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Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Mass Effect 1 PS4

Mass Effect Legendary Edition: Mass Effect 1

One person is all that stands between humanity and the greatest threat it’s ever faced. Relive the legend of Commander Shepard in the highly acclaimed Mass Effect trilogy with the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Includes single-player base content and over 40 DLC from Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3 games, including promo weapons, armors, and packs – remastered and optimized for 4K Ultra HD.
  • US May 14, 2021
  • EU May 14, 2021
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 4 icon
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Developer: BioWare
Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • 20 Trophy bronze icon
  • 10 Trophy silver icon
  • 4 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 0 of 35
N7 Elite
Adjustment pixel N7 Elite: ME1: Acquire all trophies
Medal of Honor
Adjustment pixel Medal of Honor: ME1: Complete the game on any difficulty
Medal of Heroism
Adjustment pixel Medal of Heroism: ME1: Complete Feros
Distinguished Service Medal
Adjustment pixel Distinguished Service Medal: ME1: Complete Eden Prime
Council Legion of Merit
Adjustment pixel Council Legion of Merit: ME1: Complete Virmire
Honorarium of Corporate Service
Adjustment pixel Honorarium of Corporate Service: ME1: Complete Noveria
Lift Mastery
Adjustment pixel Lift Mastery: ME1: Use biotic Lift 25 times
Throw Mastery
Adjustment pixel Throw Mastery: ME1: Use biotic Throw 25 times
Warp Mastery
Adjustment pixel Warp Mastery: ME1: Use biotic Warp 25 times
Singularity Mastery
Adjustment pixel Singularity Mastery: ME1: Use biotic Singularity 25 times
Barrier Mastery
Adjustment pixel Barrier Mastery: ME1: Use biotic Barrier 25 times
Stasis Mastery
Adjustment pixel Stasis Mastery: ME1: Use biotic Stasis 25 times
Damping Specialist
Adjustment pixel Damping Specialist: ME1: Use Damping Field 25 times
AI Hacking Specialist
Adjustment pixel AI Hacking Specialist: ME1: Use AI Hacking 25 times
Electronics Specialist
Adjustment pixel Electronics Specialist: ME1: Use Shield Overload 25 times
Sabotage Specialist
Adjustment pixel Sabotage Specialist: ME1: Use Sabotage 25 times
First Aid Specialist
Adjustment pixel First Aid Specialist: ME1: Use medi-gel 50 times
Neural Shock Specialist
Adjustment pixel Neural Shock Specialist: ME1: Use Neural Shock 25 times
Meritorious Service Medal
Adjustment pixel Meritorious Service Medal: ME1: Complete Ilos
Adjustment pixel Archivist: ME1: Find all primary Alien: Council Races, Extinct Races and Non-Council Races codex entries
Adjustment pixel Completionist: ME1: Complete the majority of the game
Medal of Exploration I
Adjustment pixel Medal of Exploration I: ME1: Land on an uncharted world
Medal of Exploration II
Adjustment pixel Medal of Exploration II: ME1: Land on 4 uncharted worlds
Medal of Exploration III
Adjustment pixel Medal of Exploration III: ME1: Land on 8 uncharted worlds
Soldier Ally
Adjustment pixel Soldier Ally: ME1: Complete 5 missions with the Alliance soldier squad member
Sentinel Ally
Adjustment pixel Sentinel Ally: ME1: Complete 5 missions with the Alliance sentinel squad member
Krogan Ally
Adjustment pixel Krogan Ally: ME1: Complete 5 missions with the krogan squad member
Turian Ally
Adjustment pixel Turian Ally: ME1: Complete 5 missions with the turian squad member
Quarian Ally
Adjustment pixel Quarian Ally: ME1: Complete 5 missions with the quarian squad member
Asari Ally
Adjustment pixel Asari Ally: ME1: Complete 5 missions with the asari squad member
Adjustment pixel Principled: ME1: Accumulate 75% of total possible Paragon or Renegade points
Spectre Inductee
Adjustment pixel Spectre Inductee: ME1: Become a Spectre
Adjustment pixel Charismatic: ME1: Use Charm or Intimidate to resolve an impossible situation
Search and Rescue
Adjustment pixel Search and Rescue: ME1: Locate Dr. T'soni in the Artemis Tau cluster
Colonial Savior
Adjustment pixel Colonial Savior: ME1: Complete the Bring Down the Sky mission.
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