Punitive Soldier: You've put down a power holder.
Earned Sun Oct 31 05:31:00 2010
Story Completed: You've completed the story mode.
No Guard: You've gone cleared a scene without any guard.
Earned Sat Nov 6 03:56:38 2010
Counter Master: You've succeded in all of the counter actions.
Debut in Our Ranking: You've made a debut in our ranking.
Killed 10,000: You've killed 10,000 enemies in total.
100 Chained: You've achieved 100 chaines.
No Restart: You've completed the story mode on Normal difficulty without using a continue feature.
All S Rank Completed: You've completed all scenes of the story mode on Normal difficulty at S rank.
1 Kill Cleared: You've gone cleared this scene by defeating exclusively the power holder.
No Repair: You've completed the story mode on Normal difficulty without repairing the vessel of spirit.