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Nebulas Lasso PS4

Nebulas Lasso

Compete in this multiplayer battle-sport to capture the people of Earth. Utilizing each spaceship's unique weaponry and play-style are vital in achieving victory, where in this physics-based arena, mechanical skills, good understanding of each spaceship's strengths and weaknesses are critical.
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon

Developer: STON Games
Publisher: STON Games
  • 22 Trophy bronze icon
  • 11 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 4 of 38
The Galaxtor
Adjustment pixel The Galaxtor: You have become ultimate combatant.
1st Score
Adjustment pixel 1st Score: Your 1st point scored.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 16 01:58:07 2025
500th Score
Adjustment pixel 500th Score: Your 500th point scored.
10,000th Score
Adjustment pixel 10,000th Score: Your 10,000th point scored.
1st Win
Adjustment pixel 1st Win: Your 1st match win.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 16 01:58:07 2025
250th Win
Adjustment pixel 250th Win: Your 250th match win.
500th Win
Adjustment pixel 500th Win: Your 500th match win.
1,000th Win
Adjustment pixel 1,000th Win: Your 1,000th match win.
1st Shield Break
Adjustment pixel 1st Shield Break: Your 1st time breaking a shield.
500th Shield Break
Adjustment pixel 500th Shield Break: Your 500th time breaking a shield.
10,000th Shield Break
Adjustment pixel 10,000th Shield Break: Your 10,000th time breaking a shield.
1st Interception
Adjustment pixel 1st Interception: Your 1st delivery interception.
500th Interception
Adjustment pixel 500th Interception: Your 500th delivery interception.
1,000th Interception
Adjustment pixel 1,000th Interception: Your 1,000th delivery interception.
10,000th Interception
Adjustment pixel 10,000th Interception: Your 10,000th delivery interception.
1st Match
Adjustment pixel 1st Match: Your 1st match.
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 16 01:58:07 2025
100th Match
Adjustment pixel 100th Match: Your 100th match.
1,000th Match
Adjustment pixel 1,000th Match: Your 1,000th match.
10,000th Match
Adjustment pixel 10,000th Match: Your 10,000th match.
Adjustment pixel Tanker!: 1,000 damage taken!
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu Jan 16 02:04:47 2025
Mega Tanker!
Adjustment pixel Mega Tanker!: 1,000,000 damage taken!
Giga Tanker!
Adjustment pixel Giga Tanker!: 1,000,000,000 damage taken!
Adjustment pixel Aggressor!: 1,000 damage dealt!
Mega Aggressor!
Adjustment pixel Mega Aggressor!: 1,000,000 damage dealt!
Giga Aggressor!
Adjustment pixel Giga Aggressor!: 1,000,000,000 damage dealt!
Trigger Happy!
Adjustment pixel Trigger Happy!: 100 energy shots Fired!
Energy Hungry!
Adjustment pixel Energy Hungry!: 100,000 energy shots fired!
Burst! Burst! Burst!
Adjustment pixel Burst! Burst! Burst!: 10,000,000 energy shots fired!
Special Completion!
Adjustment pixel Special Completion!: 100 special weapon fired!
Special Overload!
Adjustment pixel Special Overload!: 100,000 special weapon fired!
The Specialist!
Adjustment pixel The Specialist!: 1,000,000 special weapon fired!
Deflect Trial Passed!
Adjustment pixel Deflect Trial Passed!: 100 shots deflected!
Smooth Command!
Adjustment pixel Smooth Command!: 100,000 shots deflected!
Adjustment pixel Untouchable!: 1,000,000 shots deflected!
Return Shots!
Adjustment pixel Return Shots!: 100 shots reflect back at the opponent!
Adjustment pixel Fearless!: 10,000 shots reflect back at the opponent!
A Hall of Mirrors!
Adjustment pixel A Hall of Mirrors!: 1,000,000 shots reflect back at the opponent!
Perfect Reflector!
Adjustment pixel Perfect Reflector!: 100,000,000 shots reflect back at the opponent!
2 players