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Mortal Kombat X PS4

Mortal Kombat X

Mortal Kombat X combines cinematic presentation with all new gameplay to deliver the most brutal Kombat experience ever, offering a new fully-connected experience that launches players into a persistent online contest where every fight matters in a global battle for supremacy. For the first time, Mortal Kombat X gives players the ability to choose from multiple variations of each character impacting both strategy and fighting style. Players step into an original story showcasing some of the game’s most prolific characters including Scorpion and Sub-Zero, while introducing new challengers that represent the forces of good and evil and tie the tale together.
  • US April 14, 2015
  • EU April 14, 2015
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: NetherRealm Studios
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
  • 67 Trophy bronze icon
  • 5 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 9 of 74
Platinum Trophy
Adjustment pixel Platinum Trophy: All Trophies Unlocked
Tower Kompetitor
Adjustment pixel Tower Kompetitor: Complete a single Tower
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Apr 17 15:00:38 2015
Tower Warrior
Adjustment pixel Tower Warrior: Complete a Tower with every character
Tower Master
Adjustment pixel Tower Master: Complete 10 Living Towers
Tower God
Adjustment pixel Tower God: Complete 50 Living Towers
Challenge Accepted
Adjustment pixel Challenge Accepted: Win a single Tower Challenge
Adjustment pixel BUDDY!!!: Send a Tower Challenge to a friend
Pledge Yourself
Adjustment pixel Pledge Yourself: Reach level 5 in any faction
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Apr 17 14:42:17 2015
Faction Champion
Adjustment pixel Faction Champion: Reach level 50 in any faction
No Loyalty
Adjustment pixel No Loyalty: Reach level 50 in all factions
Jump Ship
Adjustment pixel Jump Ship: Become a member of every faction
Time Out
Adjustment pixel Time Out: Win a match by time out
Keep it Secret
Adjustment pixel Keep it Secret: Find a secret fight in the Living Towers
Statistical Advantage
Adjustment pixel Statistical Advantage: View Kombat Kard
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Apr 17 08:29:48 2015
Moving Up
Adjustment pixel Moving Up: Reach personal level 10 in XP
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun Apr 26 13:37:09 2015
Elder God
Adjustment pixel Elder God: Reach personal level 65 in XP
A New Beginning
Adjustment pixel A New Beginning: Complete 50% of Story Mode
There is a Ruler
Adjustment pixel There is a Ruler: Complete 100% of Story Mode
Inner Strength
Adjustment pixel Inner Strength: Win 1 complete online match
Return Kustomer
Adjustment pixel Return Kustomer: Play 100 complete online matches
Adjustment pixel Royalty: Win 5 complete Klassic King of the hill matches
Good to be King
Adjustment pixel Good to be King: Win 1 complete Klassic King of the hill match
Giving Respect
Adjustment pixel Giving Respect: Give Respect points in a King of the hill match
Respected Fighter
Adjustment pixel Respected Fighter: Earn 1,000 Respect points
Terrifying Encounter
Adjustment pixel Terrifying Encounter: Confront a beast within the Krypt
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Apr 22 14:38:06 2015
I'm number 1
Adjustment pixel I'm number 1: Win 1 Tower Battle
Adjustment pixel Juggernaut: Win 5 Tower Battles
A Kontender
Adjustment pixel A Kontender: Complete 1 Tower Battle
Bill of Goods
Adjustment pixel Bill of Goods: Win 1 complete match in Survivor King of the Hill
Dropping Fools
Adjustment pixel Dropping Fools: Reach a 10 complete game win streak in Ranked 1v1 matches
Hit the Dojo
Adjustment pixel Hit the Dojo: Enter Practice mode
Adjustment pixel Unstoppable: Play 200 complete online matches
That's How You Do It
Adjustment pixel That's How You Do It: Complete Tutorial
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Apr 17 10:10:19 2015
Adjustment pixel Knockout: Perform a 10 hit combo with every character
Adjustment pixel FINISH HIM: Perform 1 Fatality in a match
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Apr 17 08:55:49 2015
Bloody Good Time
Adjustment pixel Bloody Good Time: Perform a Fatality in a match with every character
Straight Power
Adjustment pixel Straight Power: Perform 100 Fatalities in matches
Brutal End
Adjustment pixel Brutal End: Perform 1 Brutality
Dark Future
Adjustment pixel Dark Future: Perform 50 Brutalities
Need a Doctor
Adjustment pixel Need a Doctor: Perform every character's X-Ray
Adjustment pixel Master: Win a single complete match with every character variation
Only a Real Master
Adjustment pixel Only a Real Master: Beat an opponent while they still have 90% health and you have 10% or less health remaining
Well Rounded
Adjustment pixel Well Rounded: Play every character variation
It's a Gusher
Adjustment pixel It's a Gusher: Spill 1,000 pints of blood
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Apr 22 14:14:39 2015
Blanche Advantage
Adjustment pixel Blanche Advantage: Hit someone with the old lady Level Interaction
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri Apr 17 14:41:29 2015
Hara Kiri
Adjustment pixel Hara Kiri: Kill yourself with Kotal Kahn for 1 round and win the match
Back It Up
Adjustment pixel Back It Up: Equip a new Background image
Real Icon
Adjustment pixel Real Icon: Equip a new Icon
So Bored
Adjustment pixel So Bored: Equip a new Border
Jumping Bean
Adjustment pixel Jumping Bean: Jump 30 times in 1 match
Adjustment pixel Trolling: Duck 30 times during Fatality sequence
All the Pieces
Adjustment pixel All the Pieces: Equip a Background, Icon and Border set
Luck be a Lady
Adjustment pixel Luck be a Lady: Play 7 complete Test Your Luck matches
The Kollector
Adjustment pixel The Kollector: Unlock 50 Kustom Kombat Modifiers
Adjustment pixel Disco: Create a sun ray with Kotal Kahn and perform a flip stance 5 times while in the ray
Adjustment pixel Almighty: Complete a Test Your Might Tower
Not Dead Yet
Adjustment pixel Not Dead Yet: See all Test Your Might deaths
Stay Back
Adjustment pixel Stay Back: Play an Invasion Boss fight
Adjustment pixel DIE WILL YOU: Deal 1,000 total hits during Invasion Boss fights
Adjustment pixel INVASION: Complete an Invasion Tower
Can't Stop This
Adjustment pixel Can't Stop This: Win an Invasion 1v1 fight
Mortal Kombat XL Trophies
Where It All Started
Adjustment pixel Where It All Started: Perform the Pit Stage Fatality with Leatherface in the Klassic Tower
The Kraken
Adjustment pixel The Kraken: Perform the Kove Stage Fatality with Triborg in the Klassic Tower
What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Still Alive
Adjustment pixel What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Still Alive: Perform a Stage Brutality with Alien in the Klassic Tower
Adjustment pixel Lands-Down: Don't perform a Kombo over 4 hits with Bo' Rai Cho and win a complete Online Ranked 1v1 match
Fox Finish
Adjustment pixel Fox Finish: Win the match with your opponent stepping on Caltrops
Dance The Night Away
Adjustment pixel Dance The Night Away: Flip Stance 10 times with a Kombat Pack 2 character during a Fatality sequence in an Online match
Adjustment pixel Throwback: Perform a Klassic Fatality in a Klassic skin
Getting Tipsy
Adjustment pixel Getting Tipsy: Perform Bo' Rai Cho's Drinking special 10 times during a match in the Klassic Tower
Hug It Out
Adjustment pixel Hug It Out: Throw 5 Face Huggers during a match with Alien in the Klassic Tower
The Grinder
Adjustment pixel The Grinder: Win a match after connecting all attacks from Leatherface's Berserker Stance in the Klassic Tower
Robots Rule
Adjustment pixel Robots Rule: Win 5 complete matches with each Robot Type
Going the Distance
Adjustment pixel Going the Distance: Complete the Klassic Tower with one of the Kombat Pack 2 characters
All I Do Is Win
Adjustment pixel All I Do Is Win: Jump back and forth over your opponent 5 times during the Fatality sequence and perform a Fatality
342 players