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Marvel Pinball PS3

Marvel Pinball

Join Spider-Man, Wolverine, Iron Man, and Blade on four pinball tables powered by the dazzling Pinball FX 2 engine. Use your pinball wizardry to save the world from the most notorious super villains, and relive the greatest moments of the classic Marvel Universe in an epic pinball adventure!
  • US December 14, 2010
  • EU December 15, 2010
  • JP N/A
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Platform: PlayStation 3 icon

Developer: Zen Studios
Publisher: Zen Studios
  • 43 Trophy bronze icon
  • 4 Trophy silver icon
  • 1 Trophy gold icon
Progression: 1 of 48
Cathari Treasure
Adjustment pixel Cathari Treasure: Max out your funds by recovering treasures and vampire stashes on Blade.
Forsaken Shrine
Adjustment pixel Forsaken Shrine: Have Blade take a Darkhold chapter to the shrine and suppress it on Blade.
Glorious Sunshine
Adjustment pixel Glorious Sunshine: Complete all stages of the Final Mission and defeat Dracula on Blade.
Tony Stark, Living Legend
Adjustment pixel Tony Stark, Living Legend: Complete all Tony Stark missions on Iron Man table!
The Invincible Iron Man
Adjustment pixel The Invincible Iron Man: Complete the Whiplash and Mandarin missions on Iron Man table!
Adjustment pixel Ultimo: Destroy Ultimo on Iron Man table!
Aunt May's Dinner Party
Adjustment pixel Aunt May's Dinner Party: Start Aunt May's Dinner Party by hitting all the Websling ramps two times on Spider?Man table!
Adjustment pixel Earned Wed Nov 14 18:04:07 2012
Clone Chaos
Adjustment pixel Clone Chaos: Complete all four stages and lock three balls into Doc Ock hole to start the Wizard Mode: Clone Chaos on Spider?Man table!
Smart Move
Adjustment pixel Smart Move: You can get this Trophy when a pumpkin bomb ball explodes in one of Doctor Octopus' tentacles on Spider?Man table.
Ninja Technique
Adjustment pixel Ninja Technique: Hit one of the Hand ninjas by dumping the ball on him on the Wolverine table.
Adamantium Bonded
Adjustment pixel Adamantium Bonded: Find Adamantium and complete a successful bonding process on the Wolverine table!
Healing Factor Overloaded
Adjustment pixel Healing Factor Overloaded: Engage Sabretooth in battle and defeat him on the Wolverine table!
Adjustment pixel Partners: Reach 100 Team Force to win this trophy!
Adjustment pixel Comrades: Reach 1000 Team Force to win this trophy!
Adjustment pixel Friends: Reach 5000 Team Force to win this trophy!
Fearsome Foursome
Adjustment pixel Fearsome Foursome: Start the Fantastic Four-Ball multiball mode for the first time on Fantastic Four.
Adjustment pixel Ignition: Set the sign of the Fantastic Four on fire with Human Torch on Fantastic Four.
Adjustment pixel Fantastic!: Finish all the main missions, and save the World on Fantastic Four.
The Omnipotent
Adjustment pixel The Omnipotent: Clear the way to the Cosmic Cube and grab it for a wish on Captain America!
The Howling Commandos
Adjustment pixel The Howling Commandos: Gather the Howlers one-by-one by searching through the forests. Unlock Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones, Jim Morita and Jacques Dernier to aid you during your adventures on Captain America!
Total Victory
Adjustment pixel Total Victory: Complete each mission from Cap and the Red Skull, find at least one of the Howlers and defeat the Red Skull in a series of battles in the Final Clash on Captain America!
Crowd Pleaser
Adjustment pixel Crowd Pleaser: Make at least three rounds in a row on the jump ramp of the Ghost Rider table!
Hellfire Gun
Adjustment pixel Hellfire Gun: Collect at least one Super Jackpot during Helluva Multiball on the Ghost Rider table!
Spirit of Vengeance
Adjustment pixel Spirit of Vengeance: Beat all of the villains including the final boss on the Ghost Rider table!
Sworn Enemies Of Asgard
Adjustment pixel Sworn Enemies Of Asgard: Complete all the Asgard missions on the Thor table!
Divine Warrior
Adjustment pixel Divine Warrior: Wield Mjolnir and defeat Surtur and the hord of Hela on the Thor table!
The traitor
Adjustment pixel The traitor: Defeat the traitor Loki on the Thor table!
Adjustment pixel Whirlybird: Take off with the Whirlybird on the Moon Knight table.
Lunar Legionnaire
Adjustment pixel Lunar Legionnaire: Rout at least a hundred thugs on the Moon Knight table.
Dark Side of the Moon
Adjustment pixel Dark Side of the Moon: Complete the Final Mission and defeat the evil deity amid the stellar cataclism on the Moon Knight table.
Gather The Team
Adjustment pixel Gather The Team: Collect 3 heroes to help Xavier battle against Magneto on the X‑Men table.
Finally Defeat Magneto
Adjustment pixel Finally Defeat Magneto: Spell out X‑MEN and bring Magneto to his knees on the X‑Men table.
Pinball Wizard with 3-Balls
Adjustment pixel Pinball Wizard with 3-Balls: Defeat Magneto in Final Clash or destroy 2 Sentinels during Danger Room Training on the X‑Men table.
Silver Surfin'
Adjustment pixel Silver Surfin': Ride the surfboard with the Silver Surfer, and score a Surfer Award on Infinity Gauntlet.
Reaver of Souls
Adjustment pixel Reaver of Souls: Trap the souls of the worlds and start the Half of the Universe mode on Infinity Gauntlet.
To Infinity
Adjustment pixel To Infinity: Beat Thanos, and possess the Infinity Gauntlet to rule the Infinity Gems on Infinity Gauntlet.
Enter Hulk's Arena
Adjustment pixel Enter Hulk's Arena: Enter Hulk's Arena on the World War Hulk table!
Hulk's Vengeance
Adjustment pixel Hulk's Vengeance: Complete all the Main and Side missions on the World War Hulk table!
The Final Battle
Adjustment pixel The Final Battle: Fend off the humans' military laser attack on the Wold War Hulk table!
Army of the Serpent
Adjustment pixel Army of the Serpent: Collect all targets before the walker destroys them during Blitzkrieg USA on the Fear Itself table!
Avengers assemble!
Adjustment pixel Avengers assemble!: Score a triple jackpot during Avengers' Multiball on the Fear Itself table!
Prophecy fulfilled
Adjustment pixel Prophecy fulfilled: Beat all of the Worthy and Skadi to confront the Serpent on the Fear Itself table!
Back from the Dead
Adjustment pixel Back from the Dead: Perform a successful bang back with the Captain America ball. Perform a bang back by nudging the table at the right time as the ball heads down an outlane.
Just Like the Movie
Adjustment pixel Just Like the Movie: Start all game modes with each Avenger character ball that correspond to the character whose game mode is being played.
Avengers Assembled
Adjustment pixel Avengers Assembled: Assemble the Avengers and start the Wizard mode against Loki and his army.
Prison Break
Adjustment pixel Prison Break: Break into the Prison and start the Ambush with Captain America on Civil War.
Law Enforcement
Adjustment pixel Law Enforcement: Lead a successful ambush with Iron Man on Civil War.
King and Goddess
Adjustment pixel King and Goddess: Unite all of the heroes on your side then start the wizard mode on Civil War.
145 players