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Mass Effect Trilogy PS3

Mass Effect Trilogy

Over 75 hours of story content, plus Mass Effect 3's critically acclaimed multiplayer mode.
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • 31 Trophy bronze icon
  • 13 Trophy silver icon
  • 2 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 18 of 47
N7 Elite
Adjustment pixel N7 Elite: Acquire all trophies
Medal of Honor
Adjustment pixel Medal of Honor: Complete 1 Mass Effect Playthrough on any setting
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 23 23:39:37 2013
Medal of Heroism
Adjustment pixel Medal of Heroism: Complete Feros
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 19 00:10:41 2013
Distinguished Service Medal
Adjustment pixel Distinguished Service Medal: Complete Eden Prime
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 16 03:06:11 2013
Council Legion of Merit
Adjustment pixel Council Legion of Merit: Complete Virmire
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 20 19:51:09 2013
Honorarium of Corporate Service
Adjustment pixel Honorarium of Corporate Service: Complete Noveria
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 19 23:53:48 2013
Long Service Medal
Adjustment pixel Long Service Medal: Complete 2 Mass Effect Playthroughs on any setting
Distinguished Combat Medal
Adjustment pixel Distinguished Combat Medal: Complete 1 Mass Effect playthrough on the Hardcore difficulty setting. Do not change the setting.
Medal of Valor
Adjustment pixel Medal of Valor: Complete 1 Mass Effect playthrough on the Insanity difficulty setting. Do not change the setting.
Pistol Expert
Adjustment pixel Pistol Expert: Register 150 Pistol Kills
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 17 18:48:27 2013
Shotgun Expert
Adjustment pixel Shotgun Expert: Register 150 Shotgun Kills
Assault Rifle Expert
Adjustment pixel Assault Rifle Expert: Register 150 Assault Rifle Kills
Sniper Expert
Adjustment pixel Sniper Expert: Register 150 Sniper Rifle Kills
Lift Mastery
Adjustment pixel Lift Mastery: Use biotic Lift 75 times
Throw Mastery
Adjustment pixel Throw Mastery: Use biotic Throw 75 times
Warp Mastery
Adjustment pixel Warp Mastery: Use biotic Warp 75 times
Singularity Mastery
Adjustment pixel Singularity Mastery: Use biotic Singularity 75 times
Barrier Mastery
Adjustment pixel Barrier Mastery: Use biotic Barrier 75 times
Stasis Mastery
Adjustment pixel Stasis Mastery: Use biotic Stasis 75 times
Damping Specialist
Adjustment pixel Damping Specialist: Use Damping Field 75 times
AI Hacking Specialist
Adjustment pixel AI Hacking Specialist: Use AI Hacking 75 times
Overload Specialist
Adjustment pixel Overload Specialist: Use Shield Overload 75 times
Sabotage Specialist
Adjustment pixel Sabotage Specialist: Use Sabotage 75 times
First Aid Specialist
Adjustment pixel First Aid Specialist: Use medi-gel 150 times
Neural Shock Specialist
Adjustment pixel Neural Shock Specialist: Use Neural Shock 75 times
Adjustment pixel Scholar: Find all primary Alien: Council Races, Extinct Races and Non-Council Races codex entries
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 16 20:30:56 2013
Adjustment pixel Completionist: Complete the majority of the game
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 23 21:54:56 2013
Adjustment pixel Tactician: Complete playthrough with shield damage greater than health damage
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 23 23:39:22 2013
Medal of Exploration
Adjustment pixel Medal of Exploration: Land on an uncharted world
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 16 21:13:46 2013
Adjustment pixel Rich: Exceed 1,000,000 Credits
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 20 20:11:39 2013
Dog of War
Adjustment pixel Dog of War: Register 150 organic enemy kills
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 18 20:50:38 2013
Geth Hunter
Adjustment pixel Geth Hunter: Register 250 synthetic enemy kills
Adjustment pixel Earned Sat May 18 18:29:42 2013
Soldier Ally
Adjustment pixel Soldier Ally: Complete the majority of the game with the Alliance soldier squad member
Sentinel Ally
Adjustment pixel Sentinel Ally: Complete the majority of the game with the Alliance sentinel squad member
Krogan Ally
Adjustment pixel Krogan Ally: Complete the majority of the game with the krogan squad member
Turian Ally
Adjustment pixel Turian Ally: Complete the majority of the game with the turian squad member
Quarian Ally
Adjustment pixel Quarian Ally: Complete the majority of the game with the quarian squad member
Asari Ally
Adjustment pixel Asari Ally: Complete the majority of the game with the asari squad member
Power Gamer
Adjustment pixel Power Gamer: Reach 50th level with one character
Extreme Power Gamer
Adjustment pixel Extreme Power Gamer: Reach 60th level with one character
Adjustment pixel Renegade: Accumulate 75% of total Renegade points
Adjustment pixel Paragon: Accumulate 75% of total Paragon points
Adjustment pixel Earned Sun May 19 23:53:59 2013
Adjustment pixel Paramour: Complete any romance subplot
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 20 20:51:19 2013
Spectre Inductee
Adjustment pixel Spectre Inductee: Become a Spectre
Adjustment pixel Earned Thu May 16 20:21:36 2013
Adjustment pixel Charismatic: Use Charm or Intimidate to resolve an impossible situation
Adjustment pixel Earned Mon May 20 05:01:15 2013
Search and Rescue
Adjustment pixel Search and Rescue: Locate Dr. T'soni in the Artemis Tau cluster
Adjustment pixel Earned Fri May 17 02:54:38 2013
Colonial Savior
Adjustment pixel Colonial Savior: Complete the Bring Down the Sky mission.
142 players