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Marvel\'s Midnight Suns PS5

Marvel's Midnight Suns

Marvel's Midnight Suns is a new tactical RPG set in the darker side of the Marvel Universe, putting you face-to-face against demonic forces of the underworld as you team up with and live among the Midnight Suns, Earth's last line of defense.
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Platform: PlayStation 5 icon
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Developer: Firaxis
Publisher: 2K Games
  • 48 Trophy bronze icon
  • 9 Trophy silver icon
  • 3 Trophy gold icon
  • 1 Trophy platinum icon
Progression: 1 of 61
Big Game Hunter
Adjustment pixel Big Game Hunter: Obtain all other Midnight Suns Trophies
Lilith Returns
Adjustment pixel Lilith Returns: Complete the tutorial.
Adjustment pixel Earned Tue Jan 31 18:45:45 2023
Oshtur's Gift
Adjustment pixel Oshtur's Gift: Acquire the "Open" Word of Power.
A Light Extinguished
Adjustment pixel A Light Extinguished: Complete the New York story missions.
Big Mad
Adjustment pixel Big Mad: Complete the Southwest story missions.
Family is Forever
Adjustment pixel Family is Forever: Complete the Transia story missions.
Are You On Superlink?
Adjustment pixel Are You On Superlink?: Gain a Friendship Level with any hero.
Did We Just Become Best Friends?
Adjustment pixel Did We Just Become Best Friends?: Reach the maximum Friendship Level with any hero.
Friendship is Magic
Adjustment pixel Friendship is Magic: Reach the maximum Team Friendship Level in the Abbey.
Hunter the Explorer
Adjustment pixel Hunter the Explorer: Find every Haven on the Abbey Grounds in a single campaign.
Cape of Many Colors
Adjustment pixel Cape of Many Colors: Apply a Suit palette to every Hero in a single campaign.
And Look Good Doing It
Adjustment pixel And Look Good Doing It: Spend 1500 Gloss on cosmetic options for the Hunter.
Make a House a Home
Adjustment pixel Make a House a Home: Purchase 10 different upgrades for the Hunter's Quarters.
Might Need Pockets
Adjustment pixel Might Need Pockets: Craft a combat item at the Item Bench.
Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble
Adjustment pixel Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble: Use Agatha's Cauldron to complete a Recipe.
With a Box of Scraps
Adjustment pixel With a Box of Scraps: Craft a hero ability card in the Forge.
You Absolute Legend
Adjustment pixel You Absolute Legend: Complete a Midnight Sun Challenge in the Forge.
Fully Operational
Adjustment pixel Fully Operational: Build every Abbey upgrade in a single campaign.
The Best Girl
Adjustment pixel The Best Girl: Pet Charlie 15 days in a row.
Unrequited Love
Adjustment pixel Unrequited Love: Pet Ebony on 4 different days.
Extracurricular Activities
Adjustment pixel Extracurricular Activities: Attend all Abbey Club meetings in a single campaign.
Spread the Pain
Adjustment pixel Spread the Pain: Complete a Daily Sparring session with every hero.
Some Minor Adjustments
Adjustment pixel Some Minor Adjustments: Apply mods to 10 different hero abilities.
T.H.R.E.A.T. Eliminated
Adjustment pixel T.H.R.E.A.T. Eliminated: Survive 3 turns in the THREAT Room with every hero.
Elemental, My Dear Agatha
Adjustment pixel Elemental, My Dear Agatha: Solve the mystery of Agatha's Altar.
Atum's Call
Adjustment pixel Atum's Call: Acquire the "Reveal" Word of Power.
Hyppus' Aid
Adjustment pixel Hyppus' Aid: Acquire the "Purify" Word of Power.
Set's Favor
Adjustment pixel Set's Favor: Acquire the "Break" Word of Power.
The Keymaster
Adjustment pixel The Keymaster: Open 25 Arcane Chests.
Wisdom of the Woods
Adjustment pixel Wisdom of the Woods: Collect 10 of every Reagent.
A Coven Restored
Adjustment pixel A Coven Restored: Solve the mystery of Hiram Shaw's church.
A Mother's Gift
Adjustment pixel A Mother's Gift: Solve the mystery of Lilith's Garden.
A Shining Light
Adjustment pixel A Shining Light: Reach maximum Light Balance.
A Growing Darkness
Adjustment pixel A Growing Darkness: Reach maximum Dark Balance.
Fully Armed
Adjustment pixel Fully Armed: Acquire every Hunter ability.
Challenge Accepted
Adjustment pixel Challenge Accepted: Complete 10 Mission Challenges.
You Have the Lead
Adjustment pixel You Have the Lead: Complete a general mission led by every hero.
Back in Time for Lunch
Adjustment pixel Back in Time for Lunch: Complete a general mission in 2 turns or less.
We Have Ways
Adjustment pixel We Have Ways: Interrogate 5 enemies.
Adjustment pixel KKRRAKATHOOM: Spend 10 Heroism with a single ability.
Quantity is Quality
Adjustment pixel Quantity is Quality: Use 8 hero abilities in a single turn.
Collateral Damage
Adjustment pixel Collateral Damage: KO 4 enemies with a single environmental.
Dream Team
Adjustment pixel Dream Team: KO a villain with a Hero Combo.
Speed Kills
Adjustment pixel Speed Kills: KO a villain with a Quick ability.
Kitchen Sink
Adjustment pixel Kitchen Sink: Use 5 environmentals in a single turn.
Wilhelm Scream
Adjustment pixel Wilhelm Scream: Knockback 2 enemies into Drops in a single turn.
Not a Scratch
Adjustment pixel Not a Scratch: Complete a general mission where no hero takes Health damage.
Pinball Wizard
Adjustment pixel Pinball Wizard: KO multiple enemies with a single Knockback 25 times.
Needful Things
Adjustment pixel Needful Things: Use 25 combat items.
Trading Up
Adjustment pixel Trading Up: Redraw 75 cards.
Big Guns
Adjustment pixel Big Guns: Use 3 different Legendary hero abilities in a single mission.
Marvel’s Midnight Suns: The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Adjustment pixel The Good, the Bad, and the Undead: Complete all Deadpool story missions
Dr. Deadpool, MD, PhD, JD, RN, CPA
Adjustment pixel Dr. Deadpool, MD, PhD, JD, RN, CPA: Complete all Deadpool research
That Special Feeling
Adjustment pixel That Special Feeling: Complete Deadpool's Midnight Sun Challenge mission.
Time to Make the Chimichangas!
Adjustment pixel Time to Make the Chimichangas!: Reach maximum En Fuego with Deadpool.
Adjustment pixel Hemophobic: Complete a Vampyre mission without any hero gaining Bleed from a Vampyre Bite.
Marvel’s Midnight Suns: Redemption
Adjustment pixel Redemption: Complete all Venom story missions.
Comeback King
Adjustment pixel Comeback King: Complete all Venom Research.
Lethal Protector
Adjustment pixel Lethal Protector: Complete Venom's Midnight Suns Challenge mission.
Never Been Satisfied
Adjustment pixel Never Been Satisfied: Completely spend and then refill Venom's Ravenous meter in a single encounter.
It's All Connected
Adjustment pixel It's All Connected: Modify 5 general missions using the Whisper Web.
61 players