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Nat Geo Quiz! Wild Life PS3

Nat Geo Quiz! Wild Life

Discover the deadliest creatures, astonishing aquatic life, and all the wonders of this amazing planet in Nat Geo Challenge! Wild Life, a highly interactive, fast-paced trivia game where up to four players can compete. Nat Geo Challenge! Wild Life offers 15 different types of entertaining quizzes throughout quiz mode, deep exploration around a 3D globe during quest mode, and a card-battle stat attacks game. The gamemore
  • US November 16, 2010
  • EU May 21, 2010
  • JP N/A
Rate it
Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Gusto Games
Publisher: D3 Publisher
  • 28 Trophy bronze icon
  • 15 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 2 of 48
Nat Geo Platinum
Adjustment pixel Nat Geo Platinum: Unlock all 40 Trophies.
Stat Attax Novice
Adjustment pixel Stat Attax Novice: Win a game of Stat Attax.
General Knowledge
Adjustment pixel General Knowledge: Win an 80 question multi-team game of Mega Quiz.
Adjustment pixel Predator: Play all episodes in the Predators vs. Prey series.
Top of the Class
Adjustment pixel Top of the Class: Score 10 out of 10 in any episode.
Full House
Adjustment pixel Full House: Win a game of Stat Attax without losing a single card.
Adjustment pixel Amazing: Play all episodes in the Amazing Planet series.
Family Time
Adjustment pixel Family Time: Play Quiz Mode with multiple players.
Adjustment pixel Dangerous: Play all episodes in the Dangerous Encounters series.
Adjustment pixel Decrypted: Use a cryptic clue to help you find a hidden episode.
Fish Face
Adjustment pixel Fish Face: Play all episodes in the Aquatic Life series.
Tie Breaker
Adjustment pixel Tie Breaker: Win a tie breaker in a game of Stat Attax.
Fast Finger
Adjustment pixel Fast Finger: In a team that only has one player, correctly answer a Quiz Mode question within 3 seconds.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:00:33 2010
Long One
Adjustment pixel Long One: Complete a long quiz in any series.
Lots of Pieces
Adjustment pixel Lots of Pieces: Complete any Level 6 jigsaw.
What Competition
Adjustment pixel What Competition: Win 15 multi-team games in Quiz Mode.
My First Puzzle
Adjustment pixel My First Puzzle: Complete any puzzle.
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 24 17:15:58 2010
4 Sliders
Adjustment pixel 4 Sliders: Complete a slider in each series.
Amazing Squares
Adjustment pixel Amazing Squares: Find all of the square puzzles in Amazing Planet.
You're a Card
Adjustment pixel You're a Card: Unlock 10 new Stat Attax cards.
That's Easy
Adjustment pixel That's Easy: Score 2,500 points in any 40 question quiz at easy level.
Team Work
Adjustment pixel Team Work: Score 2,700 points in any 40 question quiz when there are multiple players on the same team.
Jigsaw Friends
Adjustment pixel Jigsaw Friends: Complete any 5 jigsaws with a friend.
Stat Attacker
Adjustment pixel Stat Attacker: Win 25 games of Stat Attax.
Mega Score
Adjustment pixel Mega Score: Score 3,200 points in a 80 question quiz of Hard Mega Quiz.
Square Hunter
Adjustment pixel Square Hunter: Find all of the hidden Square Puzzles.
Missing Pieces
Adjustment pixel Missing Pieces: Collect all of the missing jigsaw pieces.
Perfect 30
Adjustment pixel Perfect 30: Score 10 out of 10 in 30 episodes.
The Big 50
Adjustment pixel The Big 50: Score 10 out of 10 in 50 episodes without retrying.
Brain Box
Adjustment pixel Brain Box: Win 30 multiplayer quizzes.
Not Puzzled
Adjustment pixel Not Puzzled: Complete 35 different puzzles.
Easy or What
Adjustment pixel Easy or What: Score 10 out of 10 on your first attempt in any episode.
Top Stat Attacker
Adjustment pixel Top Stat Attacker: Win 50 games of Stat Attax.
Common Knowledge
Adjustment pixel Common Knowledge: Win 10 multi-team games in Quiz Mode.
You're Good
Adjustment pixel You're Good: Win 25 multi-team games in Quiz Mode.
Quiz Master
Adjustment pixel Quiz Master: Win 50 multi-team games in Quiz Mode.
Puzzle Genius
Adjustment pixel Puzzle Genius: Complete all puzzles.
Quiz Genius
Adjustment pixel Quiz Genius: You are at the top of each leaderboard.
Nat Geo Researcher
Adjustment pixel Nat Geo Researcher: Complete Quest Mode with a score of 100%.
Fail 10
Adjustment pixel Fail 10: You have answered all 10 questions incorrectly in any episode.
Lost 5
Adjustment pixel Lost 5: In single player mode, the user has lost 5 Stat Attax maches in a row.
How many pieces?
Adjustment pixel How many pieces?: Complete any Level 7 jigsaw.
Something Fishy
Adjustment pixel Something Fishy: Play all of the new episodes in Aquatic Life.
Something New
Adjustment pixel Something New: Complete 5 episodes from the new content.
They Bite
Adjustment pixel They Bite: Play all of the new episodes in Dangerous Encounters and Predators vs. Prey.
Amazing Times
Adjustment pixel Amazing Times: Play all of the new episodes in Amazing Planet.
New Puzzles Done
Adjustment pixel New Puzzles Done: Complete all of the new puzzles.
Adjustment pixel Unbelievable: The whole of Quest Mode is fully complete.
42 players