
Neverwinter: Legendary Adventures |
Evil Dragon Godesses Not Welcome: Defeat Tiamat
Legendary Hero: Reach Level 70 with one character
Double Legend: Reach Level 70 on Two Characters
Four Dead Dragons!: Defeat all four dragons in the Dragonflight in a single encounter
Tamer of Demogorgon: Earn Gold victory in Demogorgon
Master of Demogorgon: Earn Gold victory in Demogorgon (Master)
Castle Never: Complete the Epic Dungeon, Castle Never
Maze Master: Complete the Maze Engine campaign
Friendly Goliath: Learn everything there is to know about Lans Thuliaga, the goliath warrior
Neverwinter: Storm King's Thunder |
Scrying Cold Run: Found all three Scrying Stones in Cold Run
Fangbreaker Island: Complete the dungeon, 'Fangbreaker Island'
I'm a Lumberjack: Chop down 25 trees in Lonelywood with a single character
Master of Svardborg: Ensure no players die in the trial, Svardborg (Master)
Trophy Fisherman: Catch 50 large fish in Sea of Moving Ice with a single character
Storm King's Champion: Complete the Storm King's Thunder Campaign
Neverwinter: The Cloaked Ascendancy |
Far Realm Denier: Earn all relevant achievements in the instances for the campaign, 'The Cloaked Ascendancy'
Vault Dweller: Explore 50 random vaults in the River District.
Fall of the Cloaked Ascendancy: Complete Spellplague Caverns (Master).
Neverwinter: Shroud of Souls |
Soul Survivor: Stop Morlanth of the Shroud from raising the spirits of the Neverwinter Nine
Tanked: Indulge in some of the finest drinks the Sword Coast has to offer.
Neverwinter: Tomb of Annihilation |
Volo's Guide to Monsters Vol. III: Complete all the 3 Star hunts in Soshenstar River.
Chieftain of Chult: Complete the Jungles of Chult Campaign.
It's Not Their Fault They're Undead: Avoid killing all of Acererak's Tomb Dwarf Servants in the Tomb of the Nine Gods.
Savior of Port Nyanzaru: Achieve Gold in the Merchant Prince's Folly Skirmish.
Proven Challenger: Win 50 PvP matches.
Capture Vanguard: Capture 500 capture points in PvP.
No God Too Small: Make offerings to the Nine Trickster Gods in Omu.
Cradle of the Death God: Complete Cradle of the Death God.
Rampaging Ruins: Complete the Jungles of Chult Campaign in Omu.
Neverwinter: Ravenloft |
Dawning Light: Complete the Ravenloft Campaign.
Barovian Hero: Complete all Heroic Encounters in Barovia.
Master Hunter: Complete all 10 hunts in Barovia.
Neverwinter: Acquisitions Incorporated |
The Stone is in Another Bank: Achieve Gold in the Manycoins Bank Heist Skirmish.
Acquisitioner: Complete the Acquisitions Incorporated Campaign.
Neverwinter: Undermountain |
Gate Breaker: Complete the Undermountain Campaign.
Scrying Undermountain: Find all 16 Scrying Stones in Undermountain.
Player of the Mad Mage: Complete Dungeon: Lair of the Mad Mage.
Master of Fragments: Defeat Red Dragon Knight and Neothelid with three runes attuned
Delirium? Lunacy? Delicacy!: Complete the Halaster trial
Githyanki Slayer III: Kill 500 Githyanki
Neverwinter: Infernal Descent |
The Infernal Citadel : Complete the Dungeon: The Infernal Citadel
The Fiends List: Defeat All 13 Named Fiends in Vallenhas
Savior From the Sword Coast: Save 200 Citizens from Fiends in Vallenhas
Redeemer of Zariel: Complete the Avernus Campaign
Pure of Heart: Complete Zariel's Challenge
Neverwinter: Sharandar |
Defender of the Feywild: Complete all Story Missions in each Episode of Neverwinter: Sharandar
Wish Upon A Star: Defeat the Queen of Air and Darkness
Neverwinter: Dragonbone Vale |
Shield of the North: Complete the Dragonbone Vale Campaign
The Crown of Keldegonn: Complete the Trial: The Crown of Keldegonn
Expert Dragon Hunter: Reach the Dragon Hunter Rank of Expert
Master Dragon Hunter: Reach the Dragon Hunter Rank of Master
Neverwinter: Northdark Reaches |
House of Intrigue: Complete the Northdark Reaches Campaign
Temple of the Spider (Master): Complete the Temple of the Spider (Master) dungeon